Elite: Game talk

29 Jun 2015, 10:36pm
Just a note, the location doesn't change after "set current location" in the signature. Maybe cacheing issue though (but since many hours now). Should be Vaka. http://inara.cz/data/sigs/0/954.png

EDIT All fine! Now it has changed. THANKS

Last edit: 01 Jul 2015, 7:48am
29 Jun 2015, 11:25pm
Uvelius: Ha, there was small issue with it, fixed. Please regenerate your signature (turn it off and on) or set your current location in your profile again. It should appear on your signature roughly within one hour (or immediately, when turned off and on).

Nimorum: I am not sure what do you mean, but if was mean station prices edit, there is now button "Edit prices manually" which enables price edit (it was needed to change it that way as there is now supply/demand displayed and there was no space for input fields).
30 Jun 2015, 1:04am
tks for the reply i was talking about the input filld that was where u now have the cvs file that enables u to do private notes in the station now my note appear

conflict zone

and i canot edit

sory if i didn't explain my self
30 Jun 2015, 8:59am

Nimorum: I am not sure what do you mean, but if was mean station prices edit, there is now button "Edit prices manually" which enables price edit (it was needed to change it that way as there is now supply/demand displayed and there was no space for input fields).

He is right Artie, there used to be a Note field that we could add for a station and mark it Public or Private. I have some mentioning that they sell slaves but they are illegal in that station as a warning. I deleted them whenI noticed that you removed the field.

When I first startted with Inara, I was adding Shipyard information there.

The note field is now only editable if you click on "edit station prices".
30 Jun 2015, 9:04am
As BD said, note is still here. But I agree it's not ideal placement and note input should be more prominent, as it was before. I will change it ASAP.
30 Jun 2015, 12:11pm
yes i got it tks alot its now is located in the edit prices manually inside u will have the note section

really good feature

tks for the development of this great app
30 Jun 2015, 4:58pm
AndyraptorI've tried wedging my wife under the jettison key ... but she won't stay still !!!

Trie the abandon option in the cargo jettison screen

wow that so made my morning! I literally snorted my coffee
30 Jun 2015, 5:02pm
Broc "Badger" McGregorI literally snorted my coffee

Do you find that gets the caffine into your system faster? hehe
30 Jun 2015, 5:10pm
Lase Mooray
Broc "Badger" McGregorI literally snorted my coffee

Do you find that gets the caffine into your system faster? hehe

it certainly makes the morning more interesting! O7
30 Jun 2015, 5:29pm
Broc "Badger" McGregor
it certainly makes the morning more interesting! O7

I shall try it tomorrow then! Do you use a straw? Or just stick your nose straight into the filled mug?
30 Jun 2015, 7:04pm
see, I use a complicated technique:

I sip the coffee as normal,

Then, and this is the key, I find something hilarious.

This causes me to snort, the coffee.... backwards

think of it as a personal version of how kitten brand coffee is made!

man I can't keep going it's getting gross now!
01 Jul 2015, 7:48am
The Discussion thread in Wing starts to get crowded, with different topics blending. Fine for now, but for the future, any chance to get Topics? The Discussion is fantastic since it allows internal discussion which is not possible in Mobius.

Also, polls? I would like to finsd out if our Wing wants to be involved in a conflict, yet that is hard without polls.

But as said, it is already a fantastic tool!
01 Jul 2015, 8:51pm
Yes, there may be user-created topics in the future... probably not soon, but still on consideration, together with polls (as it may be handy for Inara in general, too)
02 Jul 2015, 9:05am
hi , this is my first post here and i have a couple of Q's about the market section .....

firstly , select Cubeo as your point of origin and the round trip info advises
1) imperial slaves (which are illegal there , with no black market) - this needs a fix
2) liquor (which there are only a very few of) - prehaps a minimum load option?

secondly , the minimum goods value of 500CR .... why ? often you can make 2-400CR off of mineral extractors (like a Cubeo -> hip 1937 run). prehaps the min value should be optional (unless im missing something).
02 Jul 2015, 1:59pm
Hello Greeboski,
it seems there was imperial slaves price set in some station (older price before Powerplay), so it's removal fixed it. Also, now are power exploitation effects in place, so it should also provide better results. Minimum goods value (500Cr) is there for performance reasons, when higher distance set. But, I lowered it to 300Cr, so I hope it should be also better now.

Minimum load option is planned and will be there in the future for sure...

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