EpisparhSimple congrats would be enough
Oh, most assuredly, my hearty Congrats!
QuillmonkeyWol ArnEpisparhOh , the reward surface scanner indeed gives better probes.
Yes, a 6 can now be scanned with 2 probes, a 7 with 3.
Big fan already. Saves quite a bit of time.
Also enjoying explo payout for my alt-account.
But, I'd still like to be paid for the CG tho. 12 mill Cr owing. Do they expect me to schlep back to Coalsack to pick it up? Or have they never heard of bank transfer?
Silver TafferIf it helps it is 5,436 Ly from Sol? I guess it depends on how ‘normal’ the ship is I get a plot of 101 jumps @ 60LY jump range. It would be an ideal journey for anyone looking to unlock Palin or Sedisi?
KhatziHi everyone,
First time posting anything on INARA.
Where to go if you want to discuss the current community goals. I need to find best RES locations. Im finding it hard during this CG to rack up bounties.
log into all your alts to get free ARX
what free ARX?
log into all your alts to get free ARX
what free ARX?
NevarousConjecture on my part, but throwing an idea out for fun. The completion of Rackham station could be a social hub alpha site--given that a bar is mentioned--for those that pre-ordered Odyssey. Given the relatively small number of players that can reach the system and the have pre-ordered, it may serve as a decent test case with controlled player numbers. And if FDev streamed live from such an event, it would drive sales of pre-orders (I'd imagine) as better evidence of actionable gameplay--nothing affecting in-universe, but all the mechanics setup.
Again, complete and utter theory-play on my part, but my brain is tired and thought it'd be a bit of fun.
Episparh Why you think that few players can reach it. I couldn't find any large gaps there. At least nothing that will be impossible for the average and popular exploration ships.
I plan to go there but can't decide should I go with Conda or a FC. In the later case I can make 5+k ly for Palin/Cloe for my alt.