EpisparhPC and consoles share same galaxy in terms of systems, stations and factions.
The market data is updated by players visiting the system/station. The market values should be same for console and PC regardless of who updated it.hello
Elite: Game talk
20 Feb 2021, 2:06am
20 Feb 2021, 6:59am
Celestialking01Are good effected by other players when Im in solo? Im doing the CG and have noticed that sometimes there are less goods than should be.
Sure. Other players' actions are having effect on station's stocks and demands, even if you can't see them flying around while playing solo.
20 Feb 2021, 7:02am
Matt DDumb question, but can the double engineered FSD offered as a CG reward be engineered to include an experimental effect?
Yes, experimental effect can be added.
20 Feb 2021, 7:21am
MeowersCelestialking01Are good effected by other players when Im in solo? Im doing the CG and have noticed that sometimes there are less goods than should be.
Sure. Other players' actions are having effect on station's stocks and demands, even if you can't see them flying around while playing solo.
Yes, and this is affecting crowdsourced market data as fewer people are using EDMC (at least that is my theory). The reason is because as soon as a high price for mining minerals is listed Fleet Carriers are jumping there to unload their goods. A month ago I personally discovered a market that was selling Painite for over $450k and watched in real time as the system filled with FC some 5 minutes after mine arrived. It was a scramble to sell my stores before the demand went from 8k to 1k. Ever since I haven't seen a high demand Painite system over $400k appear on the market data and there used to be one every 2 weeks.
20 Feb 2021, 8:25am
... Now I need to decide on what builds this FSD worth changing. I was thinking about explorers and haulers but I am not sure.
Any suggestions?
20 Feb 2021, 8:50am
... Now I need to decide on what builds this FSD worth changing. I was thinking about explorers and haulers but I am not sure.
Any suggestions?
Anything that needs to jump quickly - like haulers from an interdiction, but even a combat ship when losing - or often - like explorers, also bubble taxis - or both - like fuel rats. Actually every ship.
20 Feb 2021, 8:54am
Episparhwhat builds this FSD worth changing
This thing looks too big from where I sit. If only there was a class 4 option...
20 Feb 2021, 9:22am
Talking of CGs, I’d far rather have a CG where the reward was a full hold of materials - raw, encoded, manufactured.
20 Feb 2021, 9:32am
Claude_GlystraSo what is the difference between this FSD and one that I can engineer myself for long range?
This FSD has both the long range and faster boot modifications, so: even longer range than the long range (both modifications increase range), and very fast rebooting, at the cost of increased mass, power draw, and thermal load, and significantly decreased integrity (both modifications decrease integrity)
20 Feb 2021, 9:34am
Anything that needs to jump quickly - like haulers from an interdiction, but even a combat ship when losing - or often - like explorers, also bubble taxis - or both - like fuel rats. Actually every ship.
Yeah, sure. Check my fleet, I have 20 fully engineered 5A FSD modules.
I want to find a reasonable number.
Edited: I just realized I quoted the wrong message in the morning.
Last edit: 20 Feb 2021, 3:00pm
20 Feb 2021, 5:25pm
BurstarMeowersCelestialking01Are good effected by other players when Im in solo? Im doing the CG and have noticed that sometimes there are less goods than should be.
Sure. Other players' actions are having effect on station's stocks and demands, even if you can't see them flying around while playing solo.
Yes, and this is affecting crowdsourced market data as fewer people are using EDMC (at least that is my theory). The reason is because as soon as a high price for mining minerals is listed Fleet Carriers are jumping there to unload their goods. A month ago I personally discovered a market that was selling Painite for over $450k and watched in real time as the system filled with FC some 5 minutes after mine arrived. It was a scramble to sell my stores before the demand went from 8k to 1k. Ever since I haven't seen a high demand Painite system over $400k appear on the market data and there used to be one every 2 weeks.
I tend to find optimal trades while doing other things and when I look them up on inara or elsewhere, they're often not listed. As a result, I don't rely on these tools for the markets or trading outside of giving me a rough area of where to look or a rough idea of prices. I like that the games economy fluctuates like that and encourages us to move around.
20 Feb 2021, 5:41pm
EpisparhYeah, sure. Check my fleet, I have 20 fully engineered 5A FSD modules.
I want to find a reasonable number.
For exploration ships it's probably most needed. For most other purposes one engineering goal likely suffices.
And then there's the option of transferring modules between ships. But it's a bit cumbersome.
I am going to take a practical approach: I'll buy as many as my mat storage allows. Need to stock up on Datamined wake exceptions.
20 Feb 2021, 5:56pm
20 Feb 2021, 6:23pm
EnoidblackWhere can I get my reward from the last community goal? I was fighting for the Juiter Division.
" Victory's Forge will move to HIP 55014" & "Iron Wings of Justice megaship controlled by the Silver Legal Group will move to the Ts'ao Tach"
20 Feb 2021, 6:50pm
EpisparhEnoidblackWhere can I get my reward from the last community goal? I was fighting for the Juiter Division.
" Victory's Forge will move to HIP 55014" & "Iron Wings of Justice megaship controlled by the Silver Legal Group will move to the Ts'ao Tach"
Yes I was there in HIP 55014, today. Every service on board the carrier Victory's Forge are disabled. There is no other surface station of station in this system.
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