Elite: Game talk

17 May 2024, 2:48pm
Vasil Vasilescu
Thinder Btw. Developers speaks about new ships needed for exploration, it might mean variants of ships such as the Krait Phantom or Asp Explorer...

I'm not sure what they could do other than maybe give the ship some type of multiplier for jump range, maybe by removing weapon slots as a compromise. As it is, I am perfectly happy with my 50LY AspX. I am in no rush to go anywhere and tend to fully map the systems I go through, anyway.

It might be nice to have the space to carry more than one SRV, but I could do that if I was willing to sacrifice a larger optional compartment for a 2SRV hangar. Maybe another utility slot would help. I'd probably load it up with heat sinks for those unexpected "caught between two blue giants" moments.

I hope they don't add some wonky thing that preserves exploration data f the ship is destroyed. For me, I like the danger of losing weeks/months of data because of a stupid mistake or bad luck. It makes turning in the data feel more like an accomplishment when finally getting to a station with a ship that has only 6% hull and severely damaged powerplant.

The primary draw would be having a more “stable” SCO handling experience plus the reduced fuel consumption/heat load. For me, anyway. PMKII doesn’t really do anything else really extraordinary even if it has a large ship’s worth of firepower jammed into a medium-size ship hull.
17 May 2024, 3:19pm
Kasumi GotoPMKII doesn’t really do anything else really extraordinary even if it has a large ship’s worth of firepower jammed into a medium-size ship hull.

You said once that you missed quiet a bit of comments on the Python MK II and so you did, I refitted my Krait and engineered the Python, there no need for photo-finish.

For the same level of engineering Python have superior performances than a Krait MK II at every level except in the roll axis while weighting 130 t more stock, if 8°/sec in pitch rate don't mean anything to a Krait MK II pilot, I wonder what does.

As for the firepower, the only way a Krait MK II can hold a candle to the Python now is when the Python MK II Power Distributor can't cope with the power demand of a weapon fit and shut the main Laser down, her Class 6 limits her in terms of power output, it can be either weapon or boost, while the Krait Class 7 can PIP full weapons and boost all day.

Since I doubt that every Python pilot is going to use the same weapon fit than me (see the gankers downing haulers with torps) it might not have that much importance but for me it does and my conclusion is that the Python MK II is over-powered.

Beating a much lighter ship like this is over the top and she made good combat ships obsolescent, now to win a 1 vs 1 you need one Python MK II.

My Python MK II weapon fit.

Krait MK II

Python MK II
17 May 2024, 3:33pm
ThinderBTW Folks...

I'm planning a trip to Colonia with my Fleet Carrier in the mid-term
, I could carry a couple of ships if you're interested.

It's not gonna be a race, I go at my pace and take the opportunity to honk 4/5 systems around the carrier between each jumps but I get there without the trouble to have to jump every mn or so...

I'll stay in Colonia a few days/weeks but no longer, then back by a different route, I'm equipped for repair/refuel so you're not gonna stay stranded if you're out and anything happens. rebuy...

Its about time I went back to Colonia. Love to join you on the trip if you can let me know where and when your leaving.

Thanks x
17 May 2024, 3:39pm
Kasumi GotoPMKII doesn’t really do anything else really extraordinary even if it has a large ship’s worth of firepower jammed into a medium-size ship hull.

You said once that you missed quiet a bit of comments on the Python MK II and so you did, I refitted my Krait and engineered the Python, there no need for photo-finish.

I didn’t actually miss it, was just a light joke at not being there for a heated debate and only seeing/reading it upon waking in the morning.

I’m not really planning to get the new Python. Doesn’t really tickle my fancy. At best I might buy one stock in August, take it out the dock with an SCO drive and see how the handling compares to a standard ship.

Then sell it again.
17 May 2024, 3:49pm
ThinderBTW Folks...

I'm planning a trip to Colonia with my Fleet Carrier in the mid-term
, I could carry a couple of ships if you're interested.

It's not gonna be a race, I go at my pace and take the opportunity to honk 4/5 systems around the carrier between each jumps but I get there without the trouble to have to jump every mn or so...

I'll stay in Colonia a few days/weeks but no longer, then back by a different route, I'm equipped for repair/refuel so you're not gonna stay stranded if you're out and anything happens. rebuy...

Its about time I went back to Colonia. Love to join you on the trip if you can let me know where and when your leaving.

Thanks x

Can do.

In fact I'm ready, I have the Tritium, no particular missions holding me in the bubble, I'm based in Ross 342, the Carrier is the Charles de Gaulle (H4M-33Y), there is room for several ships.

So it's up to you to dock and let me know when you want to leave, Open or Solo.
17 May 2024, 3:52pm
Kasumi Goto
Kasumi GotoPMKII doesn’t really do anything else really extraordinary even if it has a large ship’s worth of firepower jammed into a medium-size ship hull.

You said once that you missed quiet a bit of comments on the Python MK II and so you did, I refitted my Krait and engineered the Python, there no need for photo-finish.

I didn’t actually miss it, was just a light joke at not being there for a heated debate and only seeing/reading it upon waking in the morning.

