Elite: Game talk

03 Apr 2018, 11:16am
Phisto Sobanii
TictacATTENTION-- CMDR Apached is a highly dangerous Griefer/Ganker

Any intel on him? Where? What ship? Associates?

He is usually in a clipper or was it cutter? The big 200mill cr imperial ship. Bounty is about 50mill. Any interested person can send me a friend request for a little anti-griefer wingup. (Just lemme get the enzyme missiles unlocked and my engineering done). I'm setting up my ship with reverberating cascade torps and mines, as well as phasing sequence weapons (so basically i am built for taking down a shield Generator. Mor reverberators are welcome! He seems to work alone. PLEASE BRING FSD DISRUPTORS. We (my wing last time around) lost him when he was Jumping high and i didn't had my wake scanner. So basically send me a friendy (CMDR Tictac) and we'll pewpew him. He usually shows up at CG's. (We may need more than 2 'cause we need a 'fish' (like a weak ship bla bla bla) at best with some nice mods or prismatics. He uses missiles really often. Hope to see you peps, Commander Tictac, out

Last edit: 03 Apr 2018, 12:51pm
03 Apr 2018, 11:49am
Phisto Sobanii[quote=Tictac]ATTENTION-- CMDR Apached is a highly dangerous Griefer/Ganker

Any intel on him? Where? What ship? Associates?

He is the WCMDR of the Interstellar Basterds and will likely have backup if they need it, so there may be a good bit of PvP fun to be had.

Last edit: 04 Apr 2018, 7:49am
03 Apr 2018, 11:54am
Phisto Sobanii
TictacATTENTION-- CMDR Apached is a highly dangerous Griefer/Ganker

Any intel on him? Where? What ship? Associates?

He is the WCMDR of the Interstellar Basterds and will likely have backup if they need it, so there may be a good bit of PvP fun to be had.

03 Apr 2018, 12:07pm
Hey guys, where i can See the actually Patchnotes for the PS4??

Frontier Says go to www.elitedangerous.com/ps4/update/History

but there only PC Notes and really old Ps4 notes....

So whats happen in the Version 1.18?????
03 Apr 2018, 2:38pm
Reverend TZW
PhelboreWhich direction is it, roughly?

Roughly, it's out towards the Formidine Rift.

First image is the bookmark I'm heading for, EAFOTS EU-R C4-1.

Second image is looking back towards the Bubble.

Best I can do as far as direction goes, apart from, that way over there, somewhere.

Better view prepping for my next jump

Almost certainly Andromeda.

03 Apr 2018, 4:42pm
Hi, I have two questions as i'm getting contradictory info in this.

Does thermal shock weapons or any weapon causing enemies to get heat affect npcs ?
Is the heat build still effective (in both pve and pvp) ?

It sounds like a fun thing to try, something different for once.
03 Apr 2018, 4:51pm
Not sure against NPCs.  Can’t spook a machine after all.  High heat should damage modules, but I haven’t tested that personally or seen any tests elsewhere.  

Against players the big benefits are giving them more to think about and providing suppression against energy intensive builds. Some players will still rage when you use heat as well. That’s kind of hilarious considering all the changes it’s gone through.
03 Apr 2018, 5:41pm
@Steel Beast

NPCs are completely unaffected by heat in general. They will spam SCBs, rail guns, plasma accelerators, and anything else they have equipped nonstop. It gets pretty ridiculous to be honest.
03 Apr 2018, 6:20pm
But do we know if that hurts NPCs? That’s the real question.
03 Apr 2018, 6:31pm
We do know that heat has no negative affect on NPCs whatsoever. It does not cause damage to their ship hull or modules. It did some time ago, during the beta, but it was commonplace for NPCs to blow themselves up trying to use SCBs, and instead of fixing the AI or implementing an artificially high cooldown on SCB use, they just made them immune to the effects of heat in general.
03 Apr 2018, 6:36pm
Thanks, very useful information. A heat build is out of the question then. But what about in pvp ?
03 Apr 2018, 6:46pm
I'm not terribly experienced in PvP, but from what I understand the benefits vary widely by whom you're fighting. Some pilots run extremely cool ships and stay below 80% heat at all times to avoid the alarms. Other pilots are constantly at 200%+ since module damage from heat is relatively limited until you hit around 300% or so. Against the former heat builds will have a minimal effect, against the latter, it could result in a very, very quick kill.

It also depends on how your ship is built and what weapons are used. Plasma Accelerators won't hit frequently enough for the heat buildup to matter, but lasers won't do enough damage in general since most players engineer thermal resist onto their shields/armor. Personally, I don't find heat builds attractive because of how unreliable they are.

Either way, all it takes to defend against most heat builds is a single heat sink launcher, and that's very little effort to invalidate a lot of work/resources on your part.
03 Apr 2018, 6:51pm
A very helpful answer thanks. I saw videos of heat buils putting someone to 300+ heat in a few shots. But I suppose that was before it got nerfed.
My thermal vent weapons should be enough to deal with such build then.
03 Apr 2018, 7:35pm
There's nothing in the game currently that can put you above 300% in just a few shots, but it's actually still a relatively common ganker tactic. They'll point 3 ships' worth of weapons engineered with heat generation, scramble spectrum, or target lock breaker on you and just make you completely unable to retaliate. In that situation, you're screwed either way and no amount of preparation will get you out of the rebuy screen.
03 Apr 2018, 7:57pm
Good decision making and bit of luck will see you through there.

I like heat for PvP.  Good choice for multis or cannons if you can’t decide on a different effect. Most useful against big ships or silent runners (have emissive too!).

Last edit: 03 Apr 2018, 8:03pm

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