Elite: Game talk

15 Oct 2018, 4:45pm
MobanditoI dropped into a weapons fire threat lvl 2 thinking that it would be kinda easy but to my surprise it was too Anacondas so i had to scat. thin i found an other lvl 2 drop in and it was 4 ships 1 was a Fed gunn ship. whats up with thatso what consist as a Lvl threat hate to see a 3 or 4 a six must suck.

If it's threat level 1 you normally only find 1 ship and prolly lower skilled.
I've had a threat level 2 with a three anaconda wing in it and nobody else, but since I was in a clipper and they were already foaming at the mouth I decided to take my leave. I didn't check all of their pilot ratings but 1 of them was competent. if all three were at that level I'd not survive 1v3, lmao!

Generally speaking, if it's 2v1 you can still have a good survivability as long as their rating is on the low to mid range, because they don't have much for tactical skill and you can outmaneuver them.
Last night there was a novice, it interdicted me and wanted the cargo, but I was empty so I submitted and we both scanned each other. Then he turns to leave and I follow him till I'm like 2 or 3 hundred meters from him target his power core and start firing....
His ship exploded and I didn't do any dmg to his core but he never once turned to avoid my line of fire and just let me tear up his stern. I imagine if his engines were targeted they'd prolly have been destroyed.

That's why their skill rating makes a difference.

There was another one I recall submitting to, without knowing it was a 2 man wing, at least one of them was Novice and they were both in small ships, but I had cargo and was unshielded. I just didn't want to run the risk of losing my mission haulage. so after submitting I bugged out. But while I was accelerating away they did hit me with their beams but my hull didn't seem to take any damage...
"I prolly could have turned around and wasted them" is what I was thinking at that point, but the cargo was more precious than their bounties.
15 Oct 2018, 11:24pm
Silver Taffer
Victor CronosA newboid question please.

If I submit to an interdiction I realise that I come out steady and in good shape with no damage and a short FSD charge up. But what happens to the nasty person trying to kill me? Do they get hull damage etc or are they in the same state as me?

They should come out the same as you as they have won the interdiction against you, although you submitted, they will appear behind you at full strength.

Fly safe Cmdr's

My understanding is that the interdictor 'tumbles' out of supercruise and takes minor module damage and long FSD cool-down which is why submission gives the interdicted Cmdr a slight advantage to make a get-away.
Can anyone confirm this? 07

Can confirm that whenever I successfully interdict an NPC, I drop out of supercruise tumbling and completely out of control for five or six seconds with minor hull integrity damage. Never checked the FSD cooldown as I'm too busy trying to regain control, deploy hardpoints and lock-on to the target. So I hope that happens to NPC's that I submit to.
16 Oct 2018, 5:46am
Reverend TZW Can confirm that whenever I successfully interdict an NPC, I drop out of supercruise tumbling and completely out of control for five or six seconds with minor hull integrity damage. Never checked the FSD cooldown as I'm too busy trying to regain control, deploy hardpoints and lock-on to the target. So I hope that happens to NPC's that I submit to.

I'm pretty sure, that if you Submit to the interdiction by cutting drive power, than neither of you do any tumbling or take any drive damage... I know the AI does not submit, ever.

In the time it takes for you to spin around, the AI has already locked and started scanning you, after you submit to the interdiction.
I'd say that's a fair assessment for there to not be any tumbling on their end when you submit.
16 Oct 2018, 5:52am
Hey, you guys could like, I dunno, interdict someone and see what happens for yourselves!

Explore! Experiment! Explode! (okay, maybe not so much of the last one)
16 Oct 2018, 6:38am
Kari KerenskiHey, you guys could like, I dunno, interdict someone and see what happens for yourselves!

Explore! Experiment! Explode! (okay, maybe not so much of the last one)

I can see how that plays out:

"hi there! I just wanted to see if it would make me tumble or not when you submit."
"okaaaaay" *pew pew pew*

I'm sure there are plenty of people you could talk to and just ask before trying any interdicting. If only because it would be good to know.
16 Oct 2018, 6:48am
Reverend TZW
Silver Taffer
Victor CronosA newboid question please.

If I submit to an interdiction I realise that I come out steady and in good shape with no damage and a short FSD charge up. But what happens to the nasty person trying to kill me? Do they get hull damage etc or are they in the same state as me?

They should come out the same as you as they have won the interdiction against you, although you submitted, they will appear behind you at full strength.

Fly safe Cmdr's

My understanding is that the interdictor 'tumbles' out of supercruise and takes minor module damage and long FSD cool-down which is why submission gives the interdicted Cmdr a slight advantage to make a get-away.
Can anyone confirm this? 07

Can confirm that whenever I successfully interdict an NPC, I drop out of supercruise tumbling and completely out of control for five or six seconds with minor hull integrity damage. Never checked the FSD cooldown as I'm too busy trying to regain control, deploy hardpoints and lock-on to the target. So I hope that happens to NPC's that I submit to.

