Elite: Game talk

04 Mar 2018, 6:59pm
Whiplash 1983
HumpsterNotoriety not decreasing as intended. I have been stuck at 6 notoriety know after a firefight with some of Zachary Hudsons ships i caught one with a blast of laser fire and upset it so him and his buddys turned on me in anger i took 6 of them down and legged it.

Notoriety at 6 been logged in for over 12 hours in open and not a single digit decrease is there anyway i can shake this off as its killing the gameplay for me. I have logged with many others as a bug on the Frontier official forum. If i fly back to Zachary Hudson space and get killed will it reset?



You're breaking new ground with that one. I read somewhere the warrant is on the ship and it may stick. I don't think the suicide option works any more either. They say you will spawn in a detention center for the duration of your sentence. All stuff I am trying very hard not to learn about first hand. I do wish you well and I would like to know how this works out.

H mate now down to one, the time period does not seem to be right certainly more than 2 hours but it feels like it varies.  Guess it must need a fix as over on main forums other having same issue. Main thing i guess is not to kill non wanted ships either npc or player controlled
04 Mar 2018, 7:07pm
James Hussar
Brynhild Hervorsdottir
Marra Morgan
Brynhild HervorsdottirAnyone know what Recon Limpets are for? Apparently they're for hacking, but hacking what? Are these for the new megaship interactions or can they be used for other things like planetary scan missions?

Crime stuff. You wouldn't like it

Oh, you misunderstand my stance on crime. Universally illegal things like slavery, smuggling contraband, piracy, and murder just for fun? Not in my wheelhouse. On the other hand, raiding surface settlements for intelligence or striking their skimmers? If my side's declared war on them, then it's perfectly fine. I don't doubt they're pissed and charged me with a crime, but my side's declared it a military target and therefore valid. One thing I do draw the line at is commerce raiding though.

Slavery is not universally illegal. In the Empire, it is a long standing and respected tradition of elevating your station in life from the rabble into proper citizenship. It is a well-regulated industry. In exchange for a few years of indentured servitude, you get healthcare, an education, training in a trade you can market room and board, and Imperial oversight to make sure you are not abused or forced to do anything outside your contract, usually.

Elsewhere in the bubble, slavery is horrific, truly. Humans treated as chattle, forced to work in dangerous environments, worked to exhaustion, demeaned at every turn, and sometimes having their organs sold off to cover the cost of their own upkeep. But this is the same for the Federal peasantry too. They call themselves "free" as if it were some sort of comfort to have to pay for your daily ration of air along with your bunk on some mining colony on the permadark side of a moon nobody's ever heard of. What sort of Freedom is that? You're born to wage slaves, and your own biological needs keep you there.

Now, I will be the first to admit, I was very lucky. I was born in an agricultural economy of an Earthlike G-normal world. But my economic calculus wasn't going to get me much farther than maybe some modest real estate there. I might have had a farm, and might have even died well-off after a score of decades relative comfort. But it would have been an inconsequential life. I was 12 years a slave, and it got me into my first Sidewinder. I was fortunate to sell my contract to an established and respected family, and they would not have suffered the asset forfeiture, never mind the social ostracism, that comes with abusing their contract. I was doubly fortunate that Sir gifted my contract to his daughter when she married (well), and thrice lucky that her husband was very ambitious businessman sourcing materials for Gutayama.  He was away a lot. She was bored and lonely, and was brought up on a farm so I was hardy and fit. She treated me well, got me schooled and trained, took me along on business and leisure where I met all sorts of people and learned about the galaxy that lay outside the local gravity well. Once I got into my 30's, and she had a few kids, Madam's priorities changed and my contract was concluded.  Her husband died unfortunately when a surface miner malfunctioned. I liked him. He entrusted me to mind his wife in his absence, and at times in his presence also. He funded my berth to Trevithick Dock and underwrote the initial loan for my first Sidey. I visit her and the kids regularly. They're not my kids, of course. Slaves cannot have children while under contract. But I'm always welcome, and they will happily renew my indenture when I get tired of the stars. The paperwork is already written - all the years I want of physical needs met to excess in exchange for stories of my wanderings and babysitting of the children's children, teaching them to fish, ride horses, till soil and other essential things one can learn coming up on a farm.

