Elite: Game talk

09 Dec 2017, 7:53am
Draxxa KirethThis is for the BGS specialists...:


Faction A is starting a war to control a system AA, and has as well present in system AB....

Question: what happens with the INF if you deliver the combat bond in another system (AB in this case) where they are as well present....will the INF of faction A be raised where the war happened? (btw fyi this happened due to lack of large landing pad in system AA)

No, influence will be raised in the system you cashed them, not where you earned them.
09 Dec 2017, 8:37am
Draxxa KirethThis is for the BGS specialists...:


Faction A is starting a war to control a system AA, and has as well present in system AB....

Question: what happens with the INF if you deliver the combat bond in another system (AB in this case) where they are as well present....will the INF of faction A be raised where the war happened? (btw fyi this happened due to lack of large landing pad in system AA)

Shooting ships in CZ in System AA and handing in the Combat bonds (CB) there is the main source of % change in that System during an armed conflict (Civil War / War).

You want to keep the War to it's minimum duration of 4 days, because you will lose % in all other Systems your MF is present in during that time. The only lifesaver is if your MF is in control of said Systems, because then you can use Bounty hunting as a way against the decay.

Yet there's a certain trick to that.

You might've noticed that whenever you're shooting wanted ships of a MF, the Rep of them is being decreased (even though the ships are wanted and thus they should thank you for to weed out their criminals). This is being reversed the moment you hand in the Bounty vouchers for the appropriate faction.

So what you want to do is this:

Hop into a RES (or if those aren't present, go hunt in Supercruise or enter USS with high Threat level), use the Kill Warrant Scanner and kill wanted ships of all MF in a System except your own.


The factions will get a negative hit on their % everytime you kill one of their wanted ships. Then you go and hand in the Bounty vouchers of your MF (which hopefully controls the System).

None of the others should be turned in as long as your conflict state lasts.

With this tactic we're able to contain the % loss in Systems we're in control. There are no great gains, but the decay is slowed or even slightly reversed.

If you're not yet in control in a System, this might not work in your favor.

This tactic has been thoroughly used and confirmed to work. At least in our region of the bubble.

Last edit: 09 Dec 2017, 9:06am
09 Dec 2017, 8:37am
Thank you Marra!

@Ryan the question was on Combat bonds and CZ...but however, your extensive answer has been educational, and interesting! and certainly usefull

In my model, the effect Combat bond flows back to the issuer, just like Bonties....additional the bond is tied to the loss for the involved party, they loose influence because of that, so it's not only the perspective of winning, but as well degrading influence........somehow googled documentation is not clear on it as well...and doesn't rule out the other model

Last edit: 09 Dec 2017, 9:19am
09 Dec 2017, 10:30am
RyaustalI don't fully understand how to find .... well anything with my SRV. I fly around see a big blue circle, I land, I look, I find nothing but dirt. I went looking for rocks to mine and just happen to fumble onto 2 rocks in about 1-2 hours time. Is there some secrete to using the SRV sonar that I don't know yet because right now I pretty much just drive in one direction until I am bored and then drive into another direction until I get bored then I do something stupid like last night I tried to fly the SRV off of a 20km mountain down into a crater hoping to get some reward. It didn't end well as about half way down I clipped a rock and went into an uncontrollable spin for about 5km then clipped another rock that leveled me out but by this point i am at 5% hull so the landing well.... didn't go so well. The point is that I wanted to mine rocks not do circus tricks. I really don't know why I waste time in the SRV when I can strip mine a ring while watching Punisher on my laptop.

Sorry didn't mean to talk you all on that rant, so back to the question. Is there something I should be looking for on the sonar just above the radar on the SRV that will guide me to something cool or something I can mine?


How to land and use the scanner
09 Dec 2017, 7:46pm
Thinking about taking out this Anaconda build for deep-space exploring in the direction of galactic center. Opinions?
09 Dec 2017, 7:58pm
CalteruThinking about taking out this Anaconda build for deep-space exploring in the direction of galactic center. Opinions?

Check below post...

Last edit: 09 Dec 2017, 8:09pm
09 Dec 2017, 8:07pm
CalteruThinking about taking out this Anaconda build for deep-space exploring in the direction of galactic center. Opinions?

Alright, so I think there is a fair amount of work that can be done to this build. You're packing a lot of stuff you don't need especially for deep space exploration. While you certainly can take that build to the core, you're only weighing yourself down. Chances are, you won't ever need 75% of the stuff in your current build.

Try something closer to this.
09 Dec 2017, 8:16pm
Apex Firethorn Alright, so I think there is a fair amount of work that can be done to this build. You're packing a lot of stuff you don't need especially for deep space exploration. While you certainly can take that build to the core, you're only weighing yourself down. Chances are, you won't ever need 75% of the stuff in your current build.

Try something closer to this.

