Elite: Game talk

04 Dec 2015, 10:31pm
I don't think all groups get a CG as I don't think all groups want the work that comes from one. Building an interesting history and a lore takes time and patience and good story telling which are the hallmarks of a good CG and something I think the Dev's would be interested in. The point of Community Goals is to bring everyone together around a great compelling story. The Chindi-Malistso while a great prop in this compelling story are not the point of the CG finding the lost colony is and it is this compelling story I think many could rally around in my opinion and if we can get Horizon to play a part in it all the better upon its release to show it off again IMHO.
05 Dec 2015, 1:30am
DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANG. Y'all see these new minimum VR setup specs?

•         OS: Windows 7/8/10 64 bit
•         Processor: Intel Core i7-3770K Quad Core CPU or better / AMD FX 4350 Quad Core CPU or better
•         Memory: 16 GB RAM
•         Graphics: Nvidia GTX 980 with 4GB or better
•         Network: Broadband Internet Connection
•         Hard Drive: 8 GB available space

So just for s&gs, I went to Newegg to custom-build a rig to these specifications. Over $2000. Thank God it's just for the "TV-on-mah-face" crowd. There just isn't enough game yet to justify spending $2000 to play Elite normally.

(Wonder what the recommended specs will be?)
05 Dec 2015, 3:02am
• OS: Windows 7 64 bit
• Processor: Intel Core i5-2320 Quad Core CPU (LGA1155)
• Memory: 8 GB DDR3 RAM
• Graphics: Nvidia GTX 780 with 3GB
• Network: Fibre (28Mb/2Mb) Internet Connection
• Hard Drive: Vertex3 240GB

You don't need a monster rig just yet, the DK2 is only 1080p across both eyes, I play with Oculus Rift DK2 all the time, it took a while to get it set up sweet but it was worth it.

My pc will need mobo/cpu/ram/gpu when the rift is released, but i can play while saving

I've just realised what I said, I'm more than happy to pay three or four hundred quid for a rift (even though i have a dk2), and then more than happy to pay six or seven hundred quid to upgrade my pc, just to play one game that i paid 120 quid for!

Next thing I'll have a t-shirt..
oh wait!
05 Dec 2015, 3:40am
Halfhand• OS: Windows 7 64 bit
• Processor: Intel Core i5-2320 Quad Core CPU (LGA1155)
• Memory: 8 GB DDR3 RAM
• Graphics: Nvidia GTX 780 with 3GB
• Network: Fibre (28Mb/2Mb) Internet Connection
• Hard Drive: Vertex3 240GB

You don't need a monster rig just yet, the DK2 is only 1080p across both eyes, I play with Oculus Rift DK2 all the time, it took a while to get it set up sweet but it was worth it.

My pc will need mobo/cpu/ram/gpu when the rift is released, but i can play while saving

I've just realised what I said, I'm more than happy to pay three or four hundred quid for a rift (even though i have a dk2), and then more than happy to pay six or seven hundred quid to upgrade my pc, just to play one game that i paid 120 quid for!

Next thing I'll have a t-shirt..
oh wait!

Yeah, the new specs are for Horizons when it drops. Might want to consider bumping up to an i7 CPU though. (Love how Win10 is cut out of the picture in both minimum AND recommended specs! I don't know what to make of that OS.)
05 Dec 2015, 5:56am
Sidenti Taalo
Halfhand• OS: Windows 7 64 bit
• Processor: Intel Core i5-2320 Quad Core CPU (LGA1155)
• Memory: 8 GB DDR3 RAM
• Graphics: Nvidia GTX 780 with 3GB
• Network: Fibre (28Mb/2Mb) Internet Connection
• Hard Drive: Vertex3 240GB

You don't need a monster rig just yet, the DK2 is only 1080p across both eyes, I play with Oculus Rift DK2 all the time, it took a while to get it set up sweet but it was worth it.

My pc will need mobo/cpu/ram/gpu when the rift is released, but i can play while saving

I've just realised what I said, I'm more than happy to pay three or four hundred quid for a rift (even though i have a dk2), and then more than happy to pay six or seven hundred quid to upgrade my pc, just to play one game that i paid 120 quid for!

Next thing I'll have a t-shirt..
oh wait!