The point is, slavery, at least in the Empire, is a choice one makes. It is no different than marriage in the Alliance or enlistment in the Federation. Some may make this choice under duress, but tell me - how many join the Fed navy just to escape from their circumstances?  How many marry only to have the option of not relieving the life of their parents? Crude slavery is vile. No human deserves to be captured against their will and made to perform like some sort of trained verrix. Imperial slavery though, while sharing the same nomenclature, is nothing of the sort. If I had it to do over again, I would not change a thing, save maybe to get a hippocampal spanner for the duration because on some level, I do feel I was more object than subject regarding that time. It would have cost another year or two, but there it is.

It amuses me no end to watch an Imperial fall over themselves to justify what the technical term, I believe, is debt bondage, aka debt slavery, which is another form of slavery that's often voluntary.

You can settle down, the explanation was unnecessary. I know the difference. When I use the term "slavery", I mean the unregulated form practiced in Anarchy systems. If I meant the Imperial's unique form of self-delusion, I specify "Imperial slavery", as is noted on the commodity markets. I have little to no interest in stopping Imperial slavery, but you better believe you'll never catch me dead flipping an Imperial faction into control of a system.
04 Mar 2018, 7:38pm
So with the changes hitting engineering in 3.0, I decided to go re-fit my Viper III and give them all a go. I've got over to Tod McQuinn at the moment for Multi-cannons, and I'm a little stuck for Special effects.

Running a full multi set up, all Overcharged. On of the smalls with Corrosive.

I want to say Incendiary is still a good bet, but I'm not sure. Oversized and Multi-servo are also looking pretty nifty.

What's anyone else went for if they've looked at it yet?
04 Mar 2018, 7:47pm
Brynhild HervorsdottirYou can settle down, the explanation was unnecessary. I know the difference. When I use the term "slavery", I mean the unregulated form practiced in Anarchy systems. If I meant the Imperial's unique form of self-delusion, I specify "Imperial slavery", as is noted on the commodity markets. I have little to no interest in stopping Imperial slavery, but you better believe you'll never catch me dead flipping an Imperial faction into control of a system.

At the end of the day, we can agree on one thing: whatever a person does relies on their perception of the Galaxy and the conscience she or he has. Or lack thereof.
04 Mar 2018, 8:06pm
At the end of the day, people do stuff.

04 Mar 2018, 10:16pm
Ryan Murdoc
Brynhild HervorsdottirYou can settle down, the explanation was unnecessary. I know the difference. When I use the term "slavery", I mean the unregulated form practiced in Anarchy systems. If I meant the Imperial's unique form of self-delusion, I specify "Imperial slavery", as is noted on the commodity markets. I have little to no interest in stopping Imperial slavery, but you better believe you'll never catch me dead flipping an Imperial faction into control of a system.

At the end of the day, we can agree on one thing: whatever a person does relies on their perception of the Galaxy and the conscience she or he has. Or lack thereof.

I'm not even sure we can agree on that. Objective reality is still a thing.
04 Mar 2018, 10:52pm
This whole "conscience or lack of conscience, morals or lack of morals" shit is really fucking boring.


Next thing you know I'll be branded a closet serial killer because I shot the enemy team in a round of Overwatch. Fuck sake.

So Warhammer 40k fans aren't secretly fascist, and Doom fans aren't secretly mass murderers?

*The more you know jingle*
04 Mar 2018, 11:22pm
(Wettoast) Wanda Fersegi
This whole "conscience or lack of conscience, morals or lack of morals" shit is really fucking boring.


Next thing you know I'll be branded a closet serial killer because I shot the enemy team in a round of Overwatch. Fuck sake.

So Warhammer 40k fans aren't secretly fascist, and Doom fans aren't secretly mass murderers?

*The more you know jingle*

Worse still, Pac-Man fans aren't really MDMA tweakers craving a blacklight rave.
04 Mar 2018, 11:28pm
Isaiah EvansonThe simplest way to determine if you're a slave or not is to ask two questions.

1. Do they have power over you?
2. Would they compel you to obey them against your will?

Governments, priests, emperors, presidents, senators, gods... all claim authority. Disobey them and see what they do. You'll find none of them will let you choose your own path.

A happy slave is still a slave.

