Elite: Game talk

09 May 2016, 6:10pm
James HussarWait, there's a huge gimbaled pulse laser? Or, is that coming in the update?

Coming in the update.
09 May 2016, 6:14pm
DifcanCommunity goal says it unlocks huge gim pulse. Is that for participation or is it gonna be unlocked for the station?

It's always unlock for the station.

Sooooo we have to do community events to unlock the weapon personally? Just trying to understand what the community goal is saying.
09 May 2016, 6:19pm
DifcanCommunity goal says it unlocks huge gim pulse. Is that for participation or is it gonna be unlocked for the station?

It's always unlock for the station.

Sooooo we have to do community events to unlock the weapon personally? Just trying to understand what the community goal is saying.

The CG will make that weapon available at the station where the CG is hosted. Not available to participants but to everyone.

That weapon will also be available at some other stations regardless, but the goal will make it available at the CG station as a reward for successful completion of the goal.
09 May 2016, 6:21pm
I'd love to mount a Huge, Throbbing, Pulse on my underbelly, if you *ahem,* understand my "little" reference there
09 May 2016, 6:47pm
Travis StormI'd love to mount a Huge, Throbbing, Pulse on my underbelly, if you *ahem,* understand my "little" reference there

I can take several weeks of exploration time in the same flight suit in stride, but this makes me want to take a shower.
09 May 2016, 7:02pm
Travis StormI'd love to mount a Huge, Throbbing, Pulse on my underbelly, if you *ahem,* understand my "little" reference there

Why does this make me think about Nicki Minaj and her Anaconda......
09 May 2016, 7:04pm
James Hussar
Travis StormI'd love to mount a Huge, Throbbing, Pulse on my underbelly, if you *ahem,* understand my "little" reference there

I can take several weeks of exploration time in the same flight suit in stride, but this makes me want to take a shower.

Hahahhaha- was hoping to get an wander like that- I've been trolling the other roleplaying pages so hard as well, and I can't wait to see what the others respond with lol
09 May 2016, 7:05pm
Travis StormI'd love to mount a Huge, Throbbing, Pulse on my underbelly, if you *ahem,* understand my "little" reference there

Why does this make me think about Nicki Minaj and her Anaconda......

Vore? 0_*
Hang on now, I didn't mean to go THAT far!
09 May 2016, 9:16pm


The Justicar's of Helios group/minor faction made the discovery of two UAs outside of the known areas. The pictures are from Cmdr ApeacefulFlower. They were found and retrieved in area in between Maia and the California nebula. The exact system names will not be given for safety reasons.

If anyone has any recommended test methods please feel free to message me.

Last edit: 09 May 2016, 10:34pm
10 May 2016, 12:11am
Anybody have any good tips or tricks on how to get federal navy rank quickly? Looking to get me a federal corvette soon and I'm doing trade runs right now to build up credits. Any help would be great.
10 May 2016, 12:22am
UEG PATRIOTAnybody have any good tips or tricks on how to get federal navy rank quickly? Looking to get me a federal corvette soon and I'm doing trade runs right now to build up credits. Any help would be great.

spend credits on donation missions in TUN , you got until 2.1 hits to finish the ranks
10 May 2016, 12:45am
UEG PATRIOTAnybody have any good tips or tricks on how to get federal navy rank quickly? Looking to get me a federal corvette soon and I'm doing trade runs right now to build up credits. Any help would be great.

spend credits on donation missions in TUN , you got until 2.1 hits to finish the ranks

I did that but they don't reset very fast. I'll get so far through a rank then it'll be dry for hours, if not the day. I'm also on Xbox by the way if that makes a difference.
10 May 2016, 1:23am
UEG PATRIOTAnybody have any good tips or tricks on how to get federal navy rank quickly? Looking to get me a federal corvette soon and I'm doing trade runs right now to build up credits. Any help would be great.

spend credits on donation missions in TUN , you got until 2.1 hits to finish the ranks

I did that but they don't reset very fast. I'll get so far through a rank then it'll be dry for hours, if not the day. I'm also on Xbox by the way if that makes a difference.
10 May 2016, 1:30am
UEG PATRIOTAnybody have any good tips or tricks on how to get federal navy rank quickly? Looking to get me a federal corvette soon and I'm doing trade runs right now to build up credits. Any help would be great.

spend credits on donation missions in TUN , you got until 2.1 hits to finish the ranks

I did that but they don't reset very fast. I'll get so far through a rank then it'll be dry for hours, if not the day. I'm also on Xbox by the way if that makes a difference.
10 May 2016, 1:31am
you have to change modes , a lot

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