Elite: Game talk

09 Dec 2015, 11:07pm
From 1.4

Pythons modules targeting found useless.
Against Condas sometimes using targeting power, its helpful to pacify them.
Others going like collateral damage without differenciation to modules.
10 Dec 2015, 1:14am
Evgeny ZiFrom 1.4

Pythons modules targeting found useless.
Against Condas sometimes using targeting power, its helpful to pacify them.
Others going like collateral damage without differenciation to modules.

Thanks. I've read some pretty impassioned arguments on the boards over at Steam & Frontier for targeting specific modules but like you, I don't see that it makes a huge difference, and of course, anything in the small ship range can be wasted in less time than it takes to target a system.
10 Dec 2015, 4:32am
Jack Dekerdt
Evgeny ZiFrom 1.4

Pythons modules targeting found useless.
Against Condas sometimes using targeting power, its helpful to pacify them.
Others going like collateral damage without differenciation to modules.

Thanks. I've read some pretty impassioned arguments on the boards over at Steam & Frontier for targeting specific modules but like you, I don't see that it makes a huge difference, and of course, anything in the small ship range can be wasted in less time than it takes to target a system.

The only time I every both to target systems is when I am facing a clipper, python, or Anaconda. I will target drives, or more likely power generators in the thought that I will be able to remove their capacity to fight/flee. The only other occasion it is useful for is breaking cargo hatches/drives if you are playing pirate. All other scenarios, it's a waste of time to module-target; your target's hull is typically gone by the time you finish breaking a module.

Of course, your weapons systems play a huge role in how effective it is against modules. Armor penetrating weapons like a cannon will have a greater effect versus other types. I'll typically see myself breaking the power generator by the time hull has dropped to 40-50%
10 Dec 2015, 5:03am
I would pay many monies for the ability to ghostride my Scarab. I am sure I am not the only one who feels this way.
10 Dec 2015, 8:28am
Sidenti TaaloI would pay many monies for the ability to ghostride my Scarab. I am sure I am not the only one who feels this way.

LOLz... that would be Sick!! We could film it selfie style!
10 Dec 2015, 7:27pm
Helloooo anybody out there ?

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 10 Dec 2015, 7:54pm
10 Dec 2015, 7:31pm
BulletMunkieHelloooo anybody out there ?

Different time zones, is my guess but they do get around to answering and helping out.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 10 Dec 2015, 7:55pm
10 Dec 2015, 7:41pm
Hi there Oz, u GMT matey ?

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 10 Dec 2015, 7:55pm
10 Dec 2015, 7:48pm
BulletMunkieHi there Oz, u GMT matey ?

Yeah, great!  Just finally got some of the people from the SC thread to check out and sign up with Inara. We're twelve here now and hopefully growing. Blows my mind how well done this site is. I'll see what I can do about a thank you to Inara for Christmas.
I'm on Melbourne time zone.

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 10 Dec 2015, 7:55pm
10 Dec 2015, 7:52pm
Yup this site is fantastic.. gonna tell my buddies to check it out, Roger that regarding thanking inara.

Last edit: 10 Dec 2015, 8:03pm
10 Dec 2015, 8:48pm
i finally got my wing leader to make a group on this site @____@
11 Dec 2015, 2:40pm
Dear December 15: You're four days late. Hurry up. - , everyone who preordered
11 Dec 2015, 7:39pm
So the new ships are part of 1.5 and not horizons correct?
11 Dec 2015, 7:54pm
Mr McHattySo the new ships are part of 1.5 and not horizons correct?

If you mean the Imperial Cutter and Federal Whatsitsface, then yes.
11 Dec 2015, 8:02pm
Sidenti Taalo Whatsitsface

I'm going to be naming my vette that now.

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