Elite: Game talk

07 Oct 2015, 5:39pm
how can i unsubscribe this thread? ^^;
07 Oct 2015, 6:26pm
Laynor Luna Lagoonahow can i unsubscribe this thread? ^^;

Unsubcribe added.
07 Oct 2015, 6:27pm
o lol
07 Oct 2015, 6:41pm
Deadspin: Yeah, it's an unwanted side effect. I will remove that too, but must haul some cargo first, mission timer is set tight.
07 Oct 2015, 6:49pm
lol thanks artie
07 Oct 2015, 8:53pm
thanks for the tips guys im headed out
08 Oct 2015, 4:39pm
After the 1.4 update anyone noticed that the 'Mission Target' label when targeting an NPC has vanished?

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 08 Oct 2015, 6:55pm
08 Oct 2015, 4:40pm
RodrickAfter the 1.4 update anyone noticed that the 'Mission Target' label when targeting an NPC has vanished?

Definitely had the mission target appearing last night.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 08 Oct 2015, 6:55pm
08 Oct 2015, 5:07pm
Its not vanished, it now such a color, that makes it nearly invisible..

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 08 Oct 2015, 6:56pm
08 Oct 2015, 6:41pm
Pyrethedirtbagso your primerley on the xbox one?

09 Oct 2015, 12:51am

10 Oct 2015, 5:36pm
Just found out that Wolf 1301 Saunder's Dive doesn't have a Starbucks nor Costa. Just done a mercy run for the starving and sullen faced children. 12t of coffee.
10 Oct 2015, 6:35pm
Well, I've come back from a successful exploration run out to Sagittarius A* and I am filthy rich. (And also rank Ranger in the Pilots Federation.)
10 Oct 2015, 8:25pm
So I'm pretty new to this website and I don't know what else to do in the game other than log in and kill some NPCs
10 Oct 2015, 8:39pm
Try joining the chat, maybe someone is up for a wing?

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Elite:Dangerous related questions, answers, tips and help. Simply anything that is directly related to the game and its gameplay goes here.
For the discussions about the community, other stuff related to the game like astrophysics and so on please use the General talk thread.

What does belong here:
  • Questions, answers, tips and guides about ship loadouts, game activities like exploration, mining, combat and similar things that directly relate to the gameplay.
  • Game technical issues and problems, if you are looking for a help. For the bug reports please head to the official FD forum.
  • Discussion about "official" events from GalNet and community goals.
What does not belong here:
  • Discussing player actions and activities, general topics about Elite community and player events, topics related to the game but also real world (like astrophysics and similar). Please post these to the "General talk" thread instead.
  • Any off topic discussion, please post this kind of stuff to the "Offtopic" thread.