Elite: Game talk

29 Apr 2016, 4:20am
CoragonMining is what you do when you want to enjoy the silence around you, except for the sound the limpets make when they deliver the raw metals or minerals. And the sound of the Refinery when it transforms one form of matter into another.

When you see the Asteroids out there, some seemingly frozen in place, others swirling around slower or faster, realizing they are debris from a impact so powerful that it was able to transform a orbiting moon or a entire planet into a field of rocks floating in space, it makes one sit there in awe.

We're always - both in RL and this game - chasing after some monetary gains. RL one can understand, without the ability to pay your rent or otherwise you're pretty much done for, unable to live a so called normal life. But the Credits in this game are imaginary money, just a number created by 0's and 1's, like the rest of what you see.

If anyone wants to be a slave to numbers, be my guest. I sure as heck will not be, and enjoy Mining as something to kick back and relax, and not as something that pressures you to be efficient.

Totally agree. I've not commented on the petty bickering of late which is long drawn out IMHO. I'm on INARA for many reasons but CIVILITY is one of the main reasons. We are a diverse lot but we've always been polite (with very rare exceptions). We all have our experiences, impressions, and opinions, and for the most part people are really helpful to one another. I say if you want to play my 'gun' is bigger STEAM or FD forums are the place to be. Now, to Coragon's point...I picture mining as that pilot kicking back with one foot on the console, leaning back with a beverage of his/her choice listening to the ship do its work in peace, well, lol, until the incoming alert blasts and pirates have found you. I'll have to give mining a go when I tire of Robigo runs.
29 Apr 2016, 11:16am
Jack Dekerdt

Totally agree. I've not commented on the petty bickering of late which is long drawn out IMHO. I'm on INARA for many reasons but CIVILITY is one of the main reasons. We are a diverse lot but we've always been polite (with very rare exceptions). We all have our experiences, impressions, and opinions, and for the most part people are really helpful to one another. I say if you want to play my 'gun' is bigger STEAM or FD forums are the place to be. Now, to Coragon's point...I picture mining as that pilot kicking back with one foot on the console, leaning back with a beverage of his/her choice listening to the ship do its work in peace, well, lol, until the incoming alert blasts and pirates have found you. I'll have to give mining a go when I tire of Robigo runs.

If you do, please make sure you got A4 Refinery, A3 PLC (Prospector Limpet Controller) and 2x A5 CLC (Collector Limpet Controller). With that setup you can blast a asteroid from 100% to depleted within like 20 seconds or so.

Note though that Limpets are quite dumb, they have their preset course and are very likely to fly into the path of your Mining lasers, which doesn't really help keeping them in one piece. More rapidly spinning Asteroids also have the nasty habit to cut the lifespan of your Limpets short, but aside of those two annoyances there's really not too much to worry about. Unless naturally you're mining directly in a RES site and are keen on Pirate NPC attention that is.

And yeah, NPC Pirates...even when being 20+ kilometers away from any possible RES site, the instance sometimes happens to pop either a fellow Miner, 1-2 Pirates or some Security ships. Eventually they leave (Security) or vanish (pewpewPirate), or in case of the Miner you have to be far enough away, so your Limpets don't accidentially pick up his stuff. Limpets will pick up everything in their reach, regardless who made it float in space.

One more thing: if you only want to mine certain minerals / metals, the only real work you have to do is to keep a eye on the Refinery and space the stuff you don't want before it reaches 100% and is refined. I personally focus on Osmium, Platinum, Painite and Palladium. For the first three you'll find a nice array of Mining missions (in Systems that are labelled "Refinery" ) who depending on your Trade rank pay big bucks. I haven't found a single Bulletin board missions for Palladium yet, but considering the stuff is worth 35k+ per unit, it isn't too bad to be sold regularly.

I apologize for rambling about stuff pretty everyone already knew about, but I felt like writing a bit. Now lunch is ready, and I'll take my AFK.

Last edit: 29 Apr 2016, 11:21am
29 Apr 2016, 11:24am
@Coragon ... that setup looks exactly like something what I want put on my conda, its quite some time I went into asteroid belt for some mining

ChicagoChadOver 20km from center you get no high yield perks, almost as if you are not in an RES at all with 42 max shard count, average 30 shard count even in a wing.

Under 20km from center yields go up to 52 - 59 without a wing and up to 100 shards per rock when you are in a wing.

