Elite: Game talk

30 Jan 2016, 5:38pm
Has anyone noticed more glitching since the outage yesterday? I'm seeing a LOT of audio stutter, and momentary halting of everything when there is much going on on screen (close quarters dogfight in a CZ). I've rarely seen this, and never this bad. I ask because I was also been messing about with ReShade/SweetFX around the time of the outage, so I don't know if it's something I did, or if it's "new".

I also updated the game (Horizons) yesterday, pre-outage, but gameplay felt fine until everything went dark for the night.
30 Jan 2016, 6:11pm
Anybody know about that new industrial materials CG, does it require anything specific or will any industrial materials do?
30 Jan 2016, 6:23pm
Jack Dekerdt
BeachwalkerGreat to be back in the seat again, especially with all the problems I've been having lately.
Now that I've upgraded to Horizons, I've got a new problem which I'm hoping some of you may be able to help me with.
It's simple problem really. . . . ..

COBRA . . . Mk.III or Mk.IV ??????

I've been flying around in my Mk.III for a while now and am impressed with it's handling in combat, not that I go looking for trouble, but there are a few bullies out there that need to be taken down a peg or two.
Will the Mk.IV be able to handle them just as well?

I'm sure a few of you will be familiar with both models and I would welcome any feedback you can pass on.

Much appreciated.

Depends on need but in every case I stuck with the MIII. The MIV, IMO, was a disappointment all the way around. SHOULD HAVE BEEN FREE to us Horizon purchasers but even then the added weight and HP with reduced speed just didn't do it for me.

Thanks for the feedback.
Is the jump range reduced as well? I'm into trading mostly, a bit of smuggling now and then, But if someone jumps me, I'm not going to run away.
Can the Mk.IV handle this?

Think of the MK IV as a bigger model, more hardpoints but also more weight, has a lot of internals tho so if you wanna trade it can have plenty of space, jump range is relative, around 24LY maxed out, there won't be a big upgrade from the mkIII to IV

Thanks, I might just try it out for a while. More cargo means more money!!!!!

I feel you. I went for the python over the mark iv. Glad I did.
30 Jan 2016, 6:27pm
TechowlAnybody know about that new industrial materials CG, does it require anything specific or will any industrial materials do?

I was wondering too. I picked up cg mission then server went down. Couldn't find any specifics. Be nice to know before I haul 224 tons of something i might take a loss on
30 Jan 2016, 7:53pm
Jack Dekerdt
TechowlAnybody know about that new industrial materials CG, does it require anything specific or will any industrial materials do?

I was wondering too. I picked up cg mission then server went down. Couldn't find any specifics. Be nice to know before I haul 224 tons of something i might take a loss on

I just went and brought about 128 superconductors, now I don't know if that is all they want but when I went to commodities to turn in that's the only option there was, it was probably just because it was all I had. Anyway it gives good and you profit, so no worries.
30 Jan 2016, 8:05pm
PvP etiquette - I-d appreciate some info on the "code"... what does "griefing" actually cover?

I mean, if I attack a player from another power, in independent space, is it ok - or rude? Am I supposed to only attack equal or superior ships? What about attacking a wanted player who belongs to my power?

Are we supposed to spare a downed opponent, or rather finish him?

I know everyone is free to be a gentleman or an ass, but Im curious to know if there is some form of galactic set of rules and etiquette, and cannot find it anywhere. Thanks.
30 Jan 2016, 8:13pm
Jax von MayPvP etiquette - I-d appreciate some info on the "code"... what does "griefing" actually cover?

I mean, if I attack a player from another power, in independent space, is it ok - or rude? Am I supposed to only attack equal or superior ships? What about attacking a wanted player who belongs to my power?

Are we supposed to spare a downed opponent, or rather finish him?

I know everyone is free to be a gentleman or an ass, but Im curious to know if there is some form of galactic set of rules and etiquette, and cannot find it anywhere. Thanks.

As I understand it in the terms of this game:
Attacking and killing another players with annoying them as main purpose.
30 Jan 2016, 10:36pm
So I often hear people talking about how many hours they've put into Elite: Dangerous but I can't seem to find where that information is posted. Is it for those who play the game through steal only or have I just missed it when looking through the menus? I imagine it's a rather obscene amount of time, but I don't know for sure
30 Jan 2016, 10:54pm
OzramSo I often hear people talking about how many hours they've put into Elite: Dangerous but I can't seem to find where that information is posted. Is it for those who play the game through steal only or have I just missed it when looking through the menus? I imagine it's a rather obscene amount of time, but I don't know for sure

You can find your total play time in "status" tab, under "statistics".
30 Jan 2016, 11:20pm
Pavel Zupara
OzramSo I often hear people talking about how many hours they've put into Elite: Dangerous but I can't seem to find where that information is posted. Is it for those who play the game through steal only or have I just missed it when looking through the menus? I imagine it's a rather obscene amount of time, but I don't know for sure

You can find your total play time in "status" tab, under "statistics".

nearly at the bottom of all the info
30 Jan 2016, 11:44pm
Thanks fellas. I'll check it out when I get home then (I thought I had, but I must have missed it).
Edit: On an unrelated note: CIA has released some old, but interesting stuff on UFOs.
Edit # 2: 665 hrs approximately. Or, not too far shy of four weeks solid gameplay.

Last edit: 31 Jan 2016, 8:20am
31 Jan 2016, 2:07pm
Ozram Edit: On an unrelated note: CIA has released some old, but interesting stuff on UFOs.

Wow, thank you! I'll definitely read this
31 Jan 2016, 8:47pm
Ozram Edit: On an unrelated note: CIA has released some old, but interesting stuff on UFOs.

Wow, thank you! I'll definitely read this

I find it an odd read because I keep having to remind myself it's not loose fiction on some lonely cooks website (full of misspellings and bad grammar), but rather the CIA webpage, and some of the "witness" accounts from fighter pilots. Especially interesting is that (aside from the clearly explainable natural phenomena and forgeries) one of the main arguments used to not worry too much about it (from their perspective) was that whatever it was they were documenting did not seem to pose any obvious threat. I'll have to read it with more patience at some point.
01 Feb 2016, 2:56am
I have a bug, I keep getting interdicted by adjustors even though im not in a power, after they interdict me they just float there and when I enter super cruise they interdict me again immediately
01 Feb 2016, 4:06am
Nathanc213I have a bug, I keep getting interdicted by adjustors even though im not in a power, after they interdict me they just float there and when I enter super cruise they interdict me again immediately

Had that happen to me once too. After the third time he interdicted me, I was sorely tempted to just turn around and blast him.
Cost me a mission too, the time waster.

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