Elite: Game talk

08 Mar 2021, 4:49pm
EpisparhThe NPC pilot is a bait. Send it first, let the target chase it while you shred it from its six.

... My pilot last a lot unless I attack a wing where 2 nimble ships focus it. I am using one condor with fixed pulse lasers and a taipan with plasma. Tried Gu... but it is destroyed if someone sneeze in its general direction.

This was my approach as well but it got my pilot get killed quickly because the NPC immediately focused all the fire on that little fighter.

Now, I attack first with her defending me. This "distracts" the NPC to a large degree, my shield tanked Corvette takes all the fire while my fighter pilot can happily shoot the target. She hasn't died on me since.
08 Mar 2021, 5:24pm
Fighters are very vulnerable to gimballed hitscan weapons, so I always get the one that have chaff.
08 Mar 2021, 5:28pm
WarCat72Is it safe to ask questions in here that show my general ignorance about certain game mechanics?

WarCat72Is it safe to ask questions in here that show my general ignorance about certain game mechanics?

There are no stupid questions. We are all learning, constantly

As we say in my neck of the woods, "The only stupid question if the one you never asked"
08 Mar 2021, 5:36pm
Soooo... today's Galnet article. Could we really see the birth of a fourth power with the Kumo Pirates?

Out Of Character I would actually welcome it as it would finally remove that wrongly asigned title of "big bad evil guys" from the Empire and its Imperial Slavery (which treats people well) and give it to the pirate scum and their actual slavery (with all its ugliness... you know: shock collars, getting beaten up, worked to death, barely enough to eat, etc)...
08 Mar 2021, 5:39pm
Thanatos au Grimmus
Sir Sprockettso I got a pair of Retribution Lasers and am thinking of putting them on a small fighter. They are fixed which makes them quite poky in their DMG. Eagle, Eagle MK2 or Imp Eagle are the ships I am thinking of putting these onto. what do you think commanders?

I had to look up what in the heck the "Retributor" laser is, so I must confess ignorance on the subject.

Useless PP beams from Mahon. Good if you need to make your dinner hot. Otherwise avoid.
08 Mar 2021, 5:51pm
Tengri Umai
Thanatos au Grimmus
Sir Sprockettso I got a pair of Retribution Lasers and am thinking of putting them on a small fighter. They are fixed which makes them quite poky in their DMG. Eagle, Eagle MK2 or Imp Eagle are the ships I am thinking of putting these onto. what do you think commanders?

I had to look up what in the heck the "Retributor" laser is, so I must confess ignorance on the subject.

Useless PP beams from Mahon. Good if you need to make your dinner hot. Otherwise avoid.

Sounds like Edmund Mahon is one dude I will not be pledging 4 weeks to.
08 Mar 2021, 6:51pm
will we ever see player owned settlements? like the ones that you find if you randomly scan a planet surface. im not talking about stuff like dav's hope, more just the tiny randomly generated outposts that sometimes have materials and sentry skimmers guarding them. maybe they can provide a passive income of mined materials, like coltan or bertandite.
08 Mar 2021, 7:24pm
EpisparhFighters are very vulnerable to gimballed hitscan weapons, so I always get the one that have chaff.

Excellent point, will definitely give it a shot!
08 Mar 2021, 8:02pm
Anybody up to farm some credits via wing massacre missions? We have plenty of them in Anima 100ly away from Ray Gateway. And im getting a little lonely doing it alone lol
08 Mar 2021, 8:12pm

So, NPC's are solid squares/triangles and actual players are hollow squares/triangles right?

Not so with mine and it never was. ALL ships are solid squares/triangles and I don't know why.

Has anybody else had this? Does anyone know why this is and if so is there a way to fix it? I have to check the target panel to differentiate between players and NPC's and, it's not a big thing, but it's bugging me...
08 Mar 2021, 8:19pm
I was coming back from a successful Scarlett Copse bounty hunting mission (25M in total bounties) when I was interdicted a few moments away from Spirit of Laelaps. It was a cute little Federal Gunship that lasted all of 10 seconds - just glad I had some ammo to spare for the lil' guy.
08 Mar 2021, 9:55pm
Evenign CMDRS. I am in Solo doing CG trucking and Bounty Baiting and cannot seem to access system chat, i can only get local chat. Has FDEV shut down system chat? Or have I pressed something that I am missing?
08 Mar 2021, 10:04pm
Sir SprockettEvenign CMDRS. I am in Solo doing CG trucking and Bounty Baiting and cannot seem to access system chat, i can only get local chat. Has FDEV shut down system chat? Or have I pressed something that I am missing?

Yeah, system chat seems to be really wonky lately. At times it even seems like you're recieving only half of the conversations that're going on.
08 Mar 2021, 10:11pm
Amata Lirein
Sir SprockettEvenign CMDRS. I am in Solo doing CG trucking and Bounty Baiting and cannot seem to access system chat, i can only get local chat. Has FDEV shut down system chat? Or have I pressed something that I am missing?

Yeah, system chat seems to be really wonky lately. At times it even seems like you're recieving only half of the conversations that're going on.

i have only got an EXCLAMATION mark on the tab for chat and I can only access local and not even tab to SYSTEM....
08 Mar 2021, 10:15pm
I had a missing tab recently, but that was only some sort of display bug. The tab reappeared after I flipped the pages a few times, if I remember correctly.

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