Elite: Game talk

06 Aug 2017, 2:16am
Bang One Overhay can any one help me outfiiting the fer-de-lance please an what mods i should have its a bit confuseing for me i have 2 multi cannons and a huge beam lasser and im not sure how to do it up for combat as ive always done passenger missions and exploration,

So now its time to try the combat side of things and havent a bloody clue lmao, thank you very much

There are many, many great builds that you can make for a Ferdie. Just a few questions:

Is this a PvP build? Or PvE?

Wingmates, or no?

Would you consider going through the extra effort of enginering and powerplay factions?
06 Aug 2017, 9:13am
Otiz P Jivefunk
NathnileHi everyone thanks for the warm welcome,

are there players from inara active on the ps4 version?

Second how can I import my commanders log details from the ps4 to this website if that's even possible xD

Hey brother, i'm on PS4. I've been using this site since ps4 launch, but just made a profile last week-ish. Great community here honestly.
Manually entering yer data, isn't so bad. A bit do do when starting, but if you leave this open as you play, and remember to add as you go for cargo, it's not a big deal. All the other data I usually just enter at the end of a play session if i know i'm not coming back for the day.

I'm having issues atm with seeing anyone online that i newly add in game even tho ps4 lists them in game, so there's no point in adding new ppl for the moment. It's in the works with Fdev as i type this, so hopefully it will be fixed soon.

06 Aug 2017, 3:36pm
Buenos Tardes Space-Amigos, Can anyone tell me if I have a sidewinders chance in CZ of collecting a UA, then a UP, then returning to the HIP 14909 Thargoid site with them, before my hull goes all diuretic on me?
I have no Corrosive-Resistant cargo racks (and very little desire to do anything time consuming to get them) but I'm at the site now and i'd quite like to have a look around the interior later. I could pick up an AFMU from Maia if I need it but will that even be good enough? Anyone done this without CR racks?
(Also any tips on UP hunting would be welcome)
08 Aug 2017, 5:04am
o7 CMDRs

I'm a PS4 player and has been writing this LOG of my story, as a mini sci-fi novel with some ekstra stuff to keep it immersed. Some of cause has nothing to do with the game, but it's something my mind can't let go while enjoying the REAL lore and gameplay of Elite Dangerous.

Been putting quite some time in it, so if anyone would like to read and follow, please do.
- I would appreciate a "shiny" one on my entries


What do you guys think?

08 Aug 2017, 5:39pm

I'm a PS4 player and has been writing this LOG of my story, as a mini sci-fi novel with some ekstra stuff to keep it immersed. Some of cause has nothing to do with the game, but it's something my mind can't let go while enjoying the REAL lore and gameplay of Elite Dangerous.

Been putting quite some time in it, so if anyone would like to read and follow, please do.
- I would appreciate a "shiny" one on my entries


What do you guys think?


I've started reading your stuff.

I would be willing to offer you constructive feedback via PM.
08 Aug 2017, 7:49pm
Stryker Aune

I'm a PS4 player and has been writing this LOG of my story, as a mini sci-fi novel with some ekstra stuff to keep it immersed. Some of cause has nothing to do with the game, but it's something my mind can't let go while enjoying the REAL lore and gameplay of Elite Dangerous.

Been putting quite some time in it, so if anyone would like to read and follow, please do.
- I would appreciate a "shiny" one on my entries


What do you guys think?


I've started reading your stuff.

I would be willing to offer you constructive feedback via PM.

Any feedback would be nice, please do.

09 Aug 2017, 4:22am
Hello CMDR's o7

I am not sure if anyone has done this before but here goes, I have been investigating the data that we gather throughout our travels for Engineering Blueprints and have found myself more than once having a full data bank with a whole heap of data I just don't need or use and since I have all relevant (to me) Engineers at Grade 5 I have written out a list of what data to keep and what to discard based on a very simple priority system. 1. Important to Keep, 2. Keep Just in case/Future Blueprints, 3. Discard. 

