Elite: Game talk

yesterday, 9:25pm
Has anyone scanned a C type Hypergiant Star please?
I went to the one reported in the Codex at 171 Puppis (which apparently I had already discovered anyway) and it did not register in the Codex as a discovered C type Hypergiant.
I am attempting to complete the Codex for Inner Orion Spur.
yesterday, 9:28pm
I am using 5A Armoured/Thermal PWs on my AX KMKII and PMKII, both are with all AXMCs and 1 2D GR5 beam/vent. There are no power issues whatsoever and they can boost to 547 and 567.
yesterday, 11:40pm
AHit's time to stop smelling the flowers
Speaking of a particular kind of flowers, Krait Mk2 is well capable of smelling all the shit out of them.
today, 12:32am
Kasumi GotoMissile racks… the Sirius modified ones in question here have been found to be the “best” at Titan bombing if you want to maximize your damage before running out of ammo (while standard shard cannons supposedly perform the best per vent/core cycle), they may also be good if you’re into slaughtering Orthrus as (poor) target practice. I say poor because they are so slow it should be almost impossible to miss.

Speaking of Orthrus, the Sirius AX missile racks are also pretty good at removing Banshees from the Spire sites before slaughtering Orthruses there, although if you want to do that solo, be prepared to have to synthesize ammo for the AXMRs — it takes many missiles to kill a Banshee, so if you have to kill all 8 that way you’re not going to have many left. (You’ll also need at least one AXMC, preferably two, to deal with all the Scouts that will spawn there.)
today, 10:39am
So, I made some changes to my brand new Krain MK II.


FSD range is still unacceptable (24.35ly). Martuuk crawled around in there and made some changes but so far, I am not impressed. Did I make a mistake not going to Farseer first?
Looks like, I need to jump back to Martuuk's shop to complete the last 4 and 5. Will it get any better`?

Last edit: 01 Oct 2024, 10:44am
today, 11:55am
AHSo, I made some changes to my brand new Krain MK II.


FSD range is still unacceptable (24.35ly). Martuuk crawled around in there and made some changes but so far, I am not impressed. Did I make a mistake not going to Farseer first?
Looks like, I need to jump back to Martuuk's shop to complete the last 4 and 5. Will it get any better`?

If you click on export in EDSY, you can create a URL with your build. This way it is easier to make suggestions to you. But here's the big question: what is that build supposed to do?
today, 3:29pm
Salutations Commanders,
I am new to this game and still in the learning stage, so any help will be greatly appreciated.
What is the purpose of getting messages from NPC when we enter a star system? Like sometimes we see messages related to someone's wedding or something about a late arrival of some tourist liner or some other stuffs.
I know that when we have a bounty hunting target we get messages from the target just before we get interdicted or shooting.
So the rest of the messages are all only for aesthetics or can we take action to these messages?
today, 3:50pm

If you click on export in EDSY, you can create a URL with your build. This way it is easier to make suggestions to you. But here's the big question: what is that build supposed to do?

I did that. It just opens the inara.cz with 3 options: OD and 2 other games or something. I select Ody, nothing happens.

Answer to your question: It should take me from A-B, fast, and if I get in trouble give me a chance... or if I get fed up with collecting DNA samples, I can practice something more violent Maybe bounty hunting or something. I did few "can a politician" or blow up that power/turret/something but those end with me behind bars + tiny fee and 60+ Ly road back "home". That got old really fast. LOL.

There is a second Export under : OPS

today, 4:00pm
User455123Salutations Commanders,
I am new to this game and still in the learning stage, so any help will be greatly appreciated.
What is the purpose of getting messages from NPC when we enter a star system? Like sometimes we see messages related to someone's wedding or something about a late arrival of some tourist liner or some other stuffs.
I know that when we have a bounty hunting target we get messages from the target just before we get interdicted or shooting.
So the rest of the messages are all only for aesthetics or can we take action to these messages?

Ignore seems to be the right action. Messages regarding your missions are a different story. Read those.
today, 4:03pm
AHI did that. It just opens the inara.cz with 3 options: OD and 2 other games or something. I select Ody, nothing happens.

Answer to your question: It should take me from A-B, fast, and if I get in trouble give me a chance... or if I get fed up with collecting DNA samples, I can practice something more violent Maybe bounty hunting or something. I did few "can a politician" or blow up that power/turret/something but those end with me behind bars + tiny fee and 60+ Ly road back "home". That got old really fast. LOL.

There is a second Export under : OPS


A Krait with a loadout such as this and no FSD booster is not known for its great range. You could consider swapping out a cargo rack for the booster (providing you have it unlocked).

Or the docking computer in the C3 slot, if you’re willing to go without it.

Also, a D rated shield will have much less mass than E rated while providing slightly better protection and marginally higher power draw, which will still fit into the limit anyway.
today, 4:51pm
Kasumi Goto A Krait with a loadout such as this and no FSD booster is not known for its great range. You could consider swapping out a cargo rack for the booster (providing you have it unlocked)..