Under 15km from center attracts non-stop pirate activity and not recommended unless you have protection in your wing.

Interesting info, I searched before about this and got nice picture below:

Last edit: 29 Apr 2016, 11:37am
29 Apr 2016, 12:22pm
Martind Forlon@Coragon ... that setup looks exactly like something what I want put on my conda, its quite some time I went into asteroid belt for some mining

ChicagoChadOver 20km from center you get no high yield perks, almost as if you are not in an RES at all with 42 max shard count, average 30 shard count even in a wing.

Under 20km from center yields go up to 52 - 59 without a wing and up to 100 shards per rock when you are in a wing.

Under 15km from center attracts non-stop pirate activity and not recommended unless you have protection in your wing.

Interesting info, I searched before about this and got nice picture below:


Thanks for info on mining. That's something I didn't know.
The few times I have been mining I stayed well away from RES's but still managed to fill my holds. It's also probably why It took so long. But then I didn't need to keep looking over my shoulder all the time.
I've never used prospector limpets before and I just went from rock to rock. It's a lot of hard work and takes a few hours if you have them to spare.
Thanks to you guys, I'm now a little wiser.
29 Apr 2016, 12:26pm
Hum, my mining Conda is pretty able to defend herself with the 4 hardpoints that are not mining lasers, but while I fight I cannot mine. I rather enjoy uninterrupted mining than higher yields in areas where I can get attacked.
29 Apr 2016, 12:38pm
NumaHum, my mining Conda is pretty able to defend herself with the 4 hardpoints that are not mining lasers, but while I fight I cannot mine. I rather enjoy uninterrupted mining than higher yields in areas where I can get attacked.

Likewise. And my C3 Pulse Lasers are enough to keep the small pesky Pirates down as well on the Corvette. Have to disable the Mining lasers to do the fighting and vice versa, but what the heck.
29 Apr 2016, 12:44pm
NumaHum, my mining Conda is pretty able to defend herself with the 4 hardpoints that are not mining lasers, but while I fight I cannot mine. I rather enjoy uninterrupted mining than higher yields in areas where I can get attacked.

The first couple of times I went mining I dropped into the ring on the opposite side of the planet. Didn't get disturbed once. Maybe the yield per rock isn't as good, but I still managed to fill my hold. Even managed to find some painite too.
29 Apr 2016, 1:55pm
I've been mining for two months now and never realized that the yield went down the farther you got from the zone, or am I reading that wrong? I thought it was a uniform yield in any area of the ring.

The trouble I have is my T-7 needs all the cargo space I can muster to make the trips with it worthwhile. My recent build cut out shields completely to shuffle around modules and keep 6 bins in my refinery and two collectors working at all times thus making pirates a bigger nuisance. I threw a hull reinforcement package on to absorb some of the fire I take pumping chaff while I boost to jump range but it's definitely not the same. This is why I avoid populated areas. Maybe I need to rebuild it and start mining where security is present for a larger yield.
29 Apr 2016, 5:03pm
@Coragon (octagon? stupid autocorrect!), thank you. This is an awesome briefing on mining. Very useful, cogent and informed. Many thanks. Makes me look forward to doing some mining once my current campaign wraps up.

Last edit: 30 Apr 2016, 2:17am
30 Apr 2016, 12:29am
xREESExMy second thank you post.

Thanks for this fantastic ED resource. I would have a fraction of what I have in ED if Inara didnt exist.

Thank you Thank you Thank you!

I'll second that. I spend almost as much time here in Inara reading posts, etc. As I do in game.
Thanks for keeping me entertained.

I'll third that. Huge thanks to the person/people who made INARA and keep it running. In my opinion FD owes the creators of INARA a cut of ED's profits. I would've stopped playing ED by now if it wasn't for the awesome commander personalisation, the ship naming, the ability to join groups, basically the everything provided by INARA!
30 Apr 2016, 6:05am
Jack Dekerdt

Totally agree. I've not commented on the petty bickering of late which is long drawn out IMHO. I'm on INARA for many reasons but CIVILITY is one of the main reasons. We are a diverse lot but we've always been polite (with very rare exceptions). We all have our experiences, impressions, and opinions, and for the most part people are really helpful to one another. I say if you want to play my 'gun' is bigger STEAM or FD forums are the place to be. Now, to Coragon's point...I picture mining as that pilot kicking back with one foot on the console, leaning back with a beverage of his/her choice listening to the ship do its work in peace, well, lol, until the incoming alert blasts and pirates have found you. I'll have to give mining a go when I tire of Robigo runs.

