Elite: Game talk

30 Jul 2017, 10:35pm
Hi cmdrs trying to add the group in game no search resultswhat do i type in.
30 Jul 2017, 10:47pm
Not sure what you are asking here. Do you mean Inara?
31 Jul 2017, 12:56am
Don't worry about it. Thanks anyway
01 Aug 2017, 7:13am
Hello everyone! Who's on here right now?

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 01 Aug 2017, 7:58pm
01 Aug 2017, 7:14am
Hellooo who's on right now?
01 Aug 2017, 12:58pm
JohnFreeman24Hellooo who's on right now?

You should get on the Discord chat - plenty always on there....
01 Aug 2017, 4:19pm
Oliver N. Hardy
JohnFreeman24Hellooo who's on right now?

You should get on the Discord chat - plenty always on there....
Good call thank you
01 Aug 2017, 6:25pm
well frig...kay....so BGS. That means what?
i'm not THAT old? Am I? frig. lmfao. For the life of me i'm trying to figure that out, bet it's stupid simple too eh...

oh mannnnn, i turned into my parents!! lol
01 Aug 2017, 6:27pm
BGS = BackGround Simulator

Basically, the system that allows faction influences and various states to change based on player activity ad/or inactivity. Amongst other things.
01 Aug 2017, 6:34pm

uh huh. ahhh welll, lol. Yep i know of this BGS you refer to.....yep. Thanks.
01 Aug 2017, 6:49pm
Otiz P Jivefunkyeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

uh huh. ahhh welll, lol. Yep i know of this BGS you refer to.....yep. Thanks.

It is actually quite important. The question you asked in the Nexus board, the response you received from both Jem and myself, refer to manipulating the BGS as to put Inara Nexus in a favorable position.

Her response, was you run missions for IN, which increases it's influence in the system,
Mine was, undermine Inara Independents (a rivaling faction) as to decrease their influence in the system
01 Aug 2017, 6:58pm
yep, this stuff i didn't go old on. lmao

I DO appreciate the extra info, but i do know the BGS in how it works, just didn't realize BGS was what it stood for. hehehe
thanks again tho, really. you guys are super helpful.
01 Aug 2017, 7:21pm
Luke3107BGS = BackGround Simulator

Background Simulation
01 Aug 2017, 7:23pm
Ground Back Stimulation
01 Aug 2017, 7:56pm
Back grinding stimulation?

I regret nothing.

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