Elite: Game talk

12 May 2024, 12:25am
ThinderI didn't know about the changes in their built quality.

I also use a Warthog stick and there are a few issues with it too.

Fist, the stick can twist by a few mm on its vertical axis, it affects precision flying, then the thumb operated side button isn't exactly well designed either.
I was expecting a lot more for this sort of price.
Yeah, T16000Ms are basically just-a-bit-above-entry-level toys, but also one of the few models which support left/right hand swapping, essential for a symmetrical dual-stick setup. Better sticks are an investment I don't want to make because I'm not such a great fan of Elite (anymore). Were better in the early years of production, more sturdy, with thicker plastic etc., but I understand. Newer ones look more 'cool' lol. I'm not pretending to be 100% correct on that, but something made me sure that the older 'green' ones are more reliable.

Base buttons are shit on both though, lol.
12 May 2024, 12:51am
ThinderI didn't know about the changes in their built quality.

I also use a Warthog stick and there are a few issues with it too.

Fist, the stick can twist by a few mm on its vertical axis, it affects precision flying, then the thumb operated side button isn't exactly well designed either.
I was expecting a lot more for this sort of price.

Yeah, T16000Ms are basically just-a-bit-above-entry-level toys, but also one of the few models which support left/right hand swapping, essential for a symmetrical dual-stick setup. Better sticks are an investment I don't want to make because I'm not such a great fan of Elite (anymore). Were better in the early years of production, more sturdy, with thicker plastic etc., but I understand. Newer ones look more 'cool' lol. I'm not pretending to be 100% correct on that, but something made me sure that the older 'green' ones are more reliable.

Base buttons are shit on both though, lol.

You might well be right on those points.

I fly modules in DCS as well so a stick/throttle combo is pretty much compulsory, I apply some of the flight techniques in this game too but it will be my 3rd throttle and I am tempted to splash some dosh in pedals for the Yaw axis, it's gonna take some time to get use to it but it will still be better than what I have now.

The rest of the Throttle works fine...
12 May 2024, 12:52am
I had a T16000M + TWCS from 2018 that worked fine up until 2023; then its primary trigger broke in early 2023. Bought a new one, with a store "extended warranty", and the new one broke after 3 months (Z-axis/rotation drift). That one was replaced under warranty, and 3 months later it too broke (with the same Z-axis drift).

I went through three or four replacements, every 3 months, until the store refunded it and I bought a VKB Gladiator NXT EVO + STECS throttle. The VKBs are in their second month now; at least if a spring breaks I can run out to the hardware store and get a cheap replacement.
12 May 2024, 3:04am
Glen van RossI had a T16000M + TWCS from 2018 that worked fine up until 2023; then its primary trigger broke in early 2023. Bought a new one, with a store "extended warranty", and the new one broke after 3 months (Z-axis/rotation drift). That one was replaced under warranty, and 3 months later it too broke (with the same Z-axis drift).

I went through three or four replacements, every 3 months, until the store refunded it and I bought a VKB Gladiator NXT EVO + STECS throttle. The VKBs are in their second month now; at least if a spring breaks I can run out to the hardware store and get a cheap replacement.

It looks like it is more and more difficult to find quality equipment, I know there are some alternatives out there, I'll have a look at the DCS Forums...
12 May 2024, 4:11am
ThinderI fly modules in DCS as well
Lol, sometimes I think of playing learning trying out subjecting myself to countless layers of suffering and agony in DCS too, but the amount of additional tech needed to play comfortably is a bit too much. :p

Last edit: 12 May 2024, 4:18am
12 May 2024, 6:03am
ThinderI fly modules in DCS as well

Lol, sometimes I think of playing learning trying out subjecting myself to countless layers of suffering and agony in DCS too, but the amount of additional tech needed to play comfortably is a bit too much. :p

I have invested into the right gear to play it at high settings in VR, they also optimized it, now one can play it with multi-threading support, it helps.

Have a look.
12 May 2024, 6:16am
Nah, my PC is fine. i7-13th gen, 4080, etc., since it's essentially my working tool. I need a more or less good PC. I mean, sticks, throttles, pedals, head tracking, keypads... All that. Currently, I don't even have enough space to accommodate such a setup. So, maybe later, with more free time and more space for stuff. I'm inhumanly busy on my job...s anyway.
12 May 2024, 8:09am
MeowersNah, my PC is fine. i7-13th gen, 4080, etc., since it's essentially my working tool. I need a more or less good PC. I mean, sticks, throttles, pedals, head tracking, keypads... All that. Currently, I don't even have enough space to accommodate such a setup. So, maybe later, with more free time and more space for stuff. I'm inhumanly busy on my job...s anyway.

Forget head tracking, try a Pico 4.
12 May 2024, 1:25pm
Can anyone tell me why I get a power supply failure when i fire my weapons on this Python M K II build

12 May 2024, 1:38pm
Eats too much power. Because of that, the weapons (and other modules) set to priority 3 will turn off when deployed(else your ship would be sitting there with everything turned off).

Doing this(cargo hatch, fuel scoop and docking computer to priority 4) will allow you to keep everything powered that you’d need in combat.

