Elite: Game talk

18 Dec 2015, 8:35pm
SquidLiquorMe neither, that's why I'm wondering how it's done.

From what I understand, your group would have to be approved by someone at Frontier. They're the only ones who can add a player-based minor faction into the game. Who to talk to, I wouldn't know. I'd check around on the official forum somewhere. One of the mods there might know something.
18 Dec 2015, 8:41pm
I suppose is like Hutton Truckers, it is a minor faction on Alpha Centauri.
18 Dec 2015, 8:50pm
SquidLiquorMe neither, that's why I'm wondering how it's done.

Just found out, they change their CMDR name.

Hmm, they all claimed that they didn't do that..
18 Dec 2015, 8:52pm
SquidLiquorMe neither, that's why I'm wondering how it's done.

Just found out, they change their CMDR name.

Hmm, they all claimed that they didn't do that..

18 Dec 2015, 9:02pm
Of course all this begs the question, what's the point of setting up a faction if you can't join it?
18 Dec 2015, 9:07pm
SquidLiquorOf course all this begs the question, what's the point of setting up a faction if you can't join it?

Yep ik they are working on a better system to join it but that should have been done when they started allowing player controlled factions
19 Dec 2015, 12:22am
I started a player controlled minor faction and here is what I did.

Sended a email to Brett C

Group Name:
Faction Name:
Government Type

After they get your submission they will usually get you faction in game within a server side update or two Description usually can take longer for some reason I guess its harder adding in user generated text.

After that the person who submitted the Faction will be added to the Group Leaders Forum on FD where you can chat and complained about all manner of things pertaining to groups and minor factions Any other questions?
19 Dec 2015, 7:48am
SquidLiquorMe neither, that's why I'm wondering how it's done.

Just found out, they change their CMDR name.

I know that the GPL Members get their GPL Tag from Frontier. For the big work they have done and still do for the Community.
For new Members they have to write a Mail to the support to have the Tag added to the Name !

Maybe simple CMDR Name Change would add you also a fake Tag but that´s not the same
19 Dec 2015, 2:36pm
SquidLiquorMe neither, that's why I'm wondering how it's done.

Just found out, they change their CMDR name.

I know that the GPL Members get their GPL Tag from Frontier. For the big work they have done and still do for the Community.
For new Members they have to write a Mail to the support to have the Tag added to the Name !

Maybe simple CMDR Name Change would add you also a fake Tag but that´s not the same

That's one of the things I haven't liked about Frontier's delivery of an online gaming experience. It's been a lot like Animal Farm.
19 Dec 2015, 4:12pm
Nathanc213Does anyone know of good locations to pick up pirate kill missions

Laedla and surrounding systems (once you start gaining favor in Laedla) has been very good to me. No end of BH missions and some nice trade missions if you want to change it up along the way.
19 Dec 2015, 5:18pm
I hope this is a soon to be fixed bug, but today I started play penniless, harmless, clueless....0% on all factions and all of my hard earned  allied status with factions gone.  What is this?  Surprise, Surprise, Surprise.  Only thing that was still around was my cutter.   I AM NOT STARTING OVER AGAIN.
I was 39% from becoming ELITE Trader.  OMG!

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 19 Dec 2015, 6:25pm
19 Dec 2015, 6:22pm
need advice
Vulture or Asp explorer?

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 19 Dec 2015, 6:26pm
19 Dec 2015, 6:26pm
311-Knightneed advice
Vulture or Asp explorer?

For murder or trade? Former for the former, latter for the latter.
19 Dec 2015, 6:30pm
WILD BILL CODYI hope this is a soon to be fixed bug, but today I started play penniless, harmless, clueless....0% on all factions and all of my hard earned  allied status with factions gone.  What is this?  Surprise, Surprise, Surprise.  Only thing that was still around was my cutter.   I AM NOT STARTING OVER AGAIN.
I was 39% from becoming ELITE Trader.  OMG!


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