Elite: Game talk

30 Dec 2016, 4:26pm
Arcik ErgagoHere is where I am at commanders. I like flying, I like ED, I like shooting stuff, I don't much like being a space hauler, or miner, and I feel lost. I have a well outfitted Imperial eagle and an adder thats built just to deliver stuff. I want to be more active in game so I am going to find a wing that will accept me as a relatively new player without a ton of funds.

What is my next step? What should my next ship be? I need to find something more than just grinding in resource areas.

Grinding in extraction resource site. As in bounty hunting in the site and/or mining? Have you tried bounty hunting sitting off of a nav beacon, and pulling your mark out of SC with an interdictor and having at it? How about piracy? It can be fun and challenging. I enjoy salvaging. Maybe try some exploration. Head out to Colonia, then back, just to say you did. (though I suspect that the trip alone would drive anyone insane)

There is powerplay...wait, you said you were done with grinding. Well you could try powerplay for a bit and see if it's the type of grinding you like. (you can get some fun modules that way. Though, certain ones are more useful then others)

What about BGS manipulation? Go into a system and try to mess with the "State" they are in, playing evil mastermind. The minor factions as your pawns.

There is also CQC, which can be a lot of fast paced fun.

Or, you could just muck about aimlessly and try to interact with other players?

You and a friend could each fit T9 haulers with rails, and then go jousting.

Just some ideas.

Last edit: 30 Dec 2016, 4:50pm
30 Dec 2016, 4:31pm
Arcik ErgagoHere is where I am at commanders. I like flying, I like ED, I like shooting stuff, I don't much like being a space hauler, or miner, and I feel lost. I have a well outfitted Imperial eagle and an adder thats built just to deliver stuff. I want to be more active in game so I am going to find a wing that will accept me as a relatively new player without a ton of funds.

What is my next step? What should my next ship be? I need to find something more than just grinding in resource areas.

For your next ship I'd recommend a Cobra Mk III, it's a nice general purpose ship that can be for combat or hauling. But if you're more combat focused than a Viper Mk III will be an enticing choice of ship.

As for a wing to take you on, my own wing ITIF would be willing to work with you. We do have a few more members than what's listed on Inara, though I will admit a lack of activity from most of them recently. But I'm willing to help with what I do know if you're interested.
30 Dec 2016, 7:18pm
i need to ask! lately i see so many new objects like coms beacons or other similar nav. points that we can travel to and im wondering if we have any means of interacting with them , if so how do we do it?
30 Dec 2016, 7:28pm
Fly to them in Supercruise and then drop down on them. Some things, like tourist beacons, will provide messages about the game's lore. Others, like unregistered comms beacons, will transmit an audible message at certain intervals (on the hour, 15 past the hour, 30 past, etc.) but they usually consist of numbers and are part of a code.
30 Dec 2016, 9:20pm
Isaiah EvansonFly to them in Supercruise and then drop down on them. Some things, like tourist beacons, will provide messages about the game's lore. Others, like unregistered comms beacons, will transmit an audible message at certain intervals (on the hour, 15 past the hour, 30 past, etc.) but they usually consist of numbers and are part of a code.

thank you
31 Dec 2016, 10:44am
Cobra III then an Asp Explorer(good for smuggling runs)

Also assist in Mining is a good way of earning free credits
31 Dec 2016, 7:54pm
nope it was just a data drop from one place to another i did get attacked but escaped
31 Dec 2016, 10:56pm
Well, it's 3303 now. I'm going to go get shitfaced back at Aymifa. Fly safe everyone. Don't drink and fly.
31 Dec 2016, 11:10pm
Happy New Year and all that. And I'm not a guy who gets shitfaced. My liver and me are good friends, and I like to keep it that way At any rate, see you out in the black.
31 Dec 2016, 11:55pm
Happy New Year everyone. I've been here only 4 months but I look forward to another 12 months.

See you in the black CMDRs o7
01 Jan 2017, 12:30am
Never trust someone who wont get blackout drunk at holidays and embarrass them self in front of friends and family.
01 Jan 2017, 12:32am
Well I am already a few gins down. *hic*
01 Jan 2017, 12:56am
Drunk flying is the best kind of flying though.
01 Jan 2017, 1:05am
Isaiah EvansonDrunk flying is the best kind of flying though.

We in the Inara Writer's Guild heartily condemn all forms of intoxicated flying...

... without snacks.
01 Jan 2017, 1:20am
What kind of snacks?

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