Also advisable to at least keep FSD and thrusters assigned to 1 and everything else to 2(or things like the power distributor to 1 as well, as long as it stays within a 40% limit) so if your reactor takes a beating and goes to 0 you can at least still try to make a run. And hope nobody blows it up in that time.
12 May 2024, 2:38pm
MeowersYeah, T16000Ms are basically just-a-bit-above-entry-level toys, but also one of the few models which support left/right hand swapping, essential for a symmetrical dual-stick setup. Better sticks are an investment I don't want to make because I'm not such a great fan of Elite (anymore). Were better in the early years of production, more sturdy, with thicker plastic etc., but I understand. Newer ones look more 'cool' lol. I'm not pretending to be 100% correct on that, but something made me sure that the older 'green' ones are more reliable.

FWIW, I’ve used both a ‘green’ and an ‘amber’ T16000M. The green one I was using for (IIRC) about 5 years before I decided to replace it due to an increasing issue with the stick refusing to centre properly, which was forcing me to increase the deadzones again and again. (Also, I had to put black sticky tape over the green LEDs, as I found them extremely irritating.) The amber one is now 2.5 years old, and thus far is working acceptably; the centring issue has already showed up, but the deterioration rate is no worse than in the green one (right now a 2% deadzone in the X axis suffices to prevent spurious inputs).

MeowersBase buttons are shit on both though, lol.

Yeah, they’re fairly useless. It’s too bad the handle has only 4 buttons plus 1 hat; for E:⁠D that is hardly sufficient
12 May 2024, 5:00pm
Thinder: What about to put 5 modshards and one gimballed class 3 TV beam on Python MK2? Cuz I can shoot pretty fast and consistently (if looking only at energe and not heat) with very similiar config-just one modshard less
12 May 2024, 8:43pm
Adam 'The detective' ŠtefánikThinder: What about to put 5 modshards and one gimballed class 3 TV beam on Python MK2? Cuz I can shoot pretty fast and consistently (if looking only at energe and not heat) with very similiar config-just one modshard less

I don't use gimbaled weapons, when my Yaw axis controller works properly I get more time on target with fixed weapons than waiting for gimbaled lasers to focus on the target, the only exception being my Corvette with her 4A MULTI-CANNON [GIMBALLED].

If my controller don't die on me it's actually easy to do once you got use to it, on the Corvette I got 6000m range and 6000m fall off laser range, I can get the target shields down pretty fast then use the Cannons, Oversized plus Corrosive Shell, you can expect a loud bang fast...

My Krait MK II is equipped with gimbaled and it's a pain to get them to focus I've been farming materials to change everything to fixed weapons, I got a new controller at the end of the month.

The other advantage is the hitting power of the fixed Multi-Cannon, here before special effects, then using Corrosive Shells with one of the cannons makes the combination lethal.


Kasumi GotoEats too much power. Because of that, the weapons (and other modules) set to priority 3 will turn off when deployed(else your ship would be sitting there with everything turned off).

Doing this(cargo hatch, fuel scoop and docking computer to priority 4) will allow you to keep everything powered that you’d need in combat.

Also advisable to at least keep FSD and thrusters assigned to 1 and everything else to 2(or things like the power distributor to 1 as well, as long as it stays within a 40% limit) so if your reactor takes a beating and goes to 0 you can at least still try to make a run. And hope nobody blows it up in that time.

Good trick, I use it with the Corvette which is at her maxi at this level, but it is made worse with the Python with a Power Distributor on the small size.

Alternatively if one uses a Fleet Carrier as a base for bounty hunting, reducing the FSD size and getting rid of the Fuel Scoop helps.


Here is an advantage I find the Krait MK II to have over the Python II, her 7A Power Capacitor.

There is no denying that the Krait will recharge her weapons faster, and still being able to boost all day on 2 engine Pips, she has less 3Cs but can use both weapons and Boost more consistently.

I don't know what developers were thinking giving a Class 6 P.C to the Python II which is supposed to be a Combat ship, from my humble PoV, it was a little bit shortsighted.

Last edit: 12 May 2024, 10:20pm
12 May 2024, 9:10pm
ThinderForget head tracking, try a Pico 4.
Ah. I've had enough time around VR headsets to become quite sure they're not my cup of tea. At least in their current state of development. Give it some years, ten maybe, or something like that... Nowadays, for me, nothing beats a good monitor in front of my eyes.
12 May 2024, 11:46pm
ThinderForget head tracking, try a Pico 4.

Ah. I've had enough time around VR headsets to become quite sure they're not my cup of tea. At least in their current state of development. Give it some years, ten maybe, or something like that... Nowadays, for me, nothing beats a good monitor in front of my eyes.

Well, head tracking isn't anywhere near as good as one of the last gen Headsets, if you play DCS it's a clear advantage to use one, the Pico 4 being one of the best in the affordable range, there is no issue tacking a target.

The lenses are clear Pancake with 105° FOV which is acceptable; Resolution: 4320 × 2160 (2160 × 2160 per eye, 1200 PPI), sweet spot is very large so its clarity is superior to the previous generation and equivalent concurrent headsets by a fair margin, if you can try one, do it...

The only thing it lacks is the ultra-wide POV of sets costing 3 X as much or more.

I had 3 headsets, this is by far the best and it's affordable.

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