Elite: Game talk

11 Dec 2015, 8:30pm
Uploaded lots of pictures at once, didn't mean to spam. Went to check out the gallery and saw all mine at the front..oops
11 Dec 2015, 9:56pm
Sapid: Spam noticed, that's why there is a note "You don't need to upload everything, pick your best stuff." in image form.
11 Dec 2015, 11:58pm
Yeah I thought I was posting to a private gallery at first. Gonna limit those pictures to really nice ones now Just started some farming anyway so probably no nice screenshots for a while.

EDIT: On that note, is there a private gallery where only my wing can see shots? I uploaded shots for them to see my exploration
12 Dec 2015, 12:47am
Thinking of doing some type of SRV Racing event. Looking for a few CMDR's that wouldn't mind doing a test run with yours truly this Sunday the 13th. Made a simple  video with some initial info. PM me if interested.

Course map (crude): http://i.imgur.com/WcgKBee.png

Last edit: 12 Dec 2015, 1:42am
12 Dec 2015, 1:13am
PhreedomThinking of doing some type of SRV Racing event. Looking for a few CMDR's that wouldn't mind doing a test run with yours truly this Sunday the 13th. Made a simple  video with some initial info. PM me if interested.

I'd love to race but can't land until the 15th. I'll be watching for updates - great idea!
12 Dec 2015, 3:42pm
Does anyone else's browser autolaunch when you start the game launcher?
12 Dec 2015, 5:04pm
Sidenti TaaloDoes anyone else's browser autolaunch when you start the game launcher?

Steam or stand alone game?
12 Dec 2015, 5:23pm
Sidenti TaaloDoes anyone else's browser autolaunch when you start the game launcher?

Steam or stand alone game?

Standalone - launcher ver.2015.10.16.84963, Chrome ver. 47.0.2526.80 m on Win7 64-bit.
12 Dec 2015, 8:10pm
Sidenti TaaloDoes anyone else's browser autolaunch when you start the game launcher?

When I click on the launcher icon it automatically signs me in but that's it (which is good because if it auto launched then I wouldn't be able to choose between Live, Horizons Beta, Ships beta etc). Do you mean it loads all the way to the main menu?
12 Dec 2015, 9:43pm
So many wings....cannot make up my mind....
13 Dec 2015, 12:13am
Hello cmdrs
13 Dec 2015, 2:12am
Sidenti TaaloDoes anyone else's browser autolaunch when you start the game launcher?

When I click on the launcher icon it automatically signs me in but that's it (which is good because if it auto launched then I wouldn't be able to choose between Live, Horizons Beta, Ships beta etc). Do you mean it loads all the way to the main menu?

What I mean is when I start the E:D Launcher, it also autolaunches my Chrome web browser on top of starting the launcher program too. What concerns me is that my launcher appears to be the only one exhibiting this behavior, which raises security concerns.
13 Dec 2015, 2:45am
Sidenti Taalo
Sidenti TaaloDoes anyone else's browser autolaunch when you start the game launcher?

When I click on the launcher icon it automatically signs me in but that's it (which is good because if it auto launched then I wouldn't be able to choose between Live, Horizons Beta, Ships beta etc). Do you mean it loads all the way to the main menu?

What I mean is when I start the E Launcher, it also autolaunches my Chrome web browser on top of starting the launcher program too. What concerns me is that my launcher appears to be the only one exhibiting this behavior, which raises security concerns.

That's a good point. Yeah, it doesn't happen to me so maybe doublecheck your antivirus etc.
13 Dec 2015, 2:59am
Ozram That's a good point. Yeah, it doesn't happen to me so maybe doublecheck your antivirus etc.

Checked over the usual logs, nothing out of the ordinary happening so far but 'tis the season.
13 Dec 2015, 3:10am
Sidenti Taalo
Sidenti TaaloDoes anyone else's browser autolaunch when you start the game launcher?

When I click on the launcher icon it automatically signs me in but that's it (which is good because if it auto launched then I wouldn't be able to choose between Live, Horizons Beta, Ships beta etc). Do you mean it loads all the way to the main menu?

What I mean is when I start the E Launcher, it also autolaunches my Chrome web browser on top of starting the launcher program too. What concerns me is that my launcher appears to be the only one exhibiting this behavior, which raises security concerns.

did you uninstalled Internet Explorer? Some game launchers requires it to show its info, and when it can't find Internet Explorer, it tries to show that info on the next brower it finds, "maybe" that's happening to you

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