Elite: Game talk

30 Mar 2016, 1:29pm
M. Lehman
BeachwalkerI need to stop relying on my docking computer all the time.
Got stuck in a queue outside a port for 20 minutes so thought I'd jump in. BIG mistake.
Got stuck then blown up. Was having a profitable night up till then.

I have never, ever, ever used a docking computer.

I have a pet hypothesis that docking computers have killed or inconvenienced far more pilots than bad piloting.

Unless you go AFK while auto-docking in Open there is no harm to it. Besides, there simply isn't anything more classical then landing to the sounds of The Blue Danube. Period.
30 Mar 2016, 6:15pm
I love my docking computer. On my Cobra Mining Ship, there was not room for it once I configured both Prospector and Collection Limpets, so I keep my docking skills (such as they are) somewhat polished whenever I go mining. Of course, I often request docking, zero the throttle and heave a great sigh of relief only to wonder why the ship is still standing still and then I remember

I am ashamed to admit that i STILL have a heck of a time sometimes finding the Mail Slot on the Coriolis stations. Usually I don't request docking until I have located it..
30 Mar 2016, 6:32pm
ED_RecluseI love my docking computer. On my Cobra Mining Ship, there was not room for it once I configured both Prospector and Collection Limpets, so I keep my docking skills (such as they are) somewhat polished whenever I go mining. Of course, I often request docking, zero the throttle and heave a great sigh of relief only to wonder why the ship is still standing still and then I remember

I am ashamed to admit that i STILL have a heck of a time sometimes finding the Mail Slot on the Coriolis stations. Usually I don't request docking until I have located it..

All stations rotate counter-clockwise (looking from side, on which they have mailslot), so once you know it, finding it gets much easier. Also, when you target Coriolis station, you have arrows on its sides in its target render (left of your radar screen), that point towards mailslot (and you target station automatically, when you ask for docking permission).
30 Mar 2016, 7:13pm
Pavel Zupara

All stations rotate counter-clockwise (looking from side, on which they have mailslot), so once you know it, finding it gets much easier. Also, when you target Coriolis station, you have arrows on its sides in its target render (left of your radar screen), that point towards mailslot (and you target station automatically, when you ask for docking permission).

Thanks! I know all of this, but there is some barrier in my brain that prevents it from being at all useful. Especially the ARROWS on the graphic which have NEVER helped me at all.

I seem to have the best luck when I can just catch a glimpse of the "toast rack" and head for it. Also try to approach the stations from planetward which usually helps orient toward the slot as well.
30 Mar 2016, 10:38pm
Pavel Zupara

All stations rotate counter-clockwise (looking from side, on which they have mailslot), so once you know it, finding it gets much easier. Also, when you target Coriolis station, you have arrows on its sides in its target render (left of your radar screen), that point towards mailslot (and you target station automatically, when you ask for docking permission).

Thanks! I know all of this, but there is some barrier in my brain that prevents it from being at all useful. Especially the ARROWS on the graphic which have NEVER helped me at all.

I seem to have the best luck when I can just catch a glimpse of the "toast rack" and head for it. Also try to approach the stations from planetward which usually helps orient toward the slot as well.

Additional to the rotation of the station and the arrows on the hub, on the corners of the Coriolis are isophase lights. On the side with the mailslot they are white and on the side without the mailslot they are red.
Hope that helps.
30 Mar 2016, 10:47pm
M. Lehman
BeachwalkerI need to stop relying on my docking computer all the time.
Got stuck in a queue outside a port for 20 minutes so thought I'd jump in. BIG mistake.
Got stuck then blown up. Was having a profitable night up till then.

I have never, ever, ever used a docking computer.

I have a pet hypothesis that docking computers have killed or inconvenienced far more pilots than bad piloting.

Unless you go AFK while auto-docking in Open there is no harm to it. Besides, there simply isn't anything more classical then landing to the sounds of The Blue Danube. Period.

Just my experience...when I started out I used the DC all the time and planned my jumps etc., did other things and it suited me fine regardless of the ship. I never experienced or saw any of the "crazy anomalies" that others at the time (back in 2.0) claimed. I haven't used DC now for a long time frankly I get bored so docking manually makes it fun (I guess?) anyway, at the end of the day I can take it or leave it...I wonder, lol, do the arguments still 'rage' on over on Steam and FD blogs that somehow one is worthless gutter slime if one uses a DC? I got bored with that argument in about 2 seconds, I figured, unless you are paying my bill, what do you care how i dock? Man, people used to go on vitriol filled tangents about the damn DC...
30 Mar 2016, 11:05pm
I do love my docking computer. It's so quick and easy. Especially when landing on surface ports.
If it came to the crunch, I could turn it off and try and get back manually docking. It's good to have a skill and one should always have a backup plan.
30 Mar 2016, 11:13pm
BeachwalkerI do love my docking computer. It's so quick and easy. Especially when landing on surface ports.
If it came to the crunch, I could turn it off and try and get back manually docking. It's good to have a skill and one should always have a backup plan.

Wish I had it just now. Just lost my python. Vulture blew my canopy completely off DC would have saved me hassle of groping around.

I thought the days of wacky NPC 2-shot kills were over. I have not lost a ship since T7 days. Kinda irritated. Thank god I was just hauling CHs on a return leg from an IS run...UGH
30 Mar 2016, 11:15pm
Noticed since i hit Entrepreneur the NPC wings are back on trade runs.
30 Mar 2016, 11:50pm
Admiral Spoon

Additional to the rotation of the station and the arrows on the hub, on the corners of the Coriolis are isophase lights. On the side with the mailslot they are white and on the side without the mailslot they are red.
Hope that helps.

Thanks! That is probably something my feeble brain can process. I swear sometimes it seems like I have flown around more sides than the Coriolis can possibly have without finding the slot....
31 Mar 2016, 1:13am
Spanish is almost universal among native English speakers too?
31 Mar 2016, 7:31am
OzramSpanish is almost universal among native English speakers too ?

How cool would that be if it were true. Sadly, native English speakers are probably among the worst at learning a second language. I think it's polite to try, but lots of people expect the places they visit to speak English.
31 Mar 2016, 7:54am
Ozmundo Vasqualez
OzramSpanish is almost universal among native English speakers too ?

How cool would that be if it were true. Sadly, native English speakers are probably among the worst at learning a second language. I think it's polite to try, but lots of people expect the places they visit to speak English.

Thats a bit unfair , most native english speakers know exactly what to say when confronted by a non english speaker whilst in a non english speaking country , the same thing slower and louder
31 Mar 2016, 8:12am
Ozmundo Vasqualez
OzramSpanish is almost universal among native English speakers too ?

How cool would that be if it were true. Sadly, native English speakers are probably among the worst at learning a second language. I think it's polite to try, but lots of people expect the places they visit to speak English.

Thats a bit unfair , most native english speakers know exactly what to say when confronted by a non english speaker whilst in a non english speaking country , the same thing slower and louder

I thought I'd let someone else say that.
31 Mar 2016, 8:27am

Thats a bit unfair , most native english speakers know exactly what to say when confronted by a non english speaker

Yes, it's "No speako dengo!"

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