TictacR0S3GU4RD5399AutomaticAddictDangerous criminal activity around “Ebor system” haz Rez site. 100,000,000 plus bounty on the head of psychopath Commander “Jester of Sins”. This is on Xbox.
Jester of Sins is a dangerous player no matter where you are. He is a griefer. If you want to escape him or any other criminal the best bet would be to go into a PG
Nana. you gotta wanna have a task manager open. Combat logging isnt the same if you're being attacked and ambushed unfairly IMO.
BTW., what do you guys think about a Krait Exploration ship?
Tictac I want to hope that your just trolling bc if your not **rolls eyes** (combat logging is just bad don't do it just take the rebuy)
Last edit: 17 Jul 2018, 12:56am