Whiplash 1983HumpsterNotoriety not decreasing as intended. I have been stuck at 6 notoriety know after a firefight with some of Zachary Hudsons ships i caught one with a blast of laser fire and upset it so him and his buddys turned on me in anger i took 6 of them down and legged it.
Notoriety at 6 been logged in for over 12 hours in open and not a single digit decrease is there anyway i can shake this off as its killing the gameplay for me. I have logged with many others as a bug on the Frontier official forum. If i fly back to Zachary Hudson space and get killed will it reset?
You're breaking new ground with that one. I read somewhere the warrant is on the ship and it may stick. I don't think the suicide option works any more either. They say you will spawn in a detention center for the duration of your sentence. All stuff I am trying very hard not to learn about first hand. I do wish you well and I would like to know how this works out.
H mate now down to one, the time period does not seem to be right certainly more than 2 hours but it feels like it varies. Guess it must need a fix as over on main forums other having same issue. Main thing i guess is not to kill non wanted ships either npc or player controlled