Elite: Game talk

24 Jan 2018, 1:49pm
Kyndi the Badass Space ChickThere are only two types of players:

Those with embarrassing noob stories from when they were learning to play, and those who lie.

Ohh the stories I have. I'm forever shooting ships before a scan finishes and getting myself a bounty, happens all the time! As does forgetting to get docking permission if I'm feeling a bit tired. Hell only last month I got stuck on a pad at an engineer and found myself eating a rebuy for trespassing.

Erinia Scantyar Then I had the money for a Vulture. Felt so good buying it after so much time exploring. I blew it up in my first fight lol. After I figured that excellent ship out money earning got easier albeit a little boring. I got the rank and money for an imp Courier and bought one. I took around 20 hours more to learn the Courier and find the most enjoyable module layout. And I have to say that ship is so damn fun to fly!

Being completely honest when I say, I almost always end up blowing a new ship up shortly after buying it. I feel like it's a part of the learning process, working out what a ship, can, and inevitably cannot handle. Took me a few rebuys to work out how to work my FDL, and even then I've still got a long way to go in mastering it.
24 Jan 2018, 1:59pm
I've left on exploration trips without my DSS a few times.

Sprinting 1,000ly back home to grab it is like going home to make sure you turned the oven off.
24 Jan 2018, 2:33pm
We don't have basements here.. I live in a dining room.. can I still join the basement dwellers club?
24 Jan 2018, 2:38pm
UlaidianWe don't have basements here.. I live in a dining room.. can I still join the basement dwellers club?

Absolutely! We're a fun loving, free-wheeling bunch.
24 Jan 2018, 3:50pm
This is good.. like an opposites club!
24 Jan 2018, 3:55pm
Yeah, so from what i was able to gather, it would seem FDEV was finally able to sort itself out and managed to nerf the passenger missions, and now you only get payed a 'reasonable' amount per passenger n' stuff... *immediate reaction would be BOOO!!!

Hold on a sec. I meen, you still get payed tho, right? I meen it must sck for a new player that heard about those "a bilion/week" runs and locations and all of those easy ways to get money fast, but still... you do get payed. By comparison you can try any other games such as Star Citizen (wich is STILL alpha) or EVE (wich treats new players horribly and every mistake costs you EVERYTHING you have) and still, elite seems to be able to offer you money for almost everything you do. Not only that but it's so easy to turn a profit. I know this might sound a bit like hypocrisy, coming from some1 with 2 bil in his account, but it's rly not. I still find that combat (pirate suppression) still is among the easiest and fastest way of income inside the bubble, for any medium or large sized ship; all you have to do is take your ship, look for a high res of your choosing and then reap the rewards. Me, i do haz res because i don't like the cops getting all the glory, and i gets me about 6 mil per 1 - 1.5h. Not bad.

Long story short, everyone just needs to relax a bit. It's just another nerf, out of many. It's not the first, and it certainly won't be the last (FDEV loves nerfing weapons lately, can't imagine why).. It sux that new players will think the game is harder than they were told it would be, and that older players will think the devs are deliberately making the game unbearably hard to play, but there are tons of other ways to make lots of cash still, so don't despair. Try having fun instead.

Ps: if you still wanna try the easy way and don't care about combat or exploration or trading or any of the other bullsht, just point A to point B missions then Ceos is still up and working. Data courier mission running, plain and simple. Peace
24 Jan 2018, 3:58pm
On this business of 'end-game', I've recently reached Elite Explorer and Elite Trader and I feel like my 'game' (I think career is a better word but I'll keep it simple for the cheap seats ) is only just beginning.

I have enough credits to do what I want, when I want. I have a 'specialist' ship for each discipline and I've ranked up in the Imperial Navy as much as I want to. That is, I can afford a Cutter if I want one, which I don't right now, but better to be able to and not want to than want to and not blah blah blah.

I'm still wary about flying in heavily-populated areas, although, yesterday, I forgot myself and flew in Open to Deciat and then to Alioth. Nothing happened. Lots of CMDR's but nobody being a dick. Which was good.

I should be aiming for Combat Elite I guess, but I dunno, I keep thinking, 'Formidine Rift'.

So, yeah, far from 'End Game', for me, it's all just starting.

And like a lot of others, in the beginning I was lost and all I wanted was a cool looking pilot's license. Now I wouldn't fire up Elite without booting up Inara.
24 Jan 2018, 3:58pm
Thank you for your kind words, everybody.
24 Jan 2018, 4:28pm
ArtieThank you for your kind words, everybody.

You're the man, Artie. Full stop.

Regarding ships and credits... 'operating costs' aren't considered enough in Elite. I mean, running missions in my Cobra III worked real well because the payouts scaled so very positively. Don't sweat missing out on million credit missions when you don't need those credits anyway!

Sure, smart financial management isn't sexy but I'll take a clever Cobra III pilot over an inexperienced Big 3 punk any day of the week.
24 Jan 2018, 4:39pm
Reverend TZW And like a lot of others, in the beginning I was lost and all I wanted was a cool looking pilot's license.

StalkerMac THIS! INARA provides so much for us. I just recently joined and can´t imagine to play Elite without INARA anymore

Skyfyre70 It all changed for me when I discovered Inara. All I wanted was the cool pilots license some people had in the Frontier forums, but I had no idea Inara WAS THIS! Just wow!

Silver Taffer I've been much the same route in the game as you, and Inara was THE game-changer.

and yet, I am constantly surprised by the Cmdrs who apply to join the wing but never respond to the PM sent to them - its like they stumble across INARA see a wing they like and apply to join, never to log in again, unless they don't know they have PMs and think the wing is ignoring them.
24 Jan 2018, 10:56pm
Hello CMDRs..

Newbie here, Just got my t16000 programed and ready to play..

Cruising around Nu Tauri for the community goal which will end in a few
hours.. Went after "wanted" individuals but this I guess is not good for contributing to
the "goal" Scanned NPCs saw "Lawless" but is this who i need to go after toi make money?
Seems an odd designation to kill someone if they have not "killed" any other NPC notated
with "wanted" on their head. It would be good to know who to shoot without getting killed
by the local police... Thanks
25 Jan 2018, 1:04am
Updated inara! Just as great as a never ending plate of spaghetti.
25 Jan 2018, 2:21am
Stryker AuneGive them a break. Their only source of income has been obliterated. You would be pissed too if the same thing happened.

But, just like a child being weined of the tit, they will scream and cry and root around and finally at some point, they learn, hey I can eat solid food! Sure it's more work and effort, but look I'm a big boy now!

Sorry, cartoon avatar. Hate to disappoint you, but I have plenty of other ways to make money.

As far as I see it, you have a choice. Spent countless hours grinding on a video game for “prestige” (lol) or work smarter, not harder.

I’m not judging. Whatever floats your boat.

I have fun in this game by getting enough credits to do what I want, go where I want, and just enjoy myself. If you like pointless grinding, go for it. Everyone has different tastes. ;-)
25 Jan 2018, 2:38am
BrowningHipower7The whole Idea that this was a fix is hilarious. It’s one of the things that made the game feasible to play. Unless you have no life or live in someone’s basement.

Hey, bro, looks like someone stole your account. Either that or you had a change of heart?
25 Jan 2018, 2:42am
Nope, just using the next best thing.

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