Elite: Game talk

18 Oct 2017, 1:50pm
Gravity sucks.

18 Oct 2017, 4:36pm
Sirrus TamusRemlock is the suit.... I thought it was just the helmet. .... Helmet Thrusters???? hmmmm?

Yep! Remlock make the suits, the entire flightsuit. Tbh I think they're the only suit manufacturer in the galaxy, or at least in game.
18 Oct 2017, 4:46pm
Draxxa Kireth
Tigon OlogdringThe FSD must have some sort of gravitational/inertial effect, otherwise everyone would simply be pate. (which is like spreadable bacon)



18 Oct 2017, 7:08pm
Logan DarklighterQuick lore/tech question:

I notice the orbital stations are generally "O'Neil" type (Like Babylon 5) and long-range "station" sized ships (like the Victoria's Song and Gnosis) all either rotate or have rotating sections like the Hermes from the book and movie "The Martian" (to use a recent example)

So - I always assumed the various non-rotating Outposts - and our player ships - were zero-g environments when in space. Until I came across something curious that made me wonder about whether this was universally true or not.

On a trip to an Outpost recently I spotted what looked like a "showroom floor" that you could look into from above. It had various small ship models like Eagles and Cobras scattered about as if for a trade show. And the look of it made me think that people would walk around to see the exhibits. Until I remembered - "hey wait - isn't this place supposed to be zero-gravity?"

Why would they lay out the place like that? Lack of imagination? I suppose it wouldn't hurt anything by being this way and having everything oriented towards a "floor".

But it did make me stop and question what I assumed. Is there anywhere to read up on this sort of thing? It's not terribly important to anything. Just curious.

Nice catch! I know in Drew Wagar's books, he talks about using magnetic boots on small ships. Larger stations and Empire capital ships use "artificial" (i.e. centripetal force) gravity. I'd guess it was mag boots or something similar on an outpost. Where was this station? I always love "window peeping" on the domes and such. (heh! guilty pleasure confessed!)
18 Oct 2017, 7:27pm
PSA (this is from the EDRPG corebook):

Artificial gravity does not exist in the Elite: Dangerous universe so you may find yourself in zero or very low gravity environments quite often. Most people who work in zero gravity wear magboots that allow them to stick to solid surfaces. These devices are quite advanced and do not slow your movement at all. If you are using magboots your movement is unaffected whilst in a zero gravity environment.
18 Oct 2017, 8:06pm
Isaiah EvansonPSA (this is from the EDRPG corebook):

Artificial gravity does not exist in the Elite: Dangerous universe so you may find yourself in zero or very low gravity environments quite often. Most people who work in zero gravity wear magboots that allow them to stick to solid surfaces. These devices are quite advanced and do not slow your movement at all. If you are using magboots your movement is unaffected whilst in a zero gravity environment.

Well okay then! How about that? That pretty neatly answers the question. Thanks!

Although it's interesting that it says it doesn't slow movement at all. I bet anything that "magboots" are more complicated than just "magnets on your feet". The end result would wind up looking more like the boot Tony Stark was working on for the Mk 2 in the first Iron Man film. With mags in place of repulsor thrusters obviously. An articulated boot structure that actually helps you by acting as an exoframe for your feet and ankles and assists you in maintaining the leverage you need to move forward without the need for "shuffling" your feet. High-end models would likely have an adaptive AI that "learns" how you move and how to assist you.
18 Oct 2017, 8:12pm
Nice catch! I know in Drew Wagar's books, he talks about using magnetic boots on small ships. Larger stations and Empire capital ships use "artificial" (i.e. centripetal force) gravity. I'd guess it was mag boots or something similar on an outpost. Where was this station? I always love "window peeping" on the domes and such. (heh! guilty pleasure confessed!)

Oh gosh - I can't remember now! But I do know I've seen it more than once. I just can't remember when.

Just for reference - the type of outpost is what I think of as the "Classic" configuration - the "L" shape outpost with the docking bays along the long end of the "L". The portion of the station I was peeking into was along the short part of the "L" if that makes any sense?
18 Oct 2017, 10:57pm
Logan Darklighter
Isaiah EvansonPSA (this is from the EDRPG corebook):

Artificial gravity does not exist in the Elite: Dangerous universe so you may find yourself in zero or very low gravity environments quite often. Most people who work in zero gravity wear magboots that allow them to stick to solid surfaces. These devices are quite advanced and do not slow your movement at all. If you are using magboots your movement is unaffected whilst in a zero gravity environment.

