LinventorLeytraLinventorSo, once again asking for help here, what ship should I bring on the Gnosis? Krait, Crusader, Clipper, or a type 10 without a lot of rebuy cash available?
Take your Crusader, probably the cheapest rebuy of the lot and a good anti-xeno ship.
Aight then, thanks. Last question. How do I get to the Gnosis? Route plotting fails instantly whenever I try to plot to the system it's in, and a few others nearby.
Oh, also, I don't have a crusader yet. Or any of the ships other than the t10. 'Course, using a crusader is a problem due to myobsessionpreference to use coriolis/edshipyard to figure out how well a ship'll work before actually buying it, and the crusader hasn't been added to either one.
Try plotting to its previous location of HD 51502 first. Also, most AXI pilots are taking Kraits and don't speak well of the Crusader, but you can find it for previs on