Elite: Game talk

06 Mar 2018, 1:55am
this might sound stupid to some  but have pinned blueprints for two engineers but
they do not show up on either Inara or in game
could there be a logical reason why?
and in game it shows no unlocked engineers
thank you for replies

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 06 Mar 2018, 1:16pm
06 Mar 2018, 2:17am
James HussarThat quote seems very convenient. Basically, I uphold these anarchist principles whenever I can, but compromise on them when it suits me because I have to live in a reality that demands respect for views other than my own. Sounds a bit like hypocrisy. Virtue is only virtue in extremis. If you set aside your virtues in times when to keep them would be inconvenient, they're not virtues but hobbies.

Compromise is a requirement of existence in a society.

Precisely my point. Existence in society does not reconcile with anarchism. As soon as you form bonds and create a collective the needs of which you will compromise your own needs to accommodate, you recognize a "higher authority". The discussion above was all "No gods, no masters, else you're a slave", which is the sort of contrarian ideology which, when coupled with a guitar, will get you laid at college, but doesn't actually work in practice.
06 Mar 2018, 2:19am
I'm a slave to pizza, and that's totally fine with me!
06 Mar 2018, 3:17am
Phisto SobaniiI meant what I said. Autocrats love demanding perfection from those below them without recognizing their own failings.

In other words, show me a human and I’ll show you a hypocrite.

I had a decent rebuttal, but then Inara glitched on submit. Simply being contrary with pithy quips is crap. It's the "How you like dem apples" moment from Goodwill Hunting. It may stir the hearts of people going through an ideological, romantic rebellious phase of their later teens, but it's plaid out shortly after once they realize that their quality of life depends entirely on a supply chain predicated on a complex society. You're either a member of a society, with all the trappings of hierarchical, specialized power structure, or you're a parasite on it's underbelly. There is no third option. Not if you use a computer and an internet connection to have the discussion. Not if you use electricity and a currency other than gold to pay for it. A few posts back you said you were a proud anarchist. Now you say all humans are hypocrites - as if this somehow made you less of a hypocrite for espousing a defective ideology which, if you took just a few minutes to critically consider, you'd drop like a week old ripe diaper.
06 Mar 2018, 3:19am
James Hussar
James HussarThat quote seems very convenient. Basically, I uphold these anarchist principles whenever I can, but compromise on them when it suits me because I have to live in a reality that demands respect for views other than my own. Sounds a bit like hypocrisy. Virtue is only virtue in extremis. If you set aside your virtues in times when to keep them would be inconvenient, they're not virtues but hobbies.

Compromise is a requirement of existence in a society.

Precisely my point. Existence in society does not reconcile with anarchism. As soon as you form bonds and create a collective the needs of which you will compromise your own needs to accommodate, you recognize a "higher authority". The discussion above was all "No gods, no masters, else you're a slave", which is the sort of contrarian ideology which, when coupled with a guitar, will get you laid at college, but doesn't actually work in practice.

Anarchism recognizes society is a work in progress.  Society is not yet what it should be.  Additionally, that realization gets you laid well into adulthood.  You don't even need a guitar!
06 Mar 2018, 3:41am
Phisto Sobanii You don't even need a guitar!

*Picks up acoustic guitar.* Anyway, here's Wonderwall.
06 Mar 2018, 3:45am
06 Mar 2018, 3:56am
anarchy as a complete lack of government really only works if you live by yourself in the woods, and hunt/gather all your supplies. the minute you throw a single other person in the mix its no longer an anarchy, and if you think otherwise your delusional. in fact you could even argue that if you were the only person alive, it still wouldnt be a true anarchy because you would govern yourself. even more so, if there was no life in the entire universe, you could still argue that the universe isnt an anarchy because their are still physical "laws" and systems that govern it. so a "true" anarchy never really works.

now i think you can have "forms" of anarchy. an absence of government on some level could be considered a form of anarchy. for example, i would consider having small scale "tribes", with a complete lack of large scale governments a form of anarchy. im completely confused on whether that should be called a "small scale anarchy" or "large scale anarchy" but i think it should be one of them

so you can have "anarchism" in societies but not "true" anarchism
06 Mar 2018, 4:23am
James Hussar
James HussarThat quote seems very convenient. Basically, I uphold these anarchist principles whenever I can, but compromise on them when it suits me because I have to live in a reality that demands respect for views other than my own. Sounds a bit like hypocrisy. Virtue is only virtue in extremis. If you set aside your virtues in times when to keep them would be inconvenient, they're not virtues but hobbies.

Compromise is a requirement of existence in a society.

Precisely my point. Existence in society does not reconcile with anarchism. As soon as you form bonds and create a collective the needs of which you will compromise your own needs to accommodate, you recognize a "higher authority". The discussion above was all "No gods, no masters, else you're a slave", which is the sort of contrarian ideology which, when coupled with a guitar, will get you laid at college, but doesn't actually work in practice.

That may be what you were trying to say, but that's not how it came across at all. The way I took that response is "You're not upholding your ideals when they're inconvenient, they most not be important". In fact, your very last line accuses them of being hobbies, not ideals. Since the original discussion was about ideals that recognize that sometimes they must be laid by the wayside in order to function, I'd say you're supporting that definition of anarchy. Welcome to the cause.
06 Mar 2018, 4:33am
Discussions like this are amazing to read when no one is attempting to be a nihilistic edgelord.

Last edit: 06 Mar 2018, 4:50am
06 Mar 2018, 4:35am
It's this here that kills me: 'Sounds a bit like hypocrisy. Virtue is only virtue in extremis.'

As if hypocrisy was the highest sin. But never mind that! The only virtue is virtue in the extreme? I mean, I'd like to find that video of the monks slapping themselves in the head with boards to just make fun of the idea if it wasn't responsible for some of the worst suffering humanity ever sees.

James, you guys really gotta put the amateur ethics away and think this stuff through a little better.
06 Mar 2018, 7:15am
A wise man once told me "perfect is the enemy of good."

Pragmatism should be considered a virtue, as it moderates the others.

We are all fundamentally imperfect people. When you stop pursuing perfection, you can be happy with "good enough", and be satisfied with anything that works for you.
06 Mar 2018, 7:23am
A wise woman once said;

Marra Morgan
Philosophy... it's a load of old bollocks, isn't it?
06 Mar 2018, 8:13am
Random ChaosA wise man once told me "perfect is the enemy of good."

Pragmatism should be considered a virtue, as it moderates the others.

We are all fundamentally imperfect people. When you stop pursuing perfection, you can be happy with "good enough", and be satisfied with anything that works for you.

Perfection by itself is an illusion to begin with. And we need to hope never to reach it in any aspect of life, otherwise we'll stop evolving.

But few can cope with being imperfect and thus strive to reach an impossible goal, burning themselves out in the process.

It takes a lot to understand and acknowledge that one is simply human and nothing more.

Last edit: 06 Mar 2018, 8:32am
06 Mar 2018, 9:13am
Ryan Murdoc

But few can cope with being imperfect and thus strive to reach an impossible goal, burning themselves out in the process.

I don't know a single person who has trouble coping with the fact that they're imperfect. Maybe I just hang out with a more mellow crowd.

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