Elite: Game talk

12 Nov 2015, 2:06pm
Hello, I'm totally new to here. ABout ten minutes in fact. How do I invite people to a Wing on here and whats a discord invite? I've no idea.
12 Nov 2015, 2:27pm
Hello Ben, there is no direct way how to invite people into the wing (to avoid easy spamming), but you can point them to your wing page and there is "Join XXX" form on the right side, where they can request to join your wing. Discord in wing settings is just when you have your own Discord server (something like Teamspeak) created and want to use it's widget on your wing page.
12 Nov 2015, 2:39pm
Thanks Artie.

Can you give me an example of the URL for a wing page just so I can make sure I send the correct thing.

I have set-up a Discord Server (free) but can not find the permanent URL? Do you know where I should look? I've been clicking what looks like helpful links but Im a bit lost on the interface.

I never realized the Inara site was so cool.

Thanks again
12 Nov 2015, 2:45pm
You can just copy and paste the URL, so for your wing it is: http://inara.cz/wing/379

The permanent link is hidden a little bit on Discord, if I remember correctly you must go to it's channel (advanced) settings and there you can manage invite URLs and can set their expiration date (set it to Never). Somebody correct me if I am wrong.
12 Nov 2015, 7:38pm
Grind through Baron (trading) seems interminable, lol. Taking a break to do some BH but still running cargo...ugh.
12 Nov 2015, 9:00pm
13 Nov 2015, 5:17am
13 Nov 2015, 5:23am
I know it has been talked about ad nauseum on the FD forums but I find it strange that salvage laws do not exist in the sense that I am happily flying along and cargo appears within sensor range. Now, I didn't waste the ship that carried it but if I pick it up I am in possession of 'stolen' goods. It would seem there ought to be a way to differentiate between salvagers and pirates when it comes to 'found' cargo, that is the status of the salvager ought to have a bearing on designating whether cargo is 'illicit' or not.

Ok, minor rant over.
13 Nov 2015, 5:36am
Jack DekerdtI know it has been talked about ad nauseum on the FD forums but I find it strange that salvage laws do not exist in the sense that I am happily flying along and cargo appears within sensor range. Now, I didn't waste the ship that carried it but if I pick it up I am in possession of 'stolen' goods. It would seem there ought to be a way to differentiate between salvagers and pirates when it comes to 'found' cargo, that is the status of the salvager ought to have a bearing on designating whether cargo is 'illicit' or not.

Ok, minor rant over.

I'm assuming it works on a valid possessor system, in which cargo is locked to a certain transponder, which itself is built onto/into either a cargo ship or a terminal. The cargo's manifest is set to "Illegal Salvage" if it loses the signal from the transponder, which of course happens upon ship blowing up. A pilot appears to have the option to deactivate this feature themselves (abandoning cargo), but I would assume they'd have little reason to do so if they were getting killed. It'd probably be something they can do to save themselves by paying the highwayman, so to speak.

It'd be really nice to have an option of being a legit salvage reclaimer for a faction, though. A company ship, once its pilot reaches a proper affection level with it, could in theory equip a universal transponder and go get it back for the company - or, on the flip side, a pirate could lay hands on a hot universal transponder and use it to take loads of "found" goodies to port without sweating the pigs.
13 Nov 2015, 6:19am
Sidenti Taalo
Jack DekerdtI know it has been talked about ad nauseum on the FD forums but I find it strange that salvage laws do not exist in the sense that I am happily flying along and cargo appears within sensor range. Now, I didn't waste the ship that carried it but if I pick it up I am in possession of 'stolen' goods. It would seem there ought to be a way to differentiate between salvagers and pirates when it comes to 'found' cargo, that is the status of the salvager ought to have a bearing on designating whether cargo is 'illicit' or not.

Ok, minor rant over.

I'm assuming it works on a valid possessor system, in which cargo is locked to a certain transponder, which itself is built onto/into either a cargo ship or a terminal. The cargo's manifest is set to "Illegal Salvage" if it loses the signal from the transponder, which of course happens upon ship blowing up. A pilot appears to have the option to deactivate this feature themselves (abandoning cargo), but I would assume they'd have little reason to do so if they were getting killed. It'd probably be something they can do to save themselves by paying the highwayman, so to speak.

It'd be really nice to have an option of being a legit salvage reclaimer for a faction, though. A company ship, once its pilot reaches a proper affection level with it, could in theory equip a universal transponder and go get it back for the company - or, on the flip side, a pirate could lay hands on a hot universal transponder and use it to take loads of "found" goodies to port without sweating the pigs.

Yeah, it would be nice to have 'some' salvage system in place especially with Horizons and the ability to interact with planet surfaces. One is going to find wreckage from a variety of sources and I believe I saw some missions in the demo(s) that indicated interaction with wreckage (go here, retrieve X). So, it would seem at least a precedent and the basic mechanics are present to allow for 'lawful' salvage. I don't know that it would have to be a full blown career but it would be a nice side profession to make some credits (as a percentage of recovered value). I can see traders and miners coming across wrecks in their travels.
13 Nov 2015, 6:48am
Sidenti TaaloWheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

13 Nov 2015, 5:08pm
Greetings, I search a very talented graphic artist that want to make something for me.
13 Nov 2015, 6:32pm
RudolphusGreetings, I search a very talented graphic artist that want to make something for me.

What's the pay?
13 Nov 2015, 7:17pm
Hey Space Explorers,

I just found this place through the Frontier Forums. I am looking for some compagnionship ingame to create some depth and fun in game ! How am I to go about this !?

Cu Niloss!
13 Nov 2015, 7:39pm
NilossHey Space Explorers,

I just found this place through the Frontier Forums. I am looking for some compagnionship ingame to create some depth and fun in game ! How am I to go about this !?

Cu Niloss!

Looks like you're already well on your way to that - have fun with the Paladins!

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