Elite: Game talk

03 Oct 2015, 10:51pm
Grey Pilgrim
Vulkos KerathienIs there any way to get access to Vega?

Yes. Became Ensign in the Fedral Navy.

Really? Oh that's gonna take some time. Thanks!
04 Oct 2015, 1:56am
I'm Warrant Officer in the Federation, one below Ensign, and I have access to Vega. No idea why but I do.
04 Oct 2015, 2:33am
PhreedomI'm Warrant Officer in the Federation, one below Ensign, and I have access to Vega. No idea why but I do.

Oh, right. I am, too, and I also have the permit. Seems the Wiki is wrong, then.
04 Oct 2015, 2:48am
Guess and I was wrong too, so deleted comment.
Messed vs Van-Maanen`s star..
04 Oct 2015, 6:08am
PhreedomI'm Warrant Officer in the Federation, one below Ensign, and I have access to Vega. No idea why but I do.

Same here and some how I have a Sirius permit and I have no idea how
06 Oct 2015, 9:06pm
Ok I am a player on the xbox and for the life of me cannot find a discounted annie anywhere.... would love to know the whereabouts of a 25% discounted annie
06 Oct 2015, 11:01pm
i lookig for a german speaking wing , anyone can help me ?
07 Oct 2015, 2:17am
Greetings, Commanders,

Allow me to introduce myself. I'm DrunkRenegade12, Wing Commander of E.X.O. As you are all aware, our Wing has grown exponentially over the last few days, however I have not yet reached out to anyone on my own accord. So, I'd like to tell you a little about us.

Our faction started on our Subreddit, EliteOne. We decided that the best approach would be a true representative democracy, having our community vote on important issues. Obviously, we cannot please everyone. But we (being the leaders of E.X.O.) have had a ton of positive feedback
with our approach to leading this group. We are all very excited to finally be a part of the same background sim as the rest of you!

I was approached very early on by Big Pappa of Ghost Squadron with a generous offer to join a multi-faction alliance. This could have proven to be potentially invaluable, as having multiple player groups willing to help each other out is beneficial to all parties involved.

We held a vote, and ultimately declined Ghost Squadron's offer. Not because of arrogance or pride, but because we want to grow as a faction on our own, at least for now. Our numbers increase drastically by the day; We are still building the infrastructure that will hold our faction together, and we expect to show the impressive level of organization that many of you have.

The main purpose of this open letter is to let you all know that E.X.O. has absolutely no intention of taking hostile actions toward any player factions. We simply wish to remain neutral as we continue to grow. I hope you all can respect that, and will not engage in any hostile actions toward us. Granted, this isn't an official Non-Aggresion Pact or anything, but simply built on a mutual trust between us all.

Over the next week, I will personally be reaching out to each group to introduce myself, to open diplomatic talks for when the time comes for them, and to get to know each other. If any of you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.

I look forward to working with you all in the future!


E.X.O. Wing Commander

Last edit: 07 Oct 2015, 3:27am
07 Oct 2015, 5:19am
so your primerley on the xbone?
07 Oct 2015, 5:26am
Urik ValkyerOk I am a player on the xbox and for the life of me cannot find a discounted annie anywhere.... would love to know the whereabouts of a 25% discounted annie

Don't know that there are any at 25% currently, but you should be able to get one for 15% off by going to any of the control worlds for Li Yong-Rui.

There's a thread on the ED forums that details discounts for ships and modules, given that we share the same background sim, I would think that it should apply for PC and consoles alike. Take a look here, it may be helpful.
07 Oct 2015, 11:33am
Urik ValkyerOk I am a player on the xbox and for the life of me cannot find a discounted annie anywhere.... would love to know the whereabouts of a 25% discounted annie

Try this info:

  • Adder: Umbila
  • Anaconda: Kamito, Diaguandri
  • Asp: Kamito,Diaguandri
  • Cobra: Kamito, Diaguandri, Umbila
  • DBT Scout: Diaguandri
  • DBT Explorer: Diaguandri
  • Eagle: Kamito, Diaguandri
  • Fed Dropship: Diaguandri
  • Fer De Lance: Umbila
  • Hauler: Diaguandri, Umbila
  • Imperial Clipper: Kamito
  • Orca: Diaguandri
  • Python: Kamito, Diaguandri, Umbila
  • Sidewinder: Kamito, Diaguandri, Umbila
  • T-6: Kamito, Diaguandri, Umbila
  • T-7: Kamito
  • T-9: Diaguandri, Umbila
  • Viper: Kamito, Diaguandri
  • Vulture: Diaguandri
these are the places where to buy with discount
07 Oct 2015, 11:54am
Man, some of the smuggling routes, have been destroyed... I'm loosing some serious money. I need a new one and bad.. My type-9 has no became an exploration ship since this update.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 07 Oct 2015, 2:37pm
07 Oct 2015, 11:56am
SirFukUMan, some of the smuggling routes, have been destroyed... I'm loosing some serious money. I need a new one and bad.. My type-9 has no became an exploration ship since this update.

Yep....happened to my run as well

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 07 Oct 2015, 2:37pm
07 Oct 2015, 2:03pm
SirFukUMan, some of the smuggling routes, have been destroyed... I'm loosing some serious money. I need a new one and bad.. My type-9 has no became an exploration ship since this update.

Yep....happened to my run as well

Mine is still great - making 300K - 500K per run in my Asp - I'll not be disclosing the systems!

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 07 Oct 2015, 2:40pm
07 Oct 2015, 2:19pm
Richard Pettigrew
SirFukUMan, some of the smuggling routes, have been destroyed... I'm loosing some serious money. I need a new one and bad.. My type-9 has no became an exploration ship since this update.

Yep....happened to my run as well

Mine is still great - making 300K - 500K per run in my Asp - I'll not be disclosing the systems!

Richard, Is your run listed anywhere?

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 07 Oct 2015, 2:40pm

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