Well okay then! How about that? That pretty neatly answers the question. Thanks!

Although it's interesting that it says it doesn't slow movement at all. I bet anything that "magboots" are more complicated than just "magnets on your feet". The end result would wind up looking more like the boot Tony Stark was working on for the Mk 2 in the first Iron Man film. With mags in place of repulsor thrusters obviously. An articulated boot structure that actually helps you by acting as an exoframe for your feet and ankles and assists you in maintaining the leverage you need to move forward without the need for "shuffling" your feet. High-end models would likely have an adaptive AI that "learns" how you move and how to assist you.

I would imagine that mag-boots function somewhat like that, with tiny sensors and pressure scales linked to powered electromagnets that constantly adjust their strength with one's gate to create an Earth-normal feeling of walking. Not sure if an exoframe is needed.

More interesting to me is how the deleterious effects of low and no gravity are dealt with. We in the IWG have concocted the head canon that ship rations are engineered food designed to negate these effects. It's a bit hand-wavy, yes- but it's also a bit of a bother to write a scene where your action hero has to pursue the bad guy in a wheelchair because he's spent too long in space!
18 Oct 2017, 11:01pm
If anyone can do it, it's you Matt.

I look forward to the Thing where Lehman has tripped over his slippers and has to help Kyndi out while keeping his leg rested :-P
18 Oct 2017, 11:37pm
M. Lehman[quote=Logan Darklighter][quote=Isaiah Evanson]PSA (this is from the EDRPG corebook):

We in the IWG have concocted the head canon that ship rations are engineered food designed to negate these effects. It's a bit hand-wavy, yes- but it's also a bit of a bother to write a scene where your action hero has to pursue the bad guy in a wheelchair because he's spent too long in space!

Hand wavey?!?! Nah! Compared to engineers making improvements to frameshift drives that "nobody really understands how they work..." and ships making 90 degree course corrections in supercruise, that seems to be marvelously well thought out! Facts shouldn't mess up a good story!
19 Oct 2017, 2:15am
It occurs to me that medical nanotechnology might be pretty advanced a thousand years from now. Enough that a nano-bot cluster specifically programmed to head off Zero-G depredations such as bone loss and cardio weakening is considered standard operating procedure (SOP) for anyone doing long term work in the black.

In fact - I wonder if nano-tech gene therapy might be used to "evolve" humans into a space-faring sub-species that generally has more native resistance to those sorts of problems. Obviously not as extreme as the Navigators Guild in DUNE. But perhaps a sort of "Homo-Sapiens-Astro"? With - among other things, an improved sense of spatial awareness in 3D (evolved brain function) and a vestibular system in the ear that can handle transitions to and from zero-g without any nausea, perhaps?

Food for thought.
19 Oct 2017, 2:30am
Oh - I just reminded myself of something. I played a very long term Traveller campaign back in the day. (Pen and Paper RPG FYI) and my namesake character was a Scout for the Third Imperium before he went into independent adventuring.

I played him long enough that I'd come up with a few interesting quirks. One of which is vaguely relevant to the discussion.

He had spent his formative years in a system where there were no large planets (excepting a couple of gas giants), but a very extensive series of asteroid belts and rings. He grew up on space stations and asteroid colonies. And the biggest open spaces he ever saw were places like the main habitat rings, agricultural domes, or docking areas of stations very much like what we see in ED.

He discovered during training in the service that he had a variant of agoraphobia - fear of open spaces. A very SPECIFIC variant.

He had no fear of open space and EVA's were routine to him. But an open sky and a horizon that curves down and away to create a horizon was very unnatural and unnerved him. And his finely tuned spatial navigation sense utterly failed him on any planetary surface to the point where he'd get lost almost immediately without help from a map app either in a HUD or in a handheld. With that sort of assistance he could function. And he could get past his phobia enough to work and live on the ground when he needed to. But he could never have settled down on a planet, even if he really liked some of them. A ringworld or a HALO on the other hand would have been no problem.

I imagine this sort of thing might not be unheard of in the ED-Verse.
19 Oct 2017, 5:33am
I highly recommend to anyone that is interested in the lore of Elite to pick up EDRPG's corebook. There is a plethora of information regarding how humanity has adapted to living in space - not to mention the other juicy lore tidbits. And it's a pretty slick game too.
19 Oct 2017, 8:18am
19 Oct 2017, 8:48am
Nuvva subject: today's Google theme is a person — Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar. I cannot believe that there's no station, either orbital, asteroid or ground-based, named for him.

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