ED aside, this is a question plaguing the first world today, isn't it? If you pay taxes, are you 'Free"? If they can jail you for not paying taxes, are you "free"? That way lies libertarianism, anarchism, subsistence farming on Federal land, and *gasp* a voluntary commune full of Ayn Rand fanbois. We come together into communities and societies, giving up some personal sovereignty in exchange for doing together what we cannot do independently. If the idea that you are completely self-reliant didn't flee your brain the first time you paid money for a thing you wanted but could not get by first creating your own dirt, you're stunted.
05 Mar 2018, 12:15am
(Wettoast) Wanda Fersegi
This whole "conscience or lack of conscience, morals or lack of morals" shit is really fucking boring.


Next thing you know I'll be branded a closet serial killer because I shot the enemy team in a round of Overwatch. Fuck sake.

So Warhammer 40k fans aren't secretly fascist, and Doom fans aren't secretly mass murderers?

*The more you know jingle*

Speak for yourself, I make trips to Hell weekly to massacre hoards of demons IRL because DOOM told me it's okay to do so.

In all seriousness though, I can't get over how awesome DOOM 2016 is. Y'all think you're so badass with your ship-mounted Dakka? Doomguy carries his dakka around in his hands.

Last edit: 05 Mar 2018, 12:41am
05 Mar 2018, 1:33am
James Hussar
Isaiah EvansonThe simplest way to determine if you're a slave or not is to ask two questions.

1. Do they have power over you?
2. Would they compel you to obey them against your will?

Governments, priests, emperors, presidents, senators, gods... all claim authority. Disobey them and see what they do. You'll find none of them will let you choose your own path.

A happy slave is still a slave.

ED aside, this is a question plaguing the first world today, isn't it? If you pay taxes, are you 'Free"? If they can jail you for not paying taxes, are you "free"? That way lies libertarianism, anarchism, subsistence farming on Federal land, and *gasp* a voluntary commune full of Ayn Rand fanbois. We come together into communities and societies, giving up some personal sovereignty in exchange for doing together what we cannot do independently. If the idea that you are completely self-reliant didn't flee your brain the first time you paid money for a thing you wanted but could not get by first creating your own dirt, you're stunted.

"A rational anarchist believes that concepts such as "state" and "society" and "government" have no existence save as physically exemplified in the acts of self-responsible individuals. He believes that it is impossible to shift blame, share blame, distribute blame. . . as blame, guilt, responsibility are matters taking place inside human beings singly and nowhere else. But being rational, he knows that not all individuals hold his evaluations, so he tries to live perfectly in an imperfect world. . . aware that his effort will be less than perfect yet undismayed by self-knowledge of self-failure." - Heinlein

Happy to be an anarchist.
05 Mar 2018, 1:40am
I was just gonna say... I was born into my society and over the course of my life time have discovered significant portions of it are horseshit and generally not here to really help me or anyone else. Coming to grips with that, doing what Heinlein describes, is enormously difficult and takes a lot of time. In my case, I'll defer to Bill Watterson in the matter.

'To invent your own life's meaning is not easy, but it's still allowed, and I think you'll be happier for the trouble.'

Happy to be an anarchist, too.
05 Mar 2018, 2:17am
Isaiah Evanson

"A rational anarchist believes that concepts such as "state" and "society" and "government" have no existence save as physically exemplified in the acts of self-responsible individuals. He believes that it is impossible to shift blame, share blame, distribute blame. . . as blame, guilt, responsibility are matters taking place inside human beings singly and nowhere else. But being rational, he knows that not all individuals hold his evaluations, so he tries to live perfectly in an imperfect world. . . aware that his effort will be less than perfect yet undismayed by self-knowledge of self-failure." - Heinlein

Happy to be an anarchist.

Jubal Harshaw from Stranger in a Strange Land is a freaking boss.

Last edit: 05 Mar 2018, 2:28am
05 Mar 2018, 3:19am
Hey is anyone out there having problems with turrets?

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 05 Mar 2018, 10:25am
05 Mar 2018, 3:52am
GaaveraHey is anyone out there having problems with turrets?

I was having a sort of issue with my gimballed multi cannon turrets on my chieftain last night where they would loose lock quite quickly if i wasnt directly targeting the enemy ship.
Dunno if thats the same sort of issue as yours though

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 05 Mar 2018, 10:25am

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