Elite: Game talk

24 Nov 2015, 5:15pm
BelstarionWell met CMDR N.R.Crosby

And greetings ans salutations to you Sir
24 Nov 2015, 9:05pm
For those that trade more than 75% of the time:

I am curious what your interdiction rates are, particularly Baron, and above. An average is fine and I get the possibility goes up as number of jumps required increases, and too, BB missions vs. straight trading. So, just a general percentage, maybe out of 10 trade runs (or legs of a run) you have X interdictions. You don't have to include whether they were successful, just the event itself.

Here is my information, as an example:

I run in the Laedla/ Orang/ Karid/ Hollos systems, occasionally going further for BB trade missions. When I hit Baron, my interdictions went from maybe 4-5/10 to 8/10. I support the Empire and am friendly or better with a great many factions since I have been in this area for quite a long time. It doesn't matter whether I carry waste or slaves the rate is rather constant. Considering the vastness of space and the approach vectors, I find my rate interesting.
This is NOT A RANT (lol) I am curious what other pilots are facing. Thanks.
24 Nov 2015, 10:09pm
I've been trading a lot over the past week in the same area. I'm currently ranked Earl and Allied with the Empire. Flying an Imperial Clipper I was getting interdicted about 4 out of every 10 legs. Since upgrading to an Anaconda, that number dropped significantly. I went about 20 legs without a single interdiction but then received 2 back to back and then a third a few legs later. I'll have to see how it averages out over time but right now I'd say 2 out of 10 in the Anaconda.
24 Nov 2015, 10:32pm
MakairaI've been trading a lot over the past week in the same area. I'm currently ranked Earl and Allied with the Empire. Flying an Imperial Clipper I was getting interdicted about 4 out of every 10 legs. Since upgrading to an Anaconda, that number dropped significantly. I went about 20 legs without a single interdiction but then received 2 back to back and then a third a few legs later. I'll have to see how it averages out over time but right now I'd say 2 out of 10 in the Anaconda.

Much appreciated. I went from T7 interdicted 7/10 legs running pretty much IS to legal stations. Cobra III dropped to 4-5/10. As soon as I got my DBS I'm getting hit a lot, even empty, by NPCs, which makes me laugh...can they NOT read their cargo scanners? Anyway, the DBS is a magnet, it seems, whether straight trade or BB missions (which I expect interdictions to occur). I have a stock Imperial Clipper that I am patiently BH for to gain credits to kit properly. I miss the trade money but when I was replacing or repairing ships since hitting Baron it was a waste of time. At least in the DBS I can feel like I am earning credits and it is very satisfying to have the tools to fight interdictions.

Thanks for the response!

Last edit: 25 Nov 2015, 1:47am
25 Nov 2015, 8:44pm
"Hey, traders! Do you like combat?"

"Uh, no, that's why we're traders..."

"Well, we nerfed the HELL out of shield cell banks, so we hope you like combat!"

"...just how high ARE you?!"


Come on. I know this is Frontier's first attempt at an online game, but surely they can find a better way to balance the normal human being's desire to play this game with the sociopaths' lust for griefing.
25 Nov 2015, 9:04pm
Last night I was in the skies (oh, I mean space) after so many years. Feeling the after burner was a great moment for me. I thank you for Big Pappa and other friends I was in the wing with.(Sorry I will learn your names soon guys) This moment took me to 20 years ago where I was the commanding officer and the founder of 311th Kangal Dogs, a virtual squadron, a part of 1st European Tactical Fighter Wing (1st ETFW). We played with the F16 simulation known as Falcon 4.0 for over 10 years. We took this simulation and flying very seriously.(it's manuel was around 600 pages) Even a real F16 pilot joined us and you can not imagine how deep was our training with many disipline. I wanted to share some videos about those years and thank you again for putting me into this cockpit again.

I have plans to shoot a video about Paladins. Probably it can be during the holiday. Who knows may be our video will bring my fleet,the legend pilots back to this game. They are now old but still playing Battle Field type games...

311th KangalDogs Virtual Fighting Squadron

From one of our weekly missions

and here is my rest of game plays if you like them
25 Nov 2015, 9:20pm
Marcus BarbatusLast night I was in the skies (oh, I mean space) after so many years. Feeling the after burner was a great moment for me. I thank you for Big Pappa and other friends I was in the wing with.(Sorry I will learn your names soon guys) This moment took me to 20 years ago where I was the commanding officer and the founder of 311th Kangal Dogs, a virtual squadron, a part of 1st European Tactical Fighter Wing (1st ETFW). We played with the F16 simulation known as Falcon 4.0 for over 10 years. We took this simulation and flying very seriously.(it's manuel was around 600 pages) Even a real F16 pilot joined us and you can not imagine how deep was our training with many disipline. I wanted to share some videos about those years and thank you again for putting me into this cockpit again.

