Brynhild Hervorsdottir
Who said I didn't see the humor? I find the whole exchange highly amusing.
As did others
Brynhild Hervorsdottir
Who said I didn't see the humor? I find the whole exchange highly amusing.
Rebecca HailActivate your bandwith monitor?
Rebecca HailWell, Elite has a bandwith monitor ingame if I'm correctly informed.
Andy GrahamAnyone know if there is a quick way to send a Private Message to a whole wing in one go? Without the need to enter every commanders name, thanks
Brynhild HervorsdottirBut srsly though, the implications of the Cthulu mythos, the semantics of gaslighting, and whatever it was you were talking about aside, I came in here for a reason and StrikerWhat's-His-Face distracted me from my Purpose.
Anyone have a rough idea what the data consumption, on average, is while playing Elite? Say I got a 50 GB data limit per month on an internet plan, and I'm causing trouble in this galaxy 4 hours a night every night, anyone have an idea if that's going to be sufficient?