If you fall out of hyperspace tumbling, you have NOT successfully interdicted. In the last remaining seconds keep your ship pointed at the target, the indicator on your HUD turns blue when aimed right at your target ship, if you finish the interdiction with a blue indicator you come out it a right sweet spot right behind the target a few 100 meters away without spinning., the key is to finish the interdiction right on target.
16 Oct 2018, 7:01am
Kari KerenskiHey, you guys could like, I dunno, interdict someone and see what happens for yourselves!

Explore! Experiment! Explode! (okay, maybe not so much of the last one)

I can see how that plays out:

"hi there! I just wanted to see if it would make me tumble or not when you submit."
"okaaaaay" *pew pew pew*

Sounds fun! Good luck!
16 Oct 2018, 10:11am
Reverend TZW
Silver Taffer
Victor CronosA newboid question please.

If I submit to an interdiction I realise that I come out steady and in good shape with no damage and a short FSD charge up. But what happens to the nasty person trying to kill me? Do they get hull damage etc or are they in the same state as me?

They should come out the same as you as they have won the interdiction against you, although you submitted, they will appear behind you at full strength.

Fly safe Cmdr's

My understanding is that the interdictor 'tumbles' out of supercruise and takes minor module damage and long FSD cool-down which is why submission gives the interdicted Cmdr a slight advantage to make a get-away.
Can anyone confirm this? 07

Can confirm that whenever I successfully interdict an NPC, I drop out of supercruise tumbling and completely out of control for five or six seconds with minor hull integrity damage. Never checked the FSD cooldown as I'm too busy trying to regain control, deploy hardpoints and lock-on to the target. So I hope that happens to NPC's that I submit to.

If you fall out of hyperspace tumbling, you have NOT successfully interdicted. In the last remaining seconds keep your ship pointed at the target, the indicator on your HUD turns blue when aimed right at your target ship, if you finish the interdiction with a blue indicator you come out it a right sweet spot right behind the target a few 100 meters away without spinning., the key is to finish the interdiction right on target.

I shall try this today, when I've woken up properly.
16 Oct 2018, 10:30am
let me know if it works, my next trail is cone supercharging
16 Oct 2018, 3:33pm
Make sure to hit the brakes after a successful interdiction lest you slam into your target. Pip up your shields, too!
16 Oct 2018, 5:32pm
I have found that if your speed is set above about halfway up the blue sweet spot bar you tumble on a successful interdiction, less than that and you come out smooth as butter. Once you get the tether decrease speed to 'just inside the blue' always seems to work for me. At least it has always seemed that way for me and seems to work.
16 Oct 2018, 5:35pm
Kari KerenskiHey, you guys could like, I dunno, interdict someone and see what happens for yourselves!

Explore! Experiment! Explode! (okay, maybe not so much of the last one)

Gonna try that out for the information.......... good idea 07
16 Oct 2018, 6:20pm
Kari KerenskiHey, you guys could like, I dunno, interdict someone and see what happens for yourselves!

Explore! Experiment! Explode! (okay, maybe not so much of the last one)

I can see how that plays out:

"hi there! I just wanted to see if it would make me tumble or not when you submit."
"okaaaaay" *pew pew pew*

I'm sure there are plenty of people you could talk to and just ask before trying any interdicting. If only because it would be good to know.

An NPC you interdict will not shoot first. Neither will most players.
17 Oct 2018, 4:52am
Phelbore An NPC you interdict will not shoot first. Neither will most players.

oh yea? Well I'm sure the NPC you interdict will want to make it clear that you have 15 seconds to give up your cargo before they start firing; because you will jettison your cargo rather than continue firing at them.

As for players, they can do it without warning, and they don't have to target lock you before they start firing.... so you won't always get the convenience of a scan warning.

So, the moral is to strike up a conversation, before you engage in "hostile action."  
Interdicting someone is considered a hostile action.
It may not put a bounty on you, but it's still not a handshake.
17 Oct 2018, 5:06am
oh yea? Well I'm sure the NPC you interdict will want to make it clear that you have 15 seconds to give up your cargo before they start firing; because you will jettison your cargo rather than continue firing at them.

I've interdicted thousands of NPCs. What you describe has never happened when I've done so.

So, the moral is to strike up a conversation, before you engage in "hostile action."  
Interdicting someone is considered a hostile action.
It may not put a bounty on you, but it's still not a handshake.

It is certainly practical to state your intentions before starting an interdiction, but it's not a moral issue. Neither is it always a hostile action - do you turn to attack Police and Navy ships that interdict you as part of their routine patrols?

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