Elite: Game talk

20 Apr 2024, 4:02am
FaizaI haven't played ED in months and now I remember why because I got a stupid bounty for stupid reasons and cannot find a single terminal to pay it off at lol. This is the worst mechanic in any game ever. At this rate I'm just going to let someone scan and shoot me.

You may have picked up a notoriety point or two. They wear off in hours when you are logged in.
20 Apr 2024, 7:58am
FaizaI haven't played ED in months and now I remember why because I got a stupid bounty for stupid reasons and cannot find a single terminal to pay it off at lol. This is the worst mechanic in any game ever. At this rate I'm just going to let someone scan and shoot me.

There is a search filter you can use in the Galaxy map to find Interstellar Factors, but remember you need to find a system that doesn't have the faction issuing the bounty present. If that faction is a large one, spread over several systems, you may need to travel some distance.
20 Apr 2024, 11:55am
That's just it though... why does it say "fines can be paid at any interstellar factor" when they can't? 
 I currently have fines with Earls of Koko Oh and Koko Oh Collective (I lost some refugees to a Scythe). Koko Oh itself is invaded so services are suspended so I obviously can't pay them there. They don't have a presence in any other systems so I can't pay them directly (I'd be happy to even go to prison at this point). There aren't any other stations that I can pay this off as their fines don't show up and interstellar factors show no fines when I go there. I've tried 3 now. And no, I have no notoriety before anyone suggests it it's just fines not bounties.
 It explicitly says "fines can also be paid off at any interstellar factors" and yet they just don't show up at them like they used to. It's been like this since they separated Horizons for the legacy version (which I don't use) when they said they'd simplified it. This is why I don't do certain things in the game anymore I'm sick of wasting whatever time I have to play this flying around looking for somewhere to pay off fines and bounties instead of actually playing the game.
 I don't have Odyssey because my system can't run it and if someone tells me this is another Horizons issue I may just pack it all in.

Edit: Turns out if I relog and fly back to an interstellar factors the fines show up. A bit stupid but fair enough.
oh the immersion...

Last edit: 20 Apr 2024, 12:14pm
20 Apr 2024, 2:50pm
Bainsey7Edit: Turns out if I relog and fly back to an interstellar factors the fines show up. A bit stupid but fair enough.

Yeah, a known bug. In fact you shouldn’t even have to fly back — relogging at the station with IF ought to work.
20 Apr 2024, 2:51pm
I wish I'd known that before I spent all that time flying around like a dope.

Thanks CMDR o7
20 Apr 2024, 3:57pm
How using Inara can i see my federation rank and how close i am to next one?
20 Apr 2024, 4:12pm
Demon DaviesHow using Inara can i see my federation rank and how close i am to next one?

Go to your own page (your is here: https://inara.cz/elite/cmdr/445244/ ) and hover the mouse over your rank so it shows the percentage.
20 Apr 2024, 4:18pm
And down goes another one. Five to go. :p
20 Apr 2024, 7:57pm
Is it just me with this feeling or there's a lot of people either coming back to ED or new players? I feel it's like a wave. I joined again after a couple years break and I see this March-April looked full of people. Just my placebo? I wish devs could tell actual numbers and I feel happy for ED still being so great ( a part from the flaws we all know)
21 Apr 2024, 5:45am
for the first time i experienced a bug that actually worked in my favor!

took one of those ground missions where you fail if you kill anyone

had to fly away because i accidentally initiated combat with a guard...left the planet then turned around and went right back down to the outpost.

when i returned...everything was reset but everyone was frozen. like completely frozen. even after i triggered the settlement alarm, they went on alert but didn't move, but also didnt fire unless i came very close to them. made completing the mission super duper easy!
21 Apr 2024, 5:46am
I have been on a couple of week hiatus and slowly bringing my operations back online, when I started playing it was during the Proteus wave lead up and at that time it felt as if there was a steady surge of new players coming in, and since the Titans arrived its most certainly been lots more active in the bubble.
21 Apr 2024, 11:49am
UramakiIs it just me with this feeling or there's a lot of people either coming back to ED or new players? I feel it's like a wave. I joined again after a couple years break and I see this March-April looked full of people. Just my placebo? I wish devs could tell actual numbers and I feel happy for ED still being so great ( a part from the flaws we all know)

Anecdotally, I would say that my squadron has seen an uptick in returning "retired" players since January. Since the start of this month, maybe 4-5 returning players and 5 brand-new players.
21 Apr 2024, 1:48pm
Bainsey7I don't have Odyssey because my system can't run it

FYI, there's no difference between Horizons 4 and Odyssey. If you can run one, you can run the other too.
22 Apr 2024, 1:05am
Help "Putas" be the biggest "Putas" again
22 Apr 2024, 12:25pm
Bainsey7I don't have Odyssey because my system can't run it

FYI, there's no difference between Horizons 4 and Odyssey. If you can run one, you can run the other too.

Really? I'd assumed all the surface stuff would require much more in terms of graphics capability. My laptop has 16gb of RAM but a bog standard graphics card. I have to have the graphics set to very low or it just constantly crashes. Are you sure it'd work? I don't wanna blow it up

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