Elite: Game talk

23 Mar 2018, 5:34pm
SnealthySnakeThis game...

First, I was kicked out of the wing I joined a couple days prior with no warning (I had barely started talking to members on discord). Then, while I'm trying to hand in bounties for the community goal I get hunted down and killed a couple times by two people who have some sort of feud with the wing founder to "send him a message".

Frustrating but not the end of the world, I keep playing.

Sounds like you got a raw deal with that particular wing. Unfortunate. By the way, if you're looking to join a wing, I hear that the Blackguard Dragoons are hiring.


I spend some time in a high RES with a few other cool players, we form a little squad and are helping each other wrack up bounties. I collect a nice mil in vouchers (as a complete newb this still feels like a lot) and head back to the station to hand them in. Just as I'm flying in my controller decides to disconnect. Not turn off, not die, disconnect. Before I have time to do anything I crash into the wall, my ship explodes and I'm fined and sent to space prison several systems away. Goodbye bounty vouchers.

Sounds like some serious bad luck. I've had a few strange episodes of various kinds. Might be able to petition FDev for help.


Long story short, I spent my morning losing 320,000 credits on top of a million in bounty vouchers and I'm butthurt. Rant over.

We've all been there. This game can be very frustrating. I'd be willing to help you out. Wing up and do some things to help make those credits back. Don't worry about the mil. I spent 2 months exploring when I first got this game. Came back to the bubble and got 'dicted. Lost it all. Took me almost a year to break 10 million. If I can be "successful*" at this game, I'm pretty sure anyone can.

*Success is measured by the goals you set for yourself in this game as it's a sandbox.

Last edit: 23 Mar 2018, 7:07pm
23 Mar 2018, 6:22pm
SnealthySnakeThis game...

First, I was kicked out of the wing I joined a couple days prior with no warning (I had barely started talking to members on discord). Then, while I'm trying to hand in bounties for the community goal I get hunted down and killed a couple times by two people who have some sort of feud with the wing founder to "send him a message".

Frustrating but not the end of the world, I keep playing.

I spend some time in a high RES with a few other cool players, we form a little squad and are helping each other wrack up bounties. I collect a nice mil in vouchers (as a complete newb this still feels like a lot) and head back to the station to hand them in. Just as I'm flying in my controller decides to disconnect. Not turn off, not die, disconnect. Before I have time to do anything I crash into the wall, my ship explodes and I'm fined and sent to space prison several systems away. Goodbye bounty vouchers.

Long story short, I spent my morning losing 320,000 credits on top of a million in bounty vouchers and I'm butthurt. Rant over.

I wholeheartedly agree with Stryker, sounds like you ran into a bunch of drama that had nothing to do with you. Bummer. Just a few systems over and put it behind you.

You'll find many wings on Inara where people are not petty or, well, flightly...

Also agree on the credits situation. You can make that back fast. Find some systems in BOOM and take a bunch of Rep+++ delivery missions to up your rep with those factions and get to the better paying missions. While the game is not about the money, it is about flying the ship and loadout you want, and that takes credits. Friend me in game and if we're on at the same time, I'll be glad to wing up and share some spoils with you.
24 Mar 2018, 8:43am
Thanks for the tips and kind words guys, I'll definitely take it to heart. And yeah it was just a string of bad luck, ultimately not the end of the world. I'll definitely hit you both up next time I'm on, I could use some help learning the ropes. Are you both on xbox by chance?

Also going to check out the Dragoons, thanks again!
24 Mar 2018, 10:58pm
My first question

What are the STAR types that are ( OK ) to draw FUEL from with out over heating ?
24 Mar 2018, 11:09pm

Those are the star classes that you will be able to scoop from. Overheating is something else entirely. Just keep an eye on your heat and you'll be fine. If you find yourself overheating you might want to pack a larger or higher grade scoop.
24 Mar 2018, 11:11pm
There is no Jet's Hole to access Hera Tani

I have a problem with accessing Jet's Hole as it is not there and does not show up, I have scanned the planet and even accessed the Nav Beacon in the system but to no avail so I cannot access the engineer Hera Tani.