I’m not really planning to get the new Python. Doesn’t really tickle my fancy. At best I might buy one stock in August, take it out the dock with an SCO drive and see how the handling compares to a standard ship.

Then sell it again.

I understand. I don't think you need to buy a Python to test a SCO drive, you might find one and fitting one of your actual ships.
17 May 2024, 3:56pm
I understand. I don't think you need to buy a Python to test a SCO drive, you might find one and fitting one of your actual ships.

Don’t need to, no. Have one on my Krait Phantom out in the void(roughly direction galactic core) right now, as matter of fact. But the PMKII comes with improved handling for the overcharge mode(as I’m sure you are aware), so when it becomes available for credits I might as well just try it once to see the difference.

Have been using an SCO drive since maybe the day after it was released to the public. Mostly to run missions around a local BGS bubble(Azimuth in Xi Wangda… and HIP 5840 before they got the royal boot out of there), but put one on some other ships since it was made available in E-A categories and engineer-able.
17 May 2024, 3:59pm
Thinder(see the gankers downing haulers with torps)
Existence of those makes me think I'm not the worst person in the world in terms of mental stability. :p
17 May 2024, 5:55pm
Kasumi Goto
I understand. I don't think you need to buy a Python to test a SCO drive, you might find one and fitting one of your actual ships.

Don’t need to, no. Have one on my Krait Phantom out in the void(roughly direction galactic core) right now, as matter of fact. But the PMKII comes with improved handling for the overcharge mode(as I’m sure you are aware), so when it becomes available for credits I might as well just try it once to see the difference.

Have been using an SCO drive since maybe the day after it was released to the public. Mostly to run missions around a local BGS bubble(Azimuth in Xi Wangda… and HIP 5840 before they got the royal boot out of there), but put one on some other ships since it was made available in E-A categories and engineer-able.

I have to admit I didn't test the SCO with this drive on the Python MK II but with another ship and it's really unstable as it is...

Thinder(see the gankers downing haulers with torps)

Existence of those makes me think I'm not the worst person in the world in terms of mental stability. :p

Yeah, one really need some special mentality to get a buzz from ganking.
17 May 2024, 7:03pm
Ralph ThumHello pilots,
I need help: I have a bounty on my head from a faction that has no stations or harbors or settlements with landing pads. As soon as I approach a settlement of the faction, I receive a warning for trespassing. How can I get rid of the bounty ...apart from having myself killed Thanks in advance for your help.

Do you have any Notoriety?
17 May 2024, 7:11pm
I am well-disposed everywhere, no military rank. I am a peace-loving merchant with no fighting talent or lack any fighting experience.
17 May 2024, 7:25pm
Ralph ThumI am well-disposed everywhere, no military rank. I am a peace-loving merchant with no fighting talent or lack any fighting experience.

Any Interstellar Factor should suffice. to pay off the Bounty.
17 May 2024, 7:31pm
Ralph ThumI am well-disposed everywhere, no military rank. I am a peace-loving merchant with no fighting talent or lack any fighting experience.

Any Interstellar Factor should suffice. to pay off the Bounty.

No, I was inside a restricted area on a mission to scan a data link, that's where the bounty came from. But it's now done, thank you.
17 May 2024, 8:38pm
ThinderFor the time being, the Python MK II seems to be selling like cookies, so I guess it's a positive at least for the Developers.

Since I want my favorite game to keep going, I'm even thinking about getting myself a PYTHON MK II STELLAR, like I did get a F-18 or F-86 from DCS module developers, I rarely play them but I have them...

So as i, non the less if someone want to keep their users and increase player base they need to have a good and playable product instead of a half assed thing which still has a lot of bugs unfixed from first release, and keep doubling down on stupid. It don't take a trading & economy school to realize this just some good old fashioned common sense. Which is BTW? I have. And by that i mean't both.
18 May 2024, 1:06am
Minonian It don't take a trading & economy school to realize this just some good old fashioned common sense.

I'm not that blessed I'm afraid and react more like a game fan willing to spend some money on helping the Devs back on their feets, I'm quiet sure I'm not gonna use those ships that much (if I buy a PYTHON MK II STELLAR), it's just a gesture of support, but it's me. Not calling people to do the same in any way.

I didn't test the Python MK II enough to notice the bug, instead I downgraded the FSD as weight saving measure as I do for all combat ships (3/2D ) as I only use them from my carrier, but I have 3 X Class 5 SCO in reserve now, an E D, a B and an A, I tested one on my Krait MK II and quickly reverted to plan (2D).

Those drives looked like bloody horrors waiting to burn a ship and completely uncontrollable at first, plus I have a controller issue (yaw) which developed at the wrong time...

I use fixed weapons on the Krait and the Python, this failure prevents precise use of those weapons, I should be able to do better bounty hunting from the end of this month when I have a new TWCS throttle (and a set of Pedals which I still will have to learn to use).

As I mentioned, I have ships I rarely use, like a Type 7 (engineering experiment) or a Cobra Mk III (just wanted one), of course it is different with Premium ships but I spent a lot more into a game like World of Warships. E.D Developers aren't that greedy in comparison.

Last edit: 18 May 2024, 1:17am

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