If you do, please make sure you got A4 Refinery, A3 PLC (Prospector Limpet Controller) and 2x A5 CLC (Collector Limpet Controller). With that setup you can blast a asteroid from 100% to depleted within like 20 seconds or so.

Note though that Limpets are quite dumb, they have their preset course and are very likely to fly into the path of your Mining lasers, which doesn't really help keeping them in one piece. More rapidly spinning Asteroids also have the nasty habit to cut the lifespan of your Limpets short, but aside of those two annoyances there's really not too much to worry about. Unless naturally you're mining directly in a RES site and are keen on Pirate NPC attention that is.

And yeah, NPC Pirates...even when being 20+ kilometers away from any possible RES site, the instance sometimes happens to pop either a fellow Miner, 1-2 Pirates or some Security ships. Eventually they leave (Security) or vanish (pewpewPirate), or in case of the Miner you have to be far enough away, so your Limpets don't accidentially pick up his stuff. Limpets will pick up everything in their reach, regardless who made it float in space.

One more thing: if you only want to mine certain minerals / metals, the only real work you have to do is to keep a eye on the Refinery and space the stuff you don't want before it reaches 100% and is refined. I personally focus on Osmium, Platinum, Painite and Palladium. For the first three you'll find a nice array of Mining missions (in Systems that are labelled "Refinery" ) who depending on your Trade rank pay big bucks. I haven't found a single Bulletin board missions for Palladium yet, but considering the stuff is worth 35k+ per unit, it isn't too bad to be sold regularly.

I apologize for rambling about stuff pretty everyone already knew about, but I felt like writing a bit. Now lunch is ready, and I'll take my AFK.

No worries, appreciate the advice, this ought to go in a sticky somewhere...
30 Apr 2016, 7:44am
Jack Dekerdt No worries, appreciate the advice, this ought to go in a sticky somewhere...

Some mere ramblings of a amateur Miner shouldn't be stickied, as could be seen there are more professionals out there then me.

That aside, I would've to add something to my previous blubber:

Regarding the "Blast a asteroid from 100% to depleted in 20 seconds", having 2x C1 and 2x C2 Mining Lasers installed definitly helps with that, smaller ships with lesser firepower naturally take a bit longer.

Also, prospecting a asteroid before blasting not only reveals the various percentages of what is inside, it also helps to get more out of the asteroid contrary to when you'd simply blast it without prospecting beforehand. Or so it has been told to me.

With the 2x A5 CLC's you have a maximum of 6 Limpets active, which are normally enough to collect all the chunks of the asteroid you drained from 100% to depleted before they dissolve. If you have fewer Collector limpets active it be good to probably go a bit slower on the blasting front.

Last thing (for now, no idea if my sleepy brain pops up something else later), when flying a bigger ship (Corvette, Anaconda) and want to prospect from further away, always aim your nose about the size of one's thumb below the asteroid you're flying at before launching the limpet. Otherwise you'll discover that your limpets get a severe case of "Yay, I'm Voyager 3!!" and shoot into the black. Probably works like that for a Python too, smaller ships might not have that problem. If anyone has experience please share.

Oh yeah, about them Limpets (knew my brain had something left), I fill my cargo hold up to around 20 units below maximum with limpets. That way I have enough room. In case the cargo hold gets full, simply fly very closely over a Asteroid to get rid of your Collector Limpets, then deploy some more.

Think that's all for now, have a good day Ladies and Gentlemen.

Last edit: 30 Apr 2016, 7:51am
30 Apr 2016, 8:05am
Coragon... Otherwise you'll discover that your limpets get a severe case of "Yay, I'm Voyager 3!!" and shoot into the black. ...

ROFL thats rly good written
30 Apr 2016, 1:58pm
I'm thinking of splashing out on the Samsung VR headset.
Has anyone tried to integrate Elite onto this? I'm just trying to find out if it's possible.
30 Apr 2016, 7:39pm
BeachwalkerI'm thinking of splashing out on the Samsung VR headset.
Has anyone tried to integrate Elite onto this? I'm just trying to find out if it's possible.

I'd wait to see if Elite gets released for the Samsung Galaxy. Oculus Rift or HTC Vive is what you want to look at.

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