Along those lines... You have 64 tons of cargo but it is not optimized.

You have two 5e cargo racks holding 32t each. One of those is in a level 6 module slot. If you want 64 t of cargo, just put a 6e cargo rack (64t) in the level six slot and free up the level 5 slot for something else.

As much as it gets said, I'll repeat it, specialized ships perform their specialized tasks more efficiently than generalized ships perform all tasks. So, eventually the goal should be to build a combat ship, an explorer, a hauler, a miner, etc
today, 4:52pm

Answer to your question: It should take me from A-B, fast, and if I get in trouble give me a chance... or if I get fed up with collecting DNA samples, I can practice something more violent Maybe bounty hunting or something. I did few "can a politician" or blow up that power/turret/something but those end with me behind bars + tiny fee and 60+ Ly road back "home". That got old really fast. LOL.

There is a second Export under : OPS


Ok, so in German we say "eierlegende Wollmilchsau" (translates as "egg-laying woolmilk pig"). Here's an attempt on a sniper/bounty hunter/explorer with lots of engineering. But it focuses on being fast, light and has good range (40+LY unladden): https://edsy.org/s/v3N5VXM
today, 5:02pm
AH... It should take me from A-B, fast, and if I get in trouble give me a chance... or if I get fed up with collecting DNA samples, I can practice something more violent Maybe bounty hunting or something. I did few "can a politician" or blow up that power/turret/something but those end with me behind bars + tiny fee and 60+ Ly road back "home". That got old really fast. LOL.

Honestly, I know you *JUST* bought the Krait, but based on your description of uses, I think you'd really enjoy flying a small nimble ship. I can recommend the Courier, for example. It doesn't have a lot of Module space, but the build I use (see my fleet) gets me around quickly. Mine is more of a bubble mission A-to-B ship, but with a few mods, it could have a bit longer of a jump range.

Kasumi Goto A Krait with a loadout such as this and no FSD booster is not known for its great range. You could consider swapping out a cargo rack for the booster (providing you have it unlocked).

Or the docking computer in the C3 slot, if you’re willing to go without it.

Also, a D rated shield will have much less mass than E rated while providing slightly better protection and marginally higher power draw, which will still fit into the limit anyway.

I agree with much of the above, regarding your Krait MK2. I suggest a larger FSD booster, like 5H. I also suggest a better shield gen that is a smaller size. So, maybe 5D. Drop the Module Reinforcement Package, as you're not doing anything that will mess with that. And add an AFMU, if you're worried about module wear and tear.

In summary, as if I were doing this:
- Drop the Torp pylon. (In fact, maybe drop all but the essential weapons. You have to choose combat or long-range and/or accept the cost of choosing one to the other.)
- Lightweight Armor
- D rate the heck out of those core internals, except PPlant and FSD.
- Lower the tank size to a 16 cap (saves you weight and you can always scoop for more)
- Optional internals as follows:
6 = 6A Fuel Scoop
6 = Highest size AFMU
5 = 5H FSD Booster
5 = 5C or 5D shield gen
4 = Cargo Rack, if you must
3 = 2G SRV Hangar
3 = DSS
2 = Adv Docking
1 = SC Assist
today, 5:04pm
AHSo, I made some changes to my brand new Krain MK II.


FSD range is still unacceptable (24.35ly). Martuuk crawled around in there and made some changes but so far, I am not impressed. Did I make a mistake not going to Farseer first?
Looks like, I need to jump back to Martuuk's shop to complete the last 4 and 5. Will it get any better`?

The Krait Mk II is not designed (like the Phamtom) as an exploration ship, she is a medium Combat ship and as such, her Jump Range is limited.

If you want a longer Jump Range from a Krait you chose the wrong one, the Phantom is far better for the role especially because they are like most medium ships, sensitive to internal load, in short, you must compromise and swap this load including Modules, to optimize the Jump range.

If I were you I'd fit my MKII for Combat and start from scratch with a Phantom.

today, 5:07pm
The Krait Mk II is not designed (like the Phamtom) as an exploration ship, she is a medium Combat ship and as such, her Jump Range is limited.

If you want a longer Jump Range from a Krait you chose the wrong one, the Phantom is far better for the role especially because they are like most medium ships, sensitive to internal load, in short, you must compromise and swap this load including Modules, to optimize the Jump range.

If I were you I'd fit my MKII for Combat and start from scratch with a Phantom.

I agree with Thinder here. You've seen me advise the Phantom before.
Flying two Kraits, one for combat and the other for exploration, would be a good way to go. It'd allow you to maximize the use of each too.

If you want to find a compromise in between though, hopefully some of the aforementioned modifications will help.

Last edit: 01 Oct 2024, 5:34pm

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