Phelbore_shaun...the most important thing is that my material and data dont refresh as well
How are you getting changes to Inara? EDMC, manual journal uploads?
eddiscovery,ok,it works good now
Phelbore_shaun...the most important thing is that my material and data dont refresh as well
How are you getting changes to Inara? EDMC, manual journal uploads?
Cernig10Hive mind question: does anyone know if controlling faction states (war, civil war, elections etc) affect the supply of goods in the Commodity market, and if so does anyone have figures on how much?
Cernig10Hive mind question: does anyone know if controlling faction states (war, civil war, elections etc) affect the supply of goods in the Commodity market, and if so does anyone have figures on how much?
Ray CollinsI'm still looking for two things Babylon 5 space station and a TARDIS that looks like a blue police box. Any leads CMDRs?
Cernig10Hive mind question: does anyone know if controlling faction states (war, civil war, elections etc) affect the supply of goods in the Commodity market, and if so does anyone have figures on how much?
Whiplash 1983Cernig10Hive mind question: does anyone know if controlling faction states (war, civil war, elections etc) affect the supply of goods in the Commodity market, and if so does anyone have figures on how much?
Market prices are not political. Supply and demand. Each system has an environment and economy that dictates what it produces, what it needs and the respective market values. Politics can change the alignment and leadership, but the raw materials and talent present in the system govern the economy and prices. That said, an outbreak will create demand for and draw medical supplies into a system. Think about it that way.
HamboneIs this week's CG ("Alliance Initiative) a mining goal or a trading goal? My guess would be mining but i just want to confirm this.mining