Elite: Game talk

02 Dec 2015, 8:07pm
BlueTeamMemberI would love it if they just used the already written code they have now to implement this:
Buy your own OUTPOST. Store your ships in it. Store your cargo in it. Store your modules.
Option to Pay to move it, pay to add a large pad. Pay top credits to park at a Pristine Metallic Ring and run a mining operation.
Have it consume resources so that you have to regularly supply it with fuel, food, meds, weapons, etc. etc. or pay others a premium to do it for you.
In Open play CMDRs can attempt blockades.
Operate a black market. Sell stuff you collect. Buy stuff from other CMDRs.
Private Groups could operate ORBITALS. That is asking too much, But I can Dream.

I would go for it too. But like you said it is only a dream but maybe if we ask enough they might be able to make a deal with some but not all.
02 Dec 2015, 8:35pm
Jack DekerdtIs anyone out there old enough to remember Star Trek coming with IBM DOS 3.0? Or, remember DOS games when they were really nothing more than keyboard symbols and/or word-story games? How about when the Commodore 64 came out and we could actually code our own games with actual graphics? Good times.

Yeah. I started programming on the ZX81, moving characters about in BASIC and machine code. All done in 1K of memory!
Sigh! - takes me back....

Ah BASIC...COBOL. I worked with BBX, SCO XENIX, a UNIX derivative on the HP 9000s in the 80s. Right before Oracle exploded along with the other commercial database packages.
02 Dec 2015, 8:37pm
Bah... Basic, such advanced language. Anybody knows Karel?
02 Dec 2015, 8:42pm
Sidenti Taalo
Daisy Kato Its a good idea. Have posted that idea to Frontier to see if they might go for that?

It would be a nice feature to have but Frontier has more than enough on their plate at this point to talk about implementing a trading interface. Hell, I'd be happy if they just fixed the T9's ginormous HUD.

traiding between cmdr's is not going to happen , at least for a long time. it was discussed back in alpha/beta days and was decided as a no go area to avoid ''gold farmers''

Not that there is a rich/robust economy engine at this point (or at least I don't see evidence of it) but I doubt they will allow us to sell anything to each other on any scale directly at this point due to the potential impact/ imbalance. As others have stated, there is much on the plate right now. I do think it would add to the richness and immersion but there is more that goes in to the granting of such wishes than just allowing it.
02 Dec 2015, 8:47pm
Clubany idea where to get a a4 power plant or higher looking all over

Not sure if you foun what you needed but I find these locations carry better than average outfitting and ships (sorry not in front of galaxy map to check distances to your location):

Almad / Heinkel
Leesti / George Lucas
Clayahu / Von Biela
Faust 68 / Slipher
02 Dec 2015, 8:50pm
Sidenti TaaloToday I learned I am, in fact, dumb enough to accidentally sell one of my ships.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I must fly 300Ly or so to get a new T9. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY ME

(Actually, screw that - time to get a trade 'Conda.)

Been there, done that...it is painful. I learned not a good idea to be outfitting ships on no sleep and nodding off but wanting to wrap up process.
02 Dec 2015, 8:58pm
ArtieBah... Basic, such advanced language. Anybody knows Karel?

We are talking about 1985, 30 years ago +/-. I don't think KAREL came until late 1990s? Something like that.
02 Dec 2015, 11:12pm

I am at 109 Piscium it has A's size 2,3,4,5,6

You have better luck in large population places under Li Young-Rui. He is a big fan of tech. Li is the Crazy Gideon of Outfitting, STACK THEM DEEP, SELL THEM CHEAP!!!!!!!!

thanks will have a look
03 Dec 2015, 3:23am
Jack Dekerdt Been there, done that...it is painful. I learned not a good idea to be outfitting ships on no sleep and nodding off but wanting to wrap up process.

It actually ended up working out quite well. The Anaconda is a most acceptable trade vessel, and isn't plagued by the giant HUD bug the T9 has.
03 Dec 2015, 11:03am
Jack Dekerdt
We are talking about 1985, 30 years ago +/-. I don't think KAREL came until late 1990s? Something like that.

It's much older, I remember it was quite popular on elementary schools there in 80's.
03 Dec 2015, 2:54pm
Jack Dekerdt
We are talking about 1985, 30 years ago +/-. I don't think KAREL came until late 1990s? Something like that.

It's much older, I remember it was quite popular on elementary schools there in 80's.

1981 according to Wikipedia
03 Dec 2015, 5:17pm
Jack Dekerdt
We are talking about 1985, 30 years ago +/-. I don't think KAREL came until late 1990s? Something like that.

It's much older, I remember it was quite popular on elementary schools there in 80's.

Yep, you are right...I think I moved on to PASCAL but I found an old notebook of mine from '84 with some references to KAREL.
03 Dec 2015, 9:10pm
Jack Dekerdt
We are talking about 1985, 30 years ago +/-. I don't think KAREL came until late 1990s? Something like that.

It's much older, I remember it was quite popular on elementary schools there in 80's.

Karel, not to be confused with Corel which was the Canadian Government's late-90's substitute for Microsoft's suite of software.
04 Dec 2015, 12:41am
ok guys/gals, I've been playing for a month or so. Got the hang of it I think, but, I'm looking for something more. I need a mission or objective to help accomplish, something I thought Power play would offer, but that aspect doesn't make sense to me as far as supporting minor factions depending on govt types and whatever. Anywho, I'm looking for a wing that I can help. The whole idea of taking sides during a civil wart is awesome, so I guess thats my main focus. I just use my type6 to finance my Courier at the moment- hope to get a clipper eventually, so staying on the Empire's good side is key here.
04 Dec 2015, 1:39am
Speed Serpentok guys/gals, I've been playing for a month or so. Got the hang of it I think, but, I'm looking for something more. I need a mission or objective to help accomplish, something I thought Power play would offer, but that aspect doesn't make sense to me as far as supporting minor factions depending on govt types and whatever. Anywho, I'm looking for a wing that I can help. The whole idea of taking sides during a civil wart is awesome, so I guess thats my main focus. I just use my type6 to finance my Courier at the moment- hope to get a clipper eventually, so staying on the Empire's good side is key here.

Hello! Elite: Dangerous differs from your standard MMO-type games in that this is a full-on "sandbox" - what that means is that, typically, the player is tasked with creating their own goals and dreaming up their own storylines. It's good to see, then, that you're looking for a wing.

Now, mine isn't hiring. It's just a writing exercise component. But there are several good ones here, all catering to various interests. One of my personal favorites is Ghost Squadron - largest wing here by far, flies in private or open, Imperial allegiance not a problem since they're pretty chill about it. You can reach their wing commander here. Good luck!

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