Does anyone have any ideas as to where I have gone wrong as I have access to her but there is no Jet's Hole where it is supposed to be.

I play on the XBox One platform

Last edit: 24 Mar 2018, 11:18pm
24 Mar 2018, 11:44pm
DarkplasmaMy first question

What are the STAR types that are ( OK ) to draw FUEL from with out over heating ?

Adam Firethorn is correct, I'd like to add that there are two easy ways to memorise the 7 star types:

Oh Be A Fine Guy/Girl, Kiss Me (OBAFGKM)

The latter one is simply an easier acronym to learn and is my personal go-to when educating Fuel Rat Clients.

As for overheating, the best thing to do is keep your distance from the star. As Adam stated, try a larger and/or better fuel scoop to speed up fueling from further away. However other methods are also available such as:

1. Disable unused modules like weapons or SRV Bays. This will reduce your power usage and therefore your base heat level. Things you must always have on are Thrusters, FSD and Life Support. Anything else can be disabled (Excluding the modules you plan to use in Supercruise, like an Advanced Discovery Scanner for example).

2. Equip a more thermally efficient PowerPlant (Grade C is the best) or engineer one for low emissions.

3. Certain star classes are generally cooler than others. Memory may fail me here, so please do your own research rather than base it exclusively on what I say, but I believe the coolest ones are K, F, and G. I stress that I may be completely wrong on the specific classes though. (As a side note, the Buckyball Racing Group has a nice run down of the best stars to scoop from in their Sagittarius A* Challenge thread, found in the official Frontier Forums, feel free to ask there.)

Last edit: 24 Mar 2018, 11:56pm
25 Mar 2018, 2:37am
OBAFGKM is ordered from hottest to coolest, but there's wide variation in each class.  Heat goes blue(hottest)-white-yellow-orange-red-purple(coolest), so if you have an orange M-class and a dark red, almost purple M-class, the red one will be cooler so you can scoop closer without overheating.
25 Mar 2018, 11:57am
A reminder to anyone unaware of the situation: a CMDR "WaKKO SicK" once tried to join BO but we rejected him due to his bad attitude and stated desire to "watch the galaxy burn" or words to that effect. Yesterday he posted in Marra's now defunct BO recruitment thread from 2016 that "You know its sad cause I been helping whether you liked it or not for about a year now and I never see you guys."

I should state that we always fly in Open, and this CMDR is on our KOS list. This is as important to @Black Omega members as it is to anyone here who is unaware of this fact. This CMDR is on our KOS list due to his mentioning when we didn't let him in originally that he was planning to make life hard for us.

At the time, he was setting up his own wing who were going to support the Mafia of Dread (a player faction, but I am not aware if it was specifically his player faction) in the Dread system. Seeing as the Dread Emperor's Grace faction hold the system now at 50% influence, and the Mafia of Dread sit at around 11% as of the time of writing, I can only assume that he has left that idea behind and now is looking to attach himself to us. He is NOT a member or associate of Black Omega, and we do not wish him to be.
26 Mar 2018, 10:32am
EQ9MagnusAuroraHow do I find out where my faction is expanding to?

Well we found it xD
26 Mar 2018, 5:00pm
Quick question. How and where do I get phosphorus ?
26 Mar 2018, 5:12pm
You can get it from asteroid mining but it can be very hard to come by that way, your are more likely to find it planetary mining, use a detailed surface scanner on landable icy planets until you find one with a good percentage of phosphorous (14-17% is very reasonable), land, launch an SRV, use the bottom half of the SRV's radar to locate outcrops, meteorites etc get within 50m of them, blow them up and collect the remaining rocks, (open u p your cargo scoop and drive over the TARGETTED rock in question). Do this and Bob's your aunty's live in lover
26 Mar 2018, 8:59pm
Eco BaudolinoQuick question. How and where do I get phosphorus ?

Surface mining - most anywhere you can land, launch an SRV and drive,
26 Mar 2018, 9:43pm
Cool beans...so that’s his name.
26 Mar 2018, 11:55pm
The Presence Do this and Bob's your aunty's live in lover

This made me smile 2 thumbs up for you sir....

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