I have plans to shoot a video about Paladins. Probably it can be during the holiday. Who knows may be our video will bring my fleet,the legend pilots back to this game. They are now old but still playing Battle Field type games...

311th KangalDogs Virtual Fighting Squadron

From one of our weekly missions

and here is my rest of game plays if you like them

OMG! Falcon 4.0... Yep, I remember the good ole days when games/sims came in boxes on 5.75, 3.5, etc., disks and there were crazy manuals but they were well produced with artwork and so forth. Sometimes you'd get a patch for your jacket (I'm thinking about 688i, and Battle of Britain, some of Clancy's early flight sims, all of JANE'S military sims). I really miss Battle of Britain (DOS-based) it was quite ahead of its time and included a mission editor. When MSFS gets sorted on Steam for Win 10, I am going to pick that back up (played for years and years) now that I have my X55.
26 Nov 2015, 2:43pm
I have a Diamondback Scout which I have optimised to a max jump distance of 29.14LY, and was wondering how this compares to the ASP and any other ships with a good range out there?

How about you guys?
26 Nov 2015, 3:20pm
Brad MulletI have a Diamondback Scout which I have optimised to a max jump distance of 29.14LY, and was wondering how this compares to the ASP and any other ships with a good range out there?

How about you guys?

Best I've managed out of a Lakon product is 37.43Ly on a specially-designed Asp Explorer. Unfortunately, as a result she only had a fuel range of about 57Ly or so. A good fuel scoop is important. If only I could plot my own courses in the nav computer...
26 Nov 2015, 3:42pm
Sidenti Taalo
Brad MulletI have a Diamondback Scout which I have optimised to a max jump distance of 29.14LY, and was wondering how this compares to the ASP and any other ships with a good range out there?

How about you guys?

Best I've managed out of a Lakon product is 37.43Ly on a specially-designed Asp Explorer. Unfortunately, as a result she only had a fuel range of about 57Ly or so. A good fuel scoop is important. If only I could plot my own courses in the nav computer...

Nice looking ship. Kinda pricey though you are getting a good range on it.
26 Nov 2015, 3:52pm
Brad Mullet
Sidenti Taalo
Brad MulletI have a Diamondback Scout which I have optimised to a max jump distance of 29.14LY, and was wondering how this compares to the ASP and any other ships with a good range out there?

How about you guys?

Best I've managed out of a Lakon product is 37.43Ly on a specially-designed Asp Explorer. Unfortunately, as a result she only had a fuel range of about 57Ly or so. A good fuel scoop is important. If only I could plot my own courses in the nav computer...

Nice looking ship. Kinda pricey though you are getting a good range on it.

Ya get what ya pay for! Don't worry about credits. As you play the game, they have a tendency of rolling in. Before you know it, you'll be flying around in a ship that makes mine look like cat barf.
26 Nov 2015, 4:46pm
So I took a small load (2 tonne was all I could buy) of Onionhead to Xelabara for the CG today. Will only be the bottom bracket for the reward, but how and when do I get the money? Do I need to go back to collect it?


26 Nov 2015, 5:08pm
JacknyfeUKSo I took a small load (2 tonne was all I could buy) of Onionhead to Xelabara for the CG today. Will only be the bottom bracket for the reward, but how and when do I get the money? Do I need to go back to collect it?



You'll get the money at the conclusion of the CG - either when time expires or 100% completion is reached, whichever comes first. After that, just fly back to Xelabara and hit up the Bulletin Board. Your cashola should be receivable there and then.
26 Nov 2015, 5:13pm
Thanks. So I do need to return.

26 Nov 2015, 8:47pm
Sidenti Taalo
JacknyfeUKSo I took a small load (2 tonne was all I could buy) of Onionhead to Xelabara for the CG today. Will only be the bottom bracket for the reward, but how and when do I get the money? Do I need to go back to collect it?



You'll get the money at the conclusion of the CG - either when time expires or 100% completion is reached, whichever comes first. After that, just fly back to Xelabara and hit up the Bulletin Board. Your cashola should be receivable there and then.

So I went and collected my credits (200k) plus it said I had an "allowance of 10", what is that?

Sorry for questions but I is new to this space flying thing


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