Yeah, the new specs are for Horizons when it drops. Might want to consider bumping up to an i7 CPU though. (Love how Win10 is cut out of the picture in both minimum AND recommended specs! I don't know what to make of that OS.)

i do , i wont EVER touch it again , it locked my SSD (which had been derestricted) making it unuseable ... kinda like the first batch of XP (which was recalled within a week in the uk)
05 Dec 2015, 6:31am

i do , i wont EVER touch it again , it locked my SSD (which had been derestricted) making it unuseable ... kinda like the first batch of XP (which was recalled within a week in the uk)

Yeah, I've been hearing it's pretty basically Vista 2. XP didn't get good until SP2 either. I think I'm happy with ol' 7 for now.
05 Dec 2015, 7:51am
Sidenti Taalo

i do , i wont EVER touch it again , it locked my SSD (which had been derestricted) making it unuseable ... kinda like the first batch of XP (which was recalled within a week in the uk)

Yeah, I've been hearing it's pretty basically Vista 2. XP didn't get good until SP2 either. I think I'm happy with ol' 7 for now.

its worse than that , it an on going alpha

from the licence they have the right to change the interface - so say it was like win 98 next update it becomes xp then 7 (this is retrospeculation , obviously i have no idea what the next rendition will look like ) .... that is a huge reserved right
05 Dec 2015, 1:18pm

Ohai, my first time posting here....
05 Dec 2015, 3:55pm
Commander Tobias,

Welcome to the site.

Daisy Kato
05 Dec 2015, 11:28pm
Very nice website guys!
06 Dec 2015, 4:39am
06 Dec 2015, 10:07pm
Strange things I have noticed as of late:

* Sticky/unresponsive thrusters (recent)
* Incredibly bad antialiasing (since 1.4 - ingame AA does not appear to function other than consuming resources; hoping a new GPU will fix)
* Mr. Magoo ships in RES (since 1.4 - it's REALLY funny to watch an Anaconda boost repeatedly into an asteroid!)
* Huge horkin' HUD on T9 only (only other thread I could find on the subject was from September)
* Pirates who think my Biowaste cargo looks "tasty" (not so much weird as just gross)
* Losing missions from my mission log at random (recent)
* Attempting to jump to certain systems results in a transaction server error and a drop to main menu (recent)

Last edit: 08 Dec 2015, 2:56am
06 Dec 2015, 10:30pm
Just discovered the website..I like it alot
07 Dec 2015, 6:46am
Sidenti TaaloStrange things I have noticed as of late:

* Sticky/unresponsive thrusters (recent)
* Incredibly bad antialiasing (since 1.4 - ingame AA does not appear to function other than consuming resources; hoping a new GPU will fix)
* Mr. Magoo ships in RES (since 1.4 - it's REALLY funny to watch an Anaconda boost repeatedly into an asteroid!)
* Huge horkin' HUD on T9 only (only other thread I could find on the subject was from September)
* Pirates who think my Biowaste cargo looks "tasty" (not so much weird as just gross)
* Losing missions from my mission log at random (recent)

Right on all accounts. The most infuriating, to me, is when the Keystone Kops (you call them Mr. Magoo ships) play pinball off each other and have twice run into me while I was actively executing a lawful kill contract. I incurred fines and lost 1 ship as a result of being attacked by sec ships when, in fact, the collision was due to their own negligence. I also lost the bounties I had stored but received credits for the kills...how can they have it both ways: give the credit 'count' for the kill but deny the 'financial' credit for the kill? Most unfair.

On a tech note. I went from an nVidia 760 to a 970 and I don't seem to experience the AA or thruster issue any longer.
07 Dec 2015, 4:29pm
Jack Dekerdt

Right on all accounts. The most infuriating, to me, is when the Keystone Kops (you call them Mr. Magoo ships) play pinball off each other and have twice run into me while I was actively executing a lawful kill contract. I incurred fines and lost 1 ship as a result of being attacked by sec ships when, in fact, the collision was due to their own negligence. I also lost the bounties I had stored but received credits for the kills...how can they have it both ways: give the credit 'count' for the kill but deny the 'financial' credit for the kill? Most unfair.

On a tech note. I went from an nVidia 760 to a 970 and I don't seem to experience the AA or thruster issue any longer.

That tech note is good news! My new card should be here tomorrow. Yay!

Also, is it me or have the AI ships regressed a bit? I remember they were given an intelligence boost in 1.3, and I don't think I've suddenly become so good at combat as to force ships to all-stop and spin in place in confusion over my mad murderin' skillz.

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