Elite: Game talk

17 Jun 2018, 7:31pm
Ah, also known as the SDC Method. If you're going to use the SDC Method though, don't try to to show off your prowess at the BGS on the forum. I heard that doesn't go well.
17 Jun 2018, 7:34pm
Well I'll figure something out. It's nothing urgent so Jim not currently fretting about it.
17 Jun 2018, 8:52pm
Brynhild HervorsdottirAh, also known as the SDC Method. If you're going to use the SDC Method though, don't try to to show off your prowess at the BGS on the forum. I heard that doesn't go well.

Funny... the takeaway from that was that Mobius:

1) Immediately rolled over when it became clear that their BGS was being "unfairly targeted from open".

2) Took pains to distance itself from its own PMF.

3) Took further pains, in the form of a multitude of forum posts that easily numbered in the hundreds, to make clear how little they collectively cared that its BGS was under attack, and therefore somehow won.

Good show from the Smiling Dog Crew, I say!

Last edit: 17 Jun 2018, 10:28pm
17 Jun 2018, 9:08pm
You forgot point 2).
17 Jun 2018, 9:19pm
Just took a look at the PMF page here on Inara - lookin' real rough even still.
17 Jun 2018, 11:12pm
I wonder if we will ever get a new trading ship. While the Type 9 is fun and all, i dont feel like much of a space trader if i cant hold onto at least 1 kilo tonne of cargo :/ as it stands i have to do with 752 tonnes
17 Jun 2018, 11:24pm
M. Lehman
Brynhild HervorsdottirAh, also known as the SDC Method. If you're going to use the SDC Method though, don't try to to show off your prowess at the BGS on the forum. I heard that doesn't go well.

Funny... the takeaway from that was that Mobius:

1) Immediately rolled over when it became clear that their BGS was being "unfairly targeted from open".

3) Took pains to distance itself from its own PMF.

4) Took further pains, in the form of a multitude of forum posts that easily numbered in the hundreds, to make clear how little they collectively cared that its BGS was under attack, and therefore somehow won.

Good show from the Smiling Dog Crew, I say!

Couple of points from an insider's POV:

Mobius' BGS isn't a very high priority in the group, isn't as aggressively defended, is (in my personal opinion) managed in a slipshod fashion, and has a very small handful of people actually supporting it in a dedicated fashion. If you were to compare the BGS efforts of the combined Mobius "juggernaut" to a lone member from a dedicated BGS group, like say the AEDC, you'd probably get more done from that lone member. The continuous refrain of it not being very important is the simple truth: the Mobius' BGS is a lot like Inara's BGS, just sort of there on it's own devices. Mobius did the same thing I've done before when some dipshit wanted to "punish" me by flipping a system they knew I was supporting: Let them die on their hill unopposed, then flipped it right back when they were bored and went away.

Phisto SobaniiJust took a look at the PMF page here on Inara - lookin' real rough even still.

Not looking all that rough at all. In fact, that's a lively puzzle to solve for a true BGS'er. Once that war in Njiri is done, and it looks to be so if it's not already, then work can begin on rebuilding influence in Azrael, Ling Deti, and Cardea, bringing in exploration data by the double fistful. The situation in Ling Deti and Cardea is a blessing in disguise, because you can match influence with the appropriate factions to grab the last assets in those system on the way back to the top. Next priority would be getting Jimavi up to 60% to ignite a coup for control while raising the controlling faction up over 7% at the same time; I'd let Gongalungul Empire League and Thanatos Empire Assy fall into war with each other naturally. Apaatham and Njiri are safe from conflict for now so I'd leave them alone, and I'd probably lower Mobius' influence in Exioce and Maausk for awhile to keep them out of any inconviencing conflicts. Once Azrael, Ling Deti, Cardea, and Jimavi are stable, I'd start knocking those last four systems down one by one. Boom, Civil Unrest, and Outbreak are all good statuses for influence because it improves the mission board selection, the worst status is None. In fact, I'd not even be all that concerned about a Lockdown either, because I could just stop it with a blocking War or Election, there's a lot of possibilities to choose from; it's not even a roadblock if I'm in a system where Mobius doesn't control all the stations.
18 Jun 2018, 12:01am
If it’s a puzzle it’s one of those super annoying 5000 piece ones.
18 Jun 2018, 12:17am
It's really not that difficult to fix.
18 Jun 2018, 12:27am
Better get to work, then!
18 Jun 2018, 12:35am
Phisto SobaniiBetter get to work, then!

I got my own projects to work on. I'm just pointing out what any BGS'er worth their salt already knows to those who may not know.
18 Jun 2018, 12:45am
Brynhild HervorsdottirThe situation in Ling Deti and Cardea is a blessing in disguise, because you can match influence with the appropriate factions to grab the last assets in those system on the way back to the top

This is incredibly bad planning. If you own everything in a system and get locked down you have no services, no stations to turn in bounties to fix it.
18 Jun 2018, 1:05am
Brynhild HervorsdottirThe situation in Ling Deti and Cardea is a blessing in disguise, because you can match influence with the appropriate factions to grab the last assets in those system on the way back to the top

This is incredibly bad planning. If you own everything in a system and get locked down you have no services, no stations to turn in bounties to fix it.

I know, however that's the end goal for practically every PMF I've ever seen, and far be it for me to trample on anyone's dreams of empire, ill-advised or not. LRN's going to find that out the hard way, much to my amusement.
18 Jun 2018, 1:13am
Brynhild Hervorsdottir
Phisto SobaniiBetter get to work, then!

I got my own projects to work on. I'm just pointing out what any BGS'er worth their salt already knows to those who may not know.

Cause theory always works out in practice. Look, just pointing out plans rarely survive first contact.
18 Jun 2018, 4:49am
Brynhild Hervorsdottir
I know, however that's the end goal for practically every PMF I've ever seen

Not the ones worth their salt.

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