Elite: Game talk

14 Jan 2016, 12:12am
Mila Strelok
Jack Dekerdt
ArtieJust to correct - from EDDN. EDDB.io is great site without any doubts, but has very little to do with EDMC and data sharing on EDDN (is just subscriber there, same as Inara).

LMAO, now I'm confused...Artie, how do you want me to provide market data, thanks.

I just was wrong about the name, the rest of my statement was right.


That's the one.
14 Jan 2016, 7:12am
Hello guys! I'm trying to raise my empire rank from Baron to Earl, but method described in the ED forums is too tedious (making donations).
Can you please suggest some station that generates lots of pirate hunting missions? Before 1.5/Horizons FABIAN CITY in HIP 20277 was doing it, but seems like thats not the case any more...
14 Jan 2016, 8:18am
MerinidHello guys! I'm trying to raise my empire rank from Baron to Earl, but method described in the ED forums is too tedious (making donations).
Can you please suggest some station that generates lots of pirate hunting missions? Before 1.5/Horizons FABIAN CITY in HIP 20277 was doing it, but seems like thats not the case any more...

where do you try to make donation missions and how do you approach the task? It's still the best way to rank up in Empire if you can bare with the monotonous task. Just tune in to your favorite radio station or tv series and you might endure the process with ease.

  • head out to Cubeo - Weaver Vision with your best ship with the biggest cargo hold you can fit (100+)
  • Buy commodities that are often request in donation missions. I fly to Karsuki Ti - West Market for all available Food commodities + Karsuki Ti - Ikeya Vision for Foot Cartridges and Basic Medicines
  • head back to Cubeo - Weaver Vision
  • look at the bulletin board for donation missions and only take those you can turn in immediately (If you have to abandon a mission, it will drop rep a little bit)
  • do the Open > Private > Solo dance, i.e. go back to main menu and select the next play mode
  • if 2-3 full dancing circles still give the same missions and no new donation missions pop up, then return to the desktop and restart either in 64bit normal or 64bit horizon client

Last edit: 14 Jan 2016, 2:11pm
14 Jan 2016, 8:25am
Wow thanks a lot AreeZee i will definitely try this out!

p.s. I actually do a lot of trading in my Clipper at your faction's station in APURUI
14 Jan 2016, 8:52am
MerinidWow thanks a lot AreeZee i will definitely try this out!

p.s. I actually do a lot of trading in my Clipper at your faction's station in APURUI

why not join PZN then or start supporting Zemina, if you like it in Apurui you'll love it in our "small" wing of dedicated Torval Supporters

P.S. it's AreZee not AreeZee, basically the initials R.Z. of my character: Rob Zacharias
14 Jan 2016, 9:05am
Sorry it was a typo.
And yeah maybe . But most of my friends are imperial supporting bounty hunters (I sometimes do bounty hunting too) therefore we are pledged to the Emperor's faction
14 Jan 2016, 2:14pm
MerinidSorry it was a typo.
And yeah maybe . But most of my friends are imperial supporting bounty hunters (I sometimes do bounty hunting too) therefore we are pledged to the Emperor's faction

I'm in Laedla under Torval and trading is pretty good in my clipper and I have a DBS for BH. This is a pretty lucrative area. I run the mercy missions and make donations as a matter of habit. Cash is easy but those little runs certainly add up so you might reconsider. I'm at 51% in Broker and the climb has slowed considerably but I keep at it.
14 Jan 2016, 2:29pm
Jack Dekerdt
MerinidSorry it was a typo.
And yeah maybe . But most of my friends are imperial supporting bounty hunters (I sometimes do bounty hunting too) therefore we are pledged to the Emperor's faction

I'm in Laedla under Torval and trading is pretty good in my clipper and I have a DBS for BH. This is a pretty lucrative area. I run the mercy missions and make donations as a matter of habit. Cash is easy but those little runs certainly add up so you might reconsider. I'm at 51% in Broker and the climb has slowed considerably but I keep at it.

nice to meet yet another Torval supporter, fly safe out there CMDR!
14 Jan 2016, 2:35pm
Jack Dekerdt
MerinidSorry it was a typo.
And yeah maybe . But most of my friends are imperial supporting bounty hunters (I sometimes do bounty hunting too) therefore we are pledged to the Emperor's faction

I'm in Laedla under Torval and trading is pretty good in my clipper and I have a DBS for BH. This is a pretty lucrative area. I run the mercy missions and make donations as a matter of habit. Cash is easy but those little runs certainly add up so you might reconsider. I'm at 51% in Broker and the climb has slowed considerably but I keep at it.

nice to meet yet another Torval supporter, fly safe out there CMDR!

Cool! Yeah she is not as flashy as some of the other Leaders but I have done well in her domain. And I dig older women, lol.
14 Jan 2016, 3:07pm
I just noticed something the windows in the control towers and buildings around the landing pad

are no longer 2d graphics .

we now can see in side the building them self when did this happen?
14 Jan 2016, 3:12pm
i think it was there all the time
14 Jan 2016, 3:14pm
TrendSonici think it was there all the time

No before it was just a yellow glowing decal .

must be with the horizons update..
14 Jan 2016, 3:20pm
Jack Dekerdt
Cool! Yeah she is not as flashy as some of the other Leaders but I have done well in her domain. And I dig older women, lol.

everyone his own reasons ... I guess
14 Jan 2016, 3:24pm
FrankfortI just noticed something the windows in the control towers and buildings around the landing pad

are no longer 2d graphics .

we now can see in side the building them self when did this happen?

Yeah, looking forward to the day we have station personnel moving about other than ther utility trucks...that will be amazing for immersion. Cruise up on a station and look in seeing farmers tending crops! Awesome.
14 Jan 2016, 4:23pm
Hi you clever dicks,
does anybody have an idea about the unidentified Signal in Pleiades Nebula, 23ly from Maia?

b?n?r? ??a??t L??: 27??3 ??n?: 9?.??

I gues like something

binary planet Lat: 27??3 Long: 9?.??

Last edit: 14 Jan 2016, 5:42pm

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