Elite: Game talk

17 Apr 2018, 12:07am
I'm not holding my breath for space legs, but if they do that then walking around had better be as worthwhile and fun as anything I do in my ship. X: Rebirth's space legs and NPC conversation mini-games were so terrible that people (like me) went out of their way to avoid it (often with mods).
17 Apr 2018, 4:48am
So I was thinking.

In regards to her prior service in the ADF, my character comes off as a bit disgruntled. Things that I write about for my character directly reflect my own continuing experience in the military. Not the actual events, but definitely the feelings, although there's a couple events from my own life that were translated into a space opera setting. One example: the hoop-jumping involving the Sidewinder turn-in is directly inspired by numerous real life incidents.

I can't speak for ground combat forces, but definitely for the Navy, Air Force, and support elements of the Army and Marine Corps, life on deployment is thus: hours upon hours of boredom punctuated by occasional 15 minute instances of terror, annoyance, or outright anger. This has been my life for the last 17 days, very nearly without deviation:

0400: Wake up. This has every much to do with my alarm as it does with the daily Call to Prayer that's sounded in the RBAF compound next door to us. We're guests of the Royal Bahraini Air Force, and in case you forgot, Bahrainis are Muslim.
0405: Futz around on the internet for a short while, emailing my wife.
0430: Shower and prepare for work.
0520: Walk to the bus stop.
0530: Board the bus to work.
0545: Leave the bus to walk to the DFAC (dining facility) and eat breakfast.
0600: Work.
1100: Walk to the DFAC to eat lunch.
1115: Work.
1745: Board the bus back to the LSA (living space area).
1815: Walk to the other DFAC to eat dinner.
1830: Walk to my barracks room.
1835: Free time (Playstation, internet, emailing my wife, frickin laundry, rethinking my decisions in life)
2230: Strap my CPAP machine to my face and fall asleep.

Repeat, every day, for the next 6 months. If that can be boiled down into an emoticon, it would be this: :\
17 Apr 2018, 5:57am
Clones are used to handwave player death in EVE Online. There's a contingent of Elite players who will throw a fit if Frontier take anything from there!

Jem raises an interesting question about modes. I think for consistency, they would have to follow their Open / Group / Solo model, unless they spin it off into a quasi-seperate game. Which, the more I think about it, is probably the best way to go.

But not at the expense of developing the core spaceship game!
17 Apr 2018, 7:04am
At this point, I think if we're to truly get Space Legs, FDev may need to commission another (decent) developer to put it together while they work on the core game, that way no manpower is taken away from it.

I'd not be against that idea either as long as it is managed properly.
17 Apr 2018, 7:24am
When it comes to crewing ships, I quickly realized way other option. I noticed that hired crewmembers clearly state they initiate holoprojection while "mounting" fighter, making me think that they are not on the ship but rather they control it remotely - like in case of Multi-Crew where the other player is rather the holoprojection that actual 'living' crew member.

It begs a question if Commanders are really out there on ships, or its their holoprojections and they control their ships via FTL comms that Pilots Federation could have. I mean, the NPCs might be 'the real' people, physically being in their ships, while the players, CMDRs, are just holograms of the people flying those. After all, it's called Holo Me, but then I might be overinterpreting things.

Last edit: 17 Apr 2018, 7:36am
17 Apr 2018, 7:30am
It's called HoloMe because they needed a catchy name.
17 Apr 2018, 7:37am
I dont think space legs are needed so much in Elite, there was quite a commotion in Eve onpine about simmilar thing few years ago and it didnt add much to gameplay, although being different game, i would expect in elite the situation would not be much different. In comparison with Eve, I would rather FDev added something akin to my cov-ops tech 3 Loki class strategic cruiser ( my hunter loki is what i miss the most in Elite, im trying tondo something simmilar with an orca..but idk..) to Elite than walking in stations.
So, imho, more ships, weapons and overall options for fitting and builds to fly then something mostly cosmetic like "walking in stations" or how ever FDev decides to call it...
17 Apr 2018, 8:01am
Telepresence is to Elite Dangerous what the Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull is to the Indians Jones movies.
17 Apr 2018, 8:17am
Jemine CaesarTelepresence is to Elite Dangerous what the Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull is to the Indiana Jones movies.

o.O Fixed
17 Apr 2018, 9:41am
Jemine CaesarTelepresence is to Elite Dangerous what the Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull is to the Indians Jones movies.

Something we all agree to ignore and pretend never happened?

17 Apr 2018, 9:52am
I agree that adding space legs without proper gameplay has no point. Adding FPS part of the game just for wandering around stations and to have access to the exactly same services/options as on the ship is useless. Also "crippling" existing features just to force players to get on foot is a no way to go, there needs to be entirely new gameplay options and possibilities for that. If I remember correctly, FDev mentioned during streams some time ago that releasing Horizons expansion with the existing (lack of) gameplay features for SRV was a mistake that shouldn't be repeated. So when (and if) the space legs will be introduced, I doubt it will be just about wandering around. There is also a factor of "competition" in a form of Star Citizen (which may be released in a playable state one day) that may draw part of the player base out, if Elite won't innovate. My personal opinion is that having space legs is inevitable, just depends how good and entertaining it will be.

For me the whole telepresence/holo-me thing is just a disturbing justification of some existing gameplay elements, like instant drop-in to someone's else ship (multicrew) and no need to solve pilot rescue on ship launched fighter destruction. I rather pretend it doesn't exists.
17 Apr 2018, 10:25am
Marra Morgan
Jemine CaesarTelepresence is to Elite Dangerous what the Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull is to the Indiana Jones movies.

Something we all agree to ignore and pretend never happened?

17 Apr 2018, 10:39am
ArtieI agree that adding space legs without proper gameplay has no point. Adding FPS part of the game just for wandering around stations and to have access to the exactly same services/options as on the ship is useless. Also "crippling" existing features just to force players to get on foot is a no way to go, there needs to be entirely new gameplay options and possibilities for that. If I remember correctly, FDev mentioned during streams some time ago that releasing Horizons expansion with the existing (lack of) gameplay features for SRV was a mistake that shouldn't be repeated. So when (and if) the space legs will be introduced, I doubt it will be just about wandering around. There is also a factor of "competition" in a form of Star Citizen (which may be released in a playable state one day) that may draw part of the player base out, if Elite won't innovate. My personal opinion is that having space legs is inevitable, just depends how good and entertaining it will be.

For me the whole telepresence/holo-me thing is just a disturbing justification of some existing gameplay elements, like instant drop-in to someone's else ship (multicrew) and no need to solve pilot rescue on ship launched fighter destruction. I rather pretend it doesn't exists.

To me, telepresence exists because video game, no other explanation required.
17 Apr 2018, 11:05am
And don't even get me started on Engineers...
17 Apr 2018, 11:22am
For me space legs are a complete nonsense. They are not needed for the gameplay as it is. And what would I do with space legs in a distant outpost? Who would I interact with? I play open and I can count with my fingers every other cmdr I see in a week and will still have free fingers to scratch my head.
I rather have the opportunity to commission the construction of a base or outpost with cost of credits and reputation/influence whenever I reach the max rank of elite or king or admiral and manage that handing missions to other players. A way to expand the human presence through the galaxy. And who knows become a super power. I bet that would keep the bored players busy for awhile.

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