Thanks! The reason I've got so many modules is because I was trying for a roleplaying thing with the USS Enterprise as a bit of inspiration. It carries a lot of stuff!
09 Dec 2017, 8:19pm
Apex Firethorn Alright, so I think there is a fair amount of work that can be done to this build. You're packing a lot of stuff you don't need especially for deep space exploration. While you certainly can take that build to the core, you're only weighing yourself down. Chances are, you won't ever need 75% of the stuff in your current build.

Try something closer to this.

Thanks! The reason I've got so many modules is because I was trying for a roleplaying thing with the USS Enterprise as a bit of inspiration. It carries a lot of stuff!


But, you're going to save yourself a lot of time and trouble if you don't take them along. You can always use your imagination for RP.
09 Dec 2017, 8:27pm
RyaustalI don't fully understand how to find .... well anything with my SRV. I fly around see a big blue circle, I land, I look, I find nothing but dirt. I went looking for rocks to mine and just happen to fumble onto 2 rocks in about 1-2 hours time. Is there some secrete to using the SRV sonar that I don't know yet because right now I pretty much just drive in one direction until I am bored and then drive into another direction until I get bored then I do something stupid like last night I tried to fly the SRV off of a 20km mountain down into a crater hoping to get some reward. It didn't end well as about half way down I clipped a rock and went into an uncontrollable spin for about 5km then clipped another rock that leveled me out but by this point i am at 5% hull so the landing well.... didn't go so well. The point is that I wanted to mine rocks not do circus tricks. I really don't know why I waste time in the SRV when I can strip mine a ring while watching Punisher on my laptop.

Sorry didn't mean to talk you all on that rant, so back to the question. Is there something I should be looking for on the sonar just above the radar on the SRV that will guide me to something cool or something I can mine?

[img=600x706]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/elite-dangerous/images/3/37/Wave-Scanner-Signals.png/revision/latest?cb=20170319204729[/img] This might help some. Helped me anyway.

These images are awesome. I'll make use of them but they may be info overload for a beginner.

Basically, the width of the wave tells you distance to the source. Wide wave = distant, narrow width = close, top of scan arc = unnatural contact, bottom of arc = natural contact. Follow those 4 basic guideline first and gradually you will learn to distinguish the more subtle differences in the waves themselves.
10 Dec 2017, 3:57am
Hello again,Cmdrs

One note for you and One question

ive done a run in Upsilon Aquaris,and this question about  cruise speed comes up id never considered.
Is there a top speed for cruising,and is it the same for all ships?
Is it engineerabe?

And i had a plesant mission i that suddenly became of moore intrest than ever before.Alternative destination passenger request gave me 17mill in 3min.(Cordinal status)
ill keep a closer look those aslong im there.

10 Dec 2017, 4:12am
That's pretty random but I just realized there's no ads on this website. I wonder how the host is making money to run it. But how generous.


Lars, the speed is all the same for every ships. No ships is going faster or slower than another ship in supercruise. Same goes for when you glide before you land to a planet. I see people boosting, but what's the point? Their speed is frozen at 2,500 c until they arrive.

sirLarsGamblerHello again,Cmdrs

One note for you and One question

ive done a run in Upsilon Aquaris,and this question about  cruise speed comes up id never considered.
Is there a top speed for cruising,and is it the same for all ships?
Is it engineerabe?

And i had a plesant mission i that suddenly became of moore intrest than ever before.Alternative destination passenger request gave me 17mill in 3min.(Cordinal status)
ill keep a closer look those aslong im there.

10 Dec 2017, 4:45am
Thnx for feed,Cmdr

it raises a couple of mooore questions,not that im not stupid enough too  not doo a easy google run on it.
is Cruise and glide gravity based then,the pipps has no effect,so?shouldn you then have diffrent glide and top cruise speed,from system too system,or on planet approach if you like......Maybe there is aswell,i just not been faced or had time too raise such questions too my self before now.1 800 000 gives you that,lol

Maybe this is just one of those practical game stuff,not worth adding.


It will be rear too experiece mooore than 1,4 Celeritas,or1,4 times speed of light(are we trawelling in vacum?) in supercruise for any player then,unless theres a highly special place out there somewhere.Bet u can count those on 2 fingers,lol.


Last edit: 10 Dec 2017, 6:00am
10 Dec 2017, 7:23am
Spent a long time thinking about exploring again, so I spend most of my play time today traveling to Obsidian Orbital.
only to be destroyed by someone waiting for me to get there with the Thargoid probe and sensor I managed to find, along with my first contact since that update.. the experience was totally ruined
10 Dec 2017, 7:41am
Thomas EvansSpent a long time thinking about exploring again, so I spend most of my play time today traveling to Obsidian Orbital.
only to be destroyed by someone waiting for me to get there with the Thargoid probe and sensor I managed to find, along with my first contact since that update.. the experience was totally ruined [img=360x67]https://inara.cz/data/sigs/86/86078.png[/img]


Learn from it; develop your GTFO plan, or make wiser choices on a game mode to suit your playstyle.

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