Elite: Game talk

07 Nov 2017, 3:15pm
That's cheap is that with LYR discounts?
07 Nov 2017, 3:21pm
[quote=Faarken]That's cheap is that with LYR discounts?[/quote

Ship bought at Li Yong-Rui

Modules at founders world
07 Nov 2017, 3:39pm
Thought so my Anaconda is 400 million and climbing and I haven't A rated the power plant yet.
07 Nov 2017, 3:44pm
FaarkenThought so my Anaconda is 400 million and climbing and I haven't A rated the power plant yet.

You can get 30% discount but have to be high ranked on CQC

Shame nothing fits on the cutter but a vet u can scavenge the conda
07 Nov 2017, 3:47pm
Remind me never to tangle with that thing it looks like it would pack a punch. Must surprise a few people with those frag cannons.
07 Nov 2017, 3:50pm
Close range for them and screening shot so stop multi cannon's
07 Nov 2017, 8:57pm
Hi guys/gals,

I'm new here to Inara and not much "older" in E:D, trying to learn my way thru the galaxy.

One of my initial goals in the game is to go to Sol, just to see what has been done to our original "home".

However, as much as I do, I can't get to increase my reputation, not to mention my rank. Surely, I'm not spending hours a day playing but, I would say I already cumulated some experience as miner, trader and running missions (almost only for Federation related fractions) but I simply don't get any improvement in my rank/reputation/status.

One think that I didn't do is combat/cqc and I'm now starting exploration but somehow I'm not convinced that this will help.

Can someone shed some light on what's the best way to achieve the necessary rank and get the permit to Sol?

I appreciate your comments

07 Nov 2017, 9:58pm
Hi Ra-Sen.

Two main mission types to increase rank are - data transfer missions and donation missions for fed factions.

You need to focus on doing these in bulk - volume not value matters. You will quickly unlock the sol permit.

Oh and once your rep fills up to 100% for the rank keep an eye out for ranking missions which raise yr rank up a level.
07 Nov 2017, 11:09pm
Just got terrorized by Cmdrs Niatra and Dangerous.com

His souped up Fer De Lance and my teeny weeny Eagle. Bullies... Both of them.
No dialogue, I had nothing of value.
50 million in assets and credits, gone. Nearly four years of an hour or two a week playing time, gone..........

I won`t be playing this in open, ever, ever, again.
07 Nov 2017, 11:10pm
Blood VipreJust got terrorized by Cmdrs Niatra and Dangerous.com

His souped up Fer De Lance and my teeny weeny Eagle. Bullies... Both of them.
No dialogue, I had nothing of value.
50 million in assets and credits, gone. Nearly four years of an hour or two a week playing time, gone..........

I won`t be playing this in open, ever, ever, again.

Don't blame open. Blame the fact that you flew without rebuy and in four years never bothered to learn basic evasive skills.

And how on earth did you lose fifty million in assets in an Eagle?
07 Nov 2017, 11:11pm
I'm confused, which bit was worth 50 mil in assets. Not the Eagle surely. Either way sorry to hear that, greifers be out there.

Ha, I got sniped with the same question.
07 Nov 2017, 11:37pm
I don't understand how you lose 4 years of work and 50MM in credits by dying in an eagle? Can someone educate me?
08 Nov 2017, 12:20am
Well, in my opinion the whole problem of Open isn't that crimes aren't punished enough, insufficient rebuys or similar stuff. The problem with Open is that usually most punished is always a victim that didn't provoked the conflict. The attacker choose time, place and target and I doubt he will usually pick a stronger victim than himself or disadvantageous conditions. Mixing PvE and PvP is always a pain, when not made right and that's why I never fly Open in Elite. It's shame that CQC is so disconnected from the main game, I had fun in it.
08 Nov 2017, 12:31am
M. Lehman
Blood VipreJust got terrorized by Cmdrs Niatra and Dangerous.com

His souped up Fer De Lance and my teeny weeny Eagle. Bullies... Both of them.
No dialogue, I had nothing of value.
50 million in assets and credits, gone. Nearly four years of an hour or two a week playing time, gone..........

I won`t be playing this in open, ever, ever, again.

Don't blame open. Blame the fact that you flew without rebuy and in four years never bothered to learn basic evasive skills.

And how on earth did you lose fifty million in assets in an Eagle?

Yeah. I'm calling BS on this until there's more details.
08 Nov 2017, 12:36am
Logan Darklighter
Blood VipreJust got terrorized by Cmdrs Niatra and Dangerous.com

His souped up Fer De Lance and my teeny weeny Eagle. Bullies... Both of them.
No dialogue, I had nothing of value.
50 million in assets and credits, gone. Nearly four years of an hour or two a week playing time, gone..........

I won`t be playing this in open, ever, ever, again.

I'm also a bit confused how you lose 50 million getting killed in an Eagle. Even my hottest, most modified ship - A Fer De Lance with A-Rated everything and 70% Engineered systems, doesn't come close to that level of re-buy if it gets destroyed.

Nevertheless, I feel you on how many bastards are playing in open. Look up the info on "Smiling Dog Crew" or CMDR Harry Potter/Besieger sometime if you want your faith in humanity utterly and completely tanked.

I normally fly solo, private group or in Mobius. I've been burned myself by griefers once too often.

But I was in open play a couple of days ago. The ONLY reason I was playing in open was that it seemed like the only way to get a wing going for the Thargoid CG. Higher population and all that.  I was flying back to the station after an unsuccessful outing in a Rando Wing trying to take down a Thargoid. The Starfish actually RAN. Never saw that before.

I'm at 40% hull integrity and modules averaging 80%. I'm also NOT set up for PVP in the slightest.

And some asshole jumps me less than 10 light seconds from the station. He was WAITING for wounded birds like my poor Anaconda to be coming back.  

Oh HELL no. I'm not giving some rat bastard like that the satisfaction of the kill and rebuy.

I pulled "the loud handle".

The "Loud Handle" is what fighter pilots call the eject system activation - sometimes it's a hoop between the legs. Sometimes it's above the head. The end result is the canopy is ejected and the ejection seat is rocketed out of the cockpit.

In my case, the "Loud Handle" is the USB Wireless "dongle" that connects me to the internet by way of the Router Wi-Fi.

Boom. Done. In game he just sees me vanish.

Yeah it's a "combat log". Yeah in some people's eyes it's breaking the rules, terms of service, whatever.

F***K it. I don't care. I wasn't set up for PVP. I'm not A-Rated or engineered enough. A fair fight is for fools. And that was in no way a fair fight.

And I am no fool.

I was going to lose. Yes - I forfeited the fight. But I also get to KEEP MY MONEY.

Cheeky bastard also had the balls to try and "friend" me when I logged back in about 20 minutes later (In Solo mode, just to be safe). PFFFT. YeahRIGHT. Like I said - I'm nobody's fool. That request is DENIED.

Someday when I'm a better pilot and have a fully PVP rated ship, I'll fight back fair and square. But until that time. NOPE. Loud handle is the way to go.

And don't fly in open unless you absolutely have no choice.

Combat logging is weaksauce no matter how you try to justify it.

EDIT: It's also against Frontier's EULA, so maybe think twice before advocating it in a public forum, mmk?

Last edit: 08 Nov 2017, 12:48am

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