Elite: Game talk

31 Oct 2015, 8:21pm
PalkkipantteriI would use cannons instead of multicannons . I find them more hilarious to use . I love boom booms .

I love using cannons instead of multicannons. They're just so much more fun, especially when you hit a small ship with them.
01 Nov 2015, 12:56am
Randomly attacked by this Commander. He attacked me while I was doing the Community Goal.

Last edit: 01 Nov 2015, 1:20am
01 Nov 2015, 12:59am
RozymandiasRandomly attacked by Commander Psyromaniac. attacked me while I was doing the Community Goal.

Thanks for the tip...

I'll chat with our allies, PixelBandits, and see if they have any info and/or any commanders working the CG...

We're on PC but we were ganged up on as well last night by multiple wings... Just keep your eyes out...

-Big Pappa
01 Nov 2015, 8:02am
Is it my aftershave?

Since I ranked Master with the Empire this evening I've been inundated with "Glad I found you follow me..." messages every bloody jump and/or interdicted even empty and without bounty. Is it just a coincidence or am I missing/not understanding something? Should I be following these guys? They seem persistent across jumps. Often I will get the "Glad I found you..." followed sometimes simultaneously with, "I've been looking for you..." and get pulled out of SC and attacked--even with no bounty and no cargo. Kind of irritating on nearly every jump. Ideas? Thanks. I'm a trader (Broker) just started bounty hunting but all my claims were legal.
01 Nov 2015, 8:08am
Jack DekerdtIs it my aftershave?

Since I ranked Master with the Empire this evening I've been inundated with "Glad I found you follow me..." messages every bloody jump and/or interdicted even empty and without bounty. Is it just a coincidence or am I missing/not understanding something? Should I be following these guys? They seem persistent across jumps. Often I will get the "Glad I found you..." followed sometimes simultaneously with, "I've been looking for you..." and get pulled out of SC and attacked--even with no bounty and no cargo. Kind of irritating on nearly every jump. Ideas? Thanks. I'm a trader (Broker) just started bounty hunting but all my claims were legal.

Do you have any active missions?
01 Nov 2015, 8:09am
Jack DekerdtIs it my aftershave?

Since I ranked Master with the Empire this evening I've been inundated with "Glad I found you follow me..." messages every bloody jump and/or interdicted even empty and without bounty. Is it just a coincidence or am I missing/not understanding something? Should I be following these guys? They seem persistent across jumps. Often I will get the "Glad I found you..." followed sometimes simultaneously with, "I've been looking for you..." and get pulled out of SC and attacked--even with no bounty and no cargo. Kind of irritating on nearly every jump. Ideas? Thanks. I'm a trader (Broker) just started bounty hunting but all my claims were legal.

NPCs are kinda pushy jerks sometimes. My favorites are the ones who interdict exploration vessels that have no cargo hold.

As far as the ones who want you to follow them, they're interested in getting you to abandon your current mission in favor of their own interests. -Sid
01 Nov 2015, 11:55am
Commanders, quick question: How do I find a stations wealth (i.e. Rich/Poor etc)? I'm trying to update some to the systems ingame.
01 Nov 2015, 12:45pm
Goose4291Commanders, quick question: How do I find a stations wealth (i.e. Rich/Poor etc)? I'm trying to update some to the systems ingame.

It's on the star system map, for each station there should be something like "Poor, Large population Industrial economy". If there is nothing like poor/rich, then they have standard wealth.
01 Nov 2015, 1:38pm
Goose4291Commanders, quick question: How do I find a stations wealth (i.e. Rich/Poor etc)? I'm trying to update some to the systems ingame.

that is quite tall order. I think you cannot really do it alone in reasonable timeframe. you need several players doing different kinds around the area at the same time. Like killing pirates and other factions and doing missions there. Also traders are needed etc.
01 Nov 2015, 7:02pm
Hi commanders,

do you know good systém for doing alliance reputation ???
01 Nov 2015, 9:27pm
Jack DekerdtIs it my aftershave?

Since I ranked Master with the Empire this evening I've been inundated with "Glad I found you follow me..." messages every bloody jump and/or interdicted even empty and without bounty. Is it just a coincidence or am I missing/not understanding something? Should I be following these guys? They seem persistent across jumps. Often I will get the "Glad I found you..." followed sometimes simultaneously with, "I've been looking for you..." and get pulled out of SC and attacked--even with no bounty and no cargo. Kind of irritating on nearly every jump. Ideas? Thanks. I'm a trader (Broker) just started bounty hunting but all my claims were legal.

Do you have any active missions?

No, I completed everything pending. I think I know where you are going with that line of thought...I did read somewhere that sometimes these interruptions (vs interdictions) are mission updates...just not sure if there is any way to tell the difference?
01 Nov 2015, 9:58pm
If anyone is interested in joining a wing dedicated to exploration and research:

Compass Exploration and Research Inc.


Last edit: 02 Nov 2015, 7:01pm
01 Nov 2015, 10:43pm
Realtoltek DzehenutiHi commanders,

do you know good systém for doing alliance reputation ???

Yes 78 ursae, Rominger dock or Read gateway and systems surrounding Alioth
01 Nov 2015, 10:44pm
Thank u very much .

And some alternative systém of Robigo ? I was found one but spawning of smuggling mission is low...
02 Nov 2015, 3:42am
What I wouldn't give for a navigation computer that ignored Tauri stars.

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