Elite: Game talk

27 Jul 2015, 10:42pm
Lase Mooray
I dont have anything from the root AppData!

Is it that you can't see the AppData folder? If you can't it is due to Windows hiding system folders, you will need to make it visable by:

(this is while viewing a directory - I'd suggest c:/users/YOURUSERNAME/)

Pressing [ALT] + [T] (Tools menu)
Click 'Folder Options'
Click the 'View' tab
In the lower window click the radio box next to 'Show hidden files, folders, and drives'
Click 'OK'

You should now be able to see the AppData folder, let us know if this works/doesn't work!

That seesm to have worked thanks. Just interdicted noted so far but I guess my next session will be more with verbose logging?
28 Jul 2015, 11:35am
Shoom: Yes, you should get more detailed flight logs with verbose logging enabled.
29 Jul 2015, 9:47am
Thanks all! Very Much appreciated!
29 Jul 2015, 11:27am
Please Help!

Hi fellow commanders.

I have a dilemma that you guys might be able to help me with. I have 190 Million total assets, and was thinking of selling all my ships to get an anaconda. I currently have a Vulture (combat) asp (exploring) and Python (cargo). Will I be making a mistake to do it just now, or should I wait until I have a bit more capital behind me?

And if I should go for the anaconda, how would you outfit it for general use?
29 Jul 2015, 12:31pm
I think it is a bit early to go for an Anaconda unless you sell everything and get it with 15% discount (Rui exploited systems) in which case you might have enough for a cargo Anaconda. But you should be ready for some grinding
29 Jul 2015, 1:22pm
Thanks Pargyrak that's exactly what i did. Now the proud owner of the trading ship Doomsayer lol
05 Aug 2015, 9:46pm
Hmm I have steam version of the game and I dont have in the appdata folder a folder named products and thus no log file. Where should I seek it then?
05 Aug 2015, 10:13pm
PikkuMikaHmm I have steam version of the game and I dont have in the appdata folder a folder named products and thus no log file. Where should I seek it then?

You're talking about the flight logs correct?
Yeah in the steam version its not in the appdata folder its in the steam directory

steamapps-> commons, etc. etc. till you get to ED
05 Aug 2015, 10:56pm
thanks mate
09 Aug 2015, 12:35pm
Is there bug on signature generating? If you are on wing, the emblem still generated with Wing - Independent

Hit refresh couple of times too. No change.
09 Aug 2015, 3:55pm
Ah, no, the issue was that I commented one line in source code for testing purposes yesterday and forgot to return it back. It should be fixed right now, thank you for noticing.
10 Aug 2015, 5:16pm
"no aisling programme materials to deliver"

Yet I have 10 tons of the shit? wtf?
11 Aug 2015, 2:43am
Hi Guys,

I need help. I'm planning a route to explore, so, I plot a route to a specific and random system, like M39 Sector BE-V B2-0, for instance, and OK, the game plot the route. But when I quit and launch the game again the route that I plot is gone, and when I try to search that specific system in the search system of the galactic map, nothings happen, there is a bug, or a limitation of the search system? Any suggestions or tips to plot a route to explore?

16 Aug 2015, 6:11pm
I am new to INARA and I was just wondering can anyone help me out with the signature? How it works and how I (get to) use it?
16 Aug 2015, 6:40pm
Simply go to CMDR'S LOG > SIGNATURE and click "Enable signature". Then use link to the image or code provided on your favorite boards and it's done.
(Eventually, upload this image to Frontier's forum and use the code displayed for this forum)

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