Elite: Game talk

16 Jul 2017, 3:20pm
Jack Dekerdt I keep wanting to see what engineers is really about but don't have much interest in the apparent grind for the goodies--the scales just have not tipped for me to see the side trips for exotic bric-a-brac as worth it. That may change in the future, but for now, my Python is all natural, no silicon, lol.

The grind isn't anywhere near as aggravating as it used to be, first with those damned commodities they used to make you drive half way across the bubble to get(usually in a ship not made for hauling cargo), then having to search for planets with the minerals you need by actually landing on them and sampling ore.  Now there are no commodities needed at all, and planets list the mineral components that you can find on them.  The only thing you really have to work for are the data components, and that is just more RNG mission searching.  

Just a side note, not anything having to do with your comment Jack - I really have to laugh when I hear people complaining about how difficult getting engineering components are these days - they have no idea what it used to be like all the way back in 2016....
16 Jul 2017, 8:21pm
Python isn't meant to be a fighter? It's a multi-role and a very capable combat vessel when outfit right.
16 Jul 2017, 9:11pm
Semantics only - it is a "fighting" ship, most certainly, but not a "fighter" - small and nimble 1-2 person combat ship.  This game seems(to me, at any rate) to have the relative ship classes confused a bit size-wise.  The Federal Corvette always has seemed a bit big to me for a corvette-class ship, unless it is just a branding name that Core Dynamics decided to use and not an actual ship class.  It seems more along the lines of a frigate when compared to the big capitol ships.  The Clipper or Python, even the FGS and FdL, seem more corvette sized.  And where are the destroyer class ships?  My opinions only, mind you.  It does leave open a lot more room for some larger combat ships, though...
17 Jul 2017, 1:19pm
Hello commanders. Im totaly new to this website and was wondering how to get an Inara Api Key and what does it do? Its still empty and greyed out in my settings.
17 Jul 2017, 1:23pm
Errol1967Hello commanders. Im totaly new to this website and was wondering how to get an Inara Api Key and what does it do? Its still empty and greyed out in my settings.

If you don't know what it's for, why do you want it?
17 Jul 2017, 2:22pm
James Hussar
Errol1967Hello commanders. Im totaly new to this website and was wondering how to get an Inara Api Key and what does it do? Its still empty and greyed out in my settings.

If you don't know what it's for, why do you want it?

I know a little bit, this api key is linked to the game, so it keep up your stats? So how do I get this key? I just asked a normal question.
17 Jul 2017, 2:25pm
James Hussar
Errol1967Hello commanders. Im totaly new to this website and was wondering how to get an Inara Api Key and what does it do? Its still empty and greyed out in my settings.

If you don't know what it's for, why do you want it?

I know a little bit, this api key is linked to the game, so it keep up your stats? So how do I get this key? I just asked a normal question.

Oh, I'm not trying to give you a hard time about it. Just curious if you had some specific interest or goal for it, or if it was more of a "now that I know it exists, I wanna play with it" question (which IMO is the best kind).
17 Jul 2017, 3:02pm
It is intended for the upcoming Inara API, there is unfortunately no way how to easily link to the Frontier's database/API. All hopes ruined.
17 Jul 2017, 4:57pm
ArtieIt is intended for the upcoming Inara API, there is unfortunately no way how to easily link to the Frontier's database/API. All hopes ruined.

Ok tnx for the reply
17 Jul 2017, 9:15pm
Artie, maybe at this point you should just add a label that says "DO NOT PUSH" on the button, then add a board topic that makes an entry every time somebody pushes the button...

"Oliver Hardy pushed the button!"
18 Jul 2017, 5:27am
Ok so, trying to locate a 4A fuel scoop for my dbx, using the search system here, focusing listings of the same day and high tech locations all saying stock, nothing, 10+ places visited with no avail. is there something I am overlooking?

Cheers in advance o7
18 Jul 2017, 10:50am
I believe your standing with the major powers and local factions play a part in what modules are available as well. We have discussed this before, but no light has been shed on the inner workings of module availability yet that I know of. Keep on looking, you'll find one....and buy TWO if you have the funds for it. Having to repeat one of those module searches sucks if you don't have a lot of time to devote to the game.
18 Jul 2017, 6:36pm
CaceiniOk so, trying to locate a 4A fuel scoop for my dbx, using the search system here, focusing listings of the same day and high tech locations all saying stock, nothing, 10+ places visited with no avail. is there something I am overlooking?

Cheers in advance o7


what fitting re you putting on you dbx? if you are looking for long range kitout you probably want 4D rather than 4A.

ive just kit out mine for long range passenger circuits, and can now do 5M passenger trips in about 15-20 hops. im hoping to get this down quite a bit after visiting a few engineers, hopefully edging up to ~50ly per hop.
18 Jul 2017, 6:59pm
Hi guys need assistance again how do I find stations that have discounts?
18 Jul 2017, 7:28pm
iDavidson69Hi guys need assistance again how do I find stations that have discounts?

I'm pretty sure any station that is in a Li Yong-Rui controlled system will have a 15% discount in the shipyard and outfitting.

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