Elite: Game talk
03 Jan 2018, 4:29pm
03 Jan 2018, 4:42pm
NFC PhistoThankfully you can plug keyboards into XBOXs these days. Don't think you can set macros, so high WPM is recommended.
Just found out about that....X-Box Chatpad.....bought one for my son to use on his console, hoping to keep him off my PC....didn’t work!!
03 Jan 2018, 4:52pm
RyaustalSince we are all on the topic of piracy, at the last CG I was in route with a load full of titanium in my anaconda when I was interdicted by a player pirate in a diamondback explorer. Now I recognize that I have PLENTY of cargo to spare and this little diamond back cannot possibly carry more than 10-20T, so we come to a stop and they message me with "HI."
As I am typing my response the little guy opened fire on me. At first I waited for them to stop and send a demand message, you know like maybe a warning shot, but they didn't, just kept firing. So I deployed my hard points and allowed the rage to swell in me and I opened fire... I just couldn't believe that this little grasshopper would open fire on me.
When their shields dropped and they turned to run I thought about pulling back... but the rage had over taken me and it was too late for them. Seeing their lifeless ship floating off venting atmosphere and fuel brought on a since of sadness over me... this was a pirate that didn't have to die.
The moral of the story is don't be impatient, some people are slow typers, especially on xbox.
Screw that guy. He shot at you and didn't stop shooting, and he sucked vacuum as God intended.
Now, if you're a pirate - there is a lot to be said for courtesy and waiting. Especially for an apparently new player - "do a barrel roll if you understand" might be a nice thing to say. Tell them you're giving them X amount of time to consider their options.
03 Jan 2018, 5:21pm
Marra Morgan Wasn't a pirate.
What was he then?
NFC PhistoNext time I hope that Diamondback brings more gun.
I hope so too!!! If your going to ruin an RP moment you better at least bring the heat!
Silver TafferNFC PhistoThankfully you can plug keyboards into XBOXs these days. Don't think you can set macros, so high WPM is recommended.
Just found out about that....X-Box Chatpad.....bought one for my son to use on his console, hoping to keep him off my PC....didn’t work!!
I use smart glass app on my phone, it connects to the xbox and when I open comms it pops open a keyboard on my phone. This time around however, I was not ready and my phone was on the other side of the room.
03 Jan 2018, 5:24pm
"You might have seen our feed on outbreak on Galnet Commander,no need too worry,just be careful"
its new,huh
03 Jan 2018, 5:25pm
RyaustalMarra Morgan Wasn't a pirate.
What was he then?
He was a ganker. A proper pirate would demand your cargo, and then shoot at you if you didn't comply.
03 Jan 2018, 5:27pm
sirLarsGamblerHehe,Galnet promoting these days.?
"You might have seen our feed on outbreak on Galnet Commander,no need too worry,just be careful"
its new,huh
Galnet employs any old hack nowadays. Cheap journos who are more interested in getting paid than printing the truth. It happens a lot. Especially in Eoto
03 Jan 2018, 5:27pm
Jemine CaesarRyaustalMarra Morgan Wasn't a pirate.
What was he then?
He was a ganker. A proper pirate would demand your cargo, and then shoot at you if you didn't comply.
Thanks Jem, that's exactly right!
03 Jan 2018, 5:30pm
Jemine CaesarsirLarsGamblerHehe,Galnet promoting these days.?
"You might have seen our feed on outbreak on Galnet Commander,no need too worry,just be careful"
its new,huh
Galnet employs any old hack nowadays. Cheap journos who are more interested in getting paid than printing the truth. It happens a lot. Especially in Eoto
03 Jan 2018, 5:31pm
Jemine Caesar
Galnet employs any old hack nowadays. Cheap journos who are more interested in getting paid than printing the truth. It happens a lot. Especially in Eoto
03 Jan 2018, 5:32pm
Jemine CaesarRyaustalMarra Morgan Wasn't a pirate.
What was he then?
He was a ganker. A proper pirate would demand your cargo, and then shoot at you if you didn't comply.
Oh well then that makes me feel better about spacing them.
03 Jan 2018, 5:37pm
So I hired one to fly my fighter and I know they makes a % of the money I make from missions and bounties. I also now know that if I am flying a ship that this NPC is not even on they still take a % of money I earn from bounties and missions.
So my question is while flying together are they gaining their own combat xp or taking some of mine?
The second question is it better to just let them go and rehire them when I am looking for combat in a big ship or should I keep them and develop them into better pilots for a better end game experience?
03 Jan 2018, 5:43pm
Re which is better - if you hire a harmless pilot and train them up, they take a lower cut of your profits than a pilot of the same higher rank that you didnt train. some pilots also appear to get quite attached to their npc crew, i guess it helps build a story.
So it depends if you want to build and use the pilot as a long term investment, or just for a few missions or pvp etc.
Each has their advantage.
03 Jan 2018, 5:51pm
RyaustalI have two questions on npc mulitcrew hires.
So I hired one to fly my fighter and I know they makes a % of the money I make from missions and bounties. I also now know that if I am flying a ship that this NPC is not even on they still take a % of money I earn from bounties and missions.
So my question is while flying together are they gaining their own combat xp or taking some of mine?
The second question is it better to just let them go and rehire them when I am looking for combat in a big ship or should I keep them and develop them into better pilots for a better end game experience?
Dont know about the xp,but they shure suck money if you just keep them as tourists,most of the time they are distraction food,i hire and fire,or dead.
(ithink they make creds on non-combat grinds aswell)(150mill passive payout makes you consider eventually..
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