Please bear in mind that it is keeping grade 5 quality items as Priority 1 only and I have ignored the details of anything that is not max rank for the applicable Blueprints

Please also note that if you are buying the experimental effects from the Engineers then you may need to keep some of the lower grade data to boost the rank back to 5,

Personal Priority | Engineering Data | Grade | Used in Blueprints
3 | Aberrant Shield Pattern Analysis | 5 | Shield Booster
3 | Abnormal Compact Emissions Data | 5 | Scanners/Sensors/Thrusters
3 | Adaptive Encryptors Capture | 5 | Scanners
3 | Anomalous Bulk Scan Data | 3 |
3 | Anomalous FSD Telemetry | 3 |
3 | Atypical Disrupted Wake Echoes | 2 |
3 | Atypical Encryption Archives | 4 |
3 | Classified Scan Databanks | 3 |
3 | Classified Scan Fragment | 5 | Scanners/Sernsors
1 | Cracked Industrial Firmware | 5 | All Non-Explosive Weapons/Power Distributor/Thrusters/SCB
1 | Datamined Wake Exceptions | 5 | Frame Shift Drive
3 | Decoded Emission Data | 4 |
3 | Distorted Shield Cycle Recordings | 3 |
3 | Divergent Scan Data | 4 |
3 | Eccentric Hyperspace Trajectories | 4 |
1 | Exceptional Scrambled Emission Data | 3 | Shield Cell Bank
3 | Inconsistent Shield Soak Analysis | 4 |
3 | Irregular Emission Data | 4 |
3 | Modified Consumer Firmware | 4 |
1 | Modified Embedded Firmware | 5 | Lasers/Cannons/Plasma Accelerator
3 | Open Symmetric Keys | 3 |
2 | Pattern Alpha Obelisk Data
2 | Pattern Beta Obelisk Data
2 | Pattern Delta Obelisk Data
2 | Pattern Epsilon Obelisk Data
2 | Pattern Gamma Obelisk Data
2 | Peculiar Shield Frequency Data
3 | Security Firmware Patch | 4 |
3 | Specialised Legacy Firmware | 3 |
3 | Strange Wake Solutions | 4 |
3 | Tagged Encryption Codes | 3 |
1 | Unexpected Emission Data | 5 | Lasers/Cannons/Scanners/Sensors/Thrusters
2 | Unidentified Scan Archives
2 | Unknown Material Composition Data
2 | Unknown Residue Data Analysis
2 | Unknown Ship Signature
2 | Unknown Structural Data
2 | Unknown Wake Data
1 | Untypical Shield Scans | 5 | Shield Booster/Shield Generator

I may also work on Materials in the near future unless someone else has already done it and I have missed it or nobody wants to know.

Fly with purpose out there o7
09 Aug 2017, 7:28am
Download "ED ENGENEER" it has all info on data and materials and keeps them up to date as you use/collect them.
09 Aug 2017, 7:30am
Excellent Thank you o7
09 Aug 2017, 10:49am
Does anyone know a good source of Painite? Finding 50 is proving tricky. Played for 2yrs Elite rank and never seen 1t of the stuff. Pls reply or DM/PM me thank you.
09 Aug 2017, 10:59am
lft 65 planet 4 ....pristine rings....
09 Aug 2017, 4:42pm
Doogz73Does anyone know a good source of Painite? Finding 50 is proving tricky. Played for 2yrs Elite rank and never seen 1t of the stuff. Pls reply or DM/PM me thank you.

Painite can only be obtained by mining and refining it from metallic rings.
I strongly recommend prospector limpets
09 Aug 2017, 4:55pm
Doogz73Does anyone know a good source of Painite? Finding 50 is proving tricky. Played for 2yrs Elite rank and never seen 1t of the stuff. Pls reply or DM/PM me thank you.

Painite can only be obtained by mining and refining it from metallic rings.
I strongly recommend prospector limpets
Addendum: Pristine Metallic Rings. Other types give massively reduced outputs of the three P's (Painite, Platinum, Palladium)
09 Aug 2017, 4:57pm
Doogz73Does anyone know a good source of Painite? Finding 50 is proving tricky. Played for 2yrs Elite rank and never seen 1t of the stuff. Pls reply or DM/PM me thank you.

Painite can only be obtained by mining and refining it from metallic rings.
I strongly recommend prospector limpets

Also, if you're mining for Painite, you might as well mine the other 2 P's, (Platnum, Palladium) and make yourself a tidy profit.
09 Aug 2017, 10:19pm
Sorted thanks, now running grade 5 boosters on the beast

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