Elite: Game talk

21 Nov 2015, 8:42pm
Brad Mullet
Jack Dekerdt
Brad MulletHi,

I owe 200 creds to Jet Federal & co which I should pay in 18 hours, but I cannot for the life of me remember which star system the faction inhabits. I've been to so many systems........            

Does anyone know where I can search for them on this site? Tried MARKET on menu top right but it only searches for star systems.

I don't want a bounty on my head!

- Brad

Jet Electronics Limited
Fujin Independent
Jet Energy Company
LTT 18486
Jet Major & CO
LHS 1681 Independent

Jet State Holdings
Lacaille 9352 Independent

Here's the link


Good luck!

I've found a site where you can search for factions, amongst other things. It turned out that it was Partha that Jet Federal & Co. were at. Got over there pronto and paid their measley fine.

DUH.. the site was: https://eddb.io/station
23 Nov 2015, 9:52am
Is there an automatic way or a program linked to E:D that can fill in the information in the Commanders Log screen, or is it all done manually by each member?. If manually it would seem like a full time job, leaving not much actual game playing time and i'm a pensioner. lol
23 Nov 2015, 10:10am
Rockin' The AntieIs there an automatic way or a program linked to E that can fill in the information in the Commanders Log screen, or is it all done manually by each member?. If manually it would seem like a full time job, leaving not much actual game playing time and i'm a pensioner. lol

Unfortunately not yet I tend to only update if I gain a rank or switch powers. If I were to micro manage everything, it would take forever
23 Nov 2015, 10:48am
Rockin' The AntieIs there an automatic way or a program linked to E that can fill in the information in the Commanders Log screen, or is it all done manually by each member?. If manually it would seem like a full time job, leaving not much actual game playing time and i'm a pensioner. lol

Yes, there is a way. Get a good looking secretary and she will do it all for you!
23 Nov 2015, 12:20pm
Does Anyone know how to setup a Community Goal or know where to find a thread on the subject I have found all kinds for what to do when you get there, how to join ect but not how to set one up.

Also is there anybody interested in offering the Chindi-Malistso a Sanctuary World that our fleet can hold up till Galactic Cartographers find us a new home world.

Here are the current details on this community goal
A Sanctuary World this will be the starting point where all Cartography Data will be returned too, and where Daisy and I will guide the fleet to from 41 Lambda Hydrae.
A Star System with a agricultural world ( We are mostly farmers after all )
Preferred this Star System be at least 50 to 100 ly out away from the Major Powers
A Space Station in system would be preferred but maybe we can get a Community Goal going to build one if one doesn't exist
A route to this System from the Sanctuary System that will allow us to get there in 6 Ly intervals.
Worlds and Stations along the the suggested route to resupply the Colony Ships with Fuel, Food and Water.

I was also thinking it might be nice if we could get 14 dedicated pilots in T9's to simulate the convoy from the Sanctuary World to the new Home World. I know that is some serious commitment jumping at 6 ly intervals maybe if we schedule it well we can have pilots leave and new ones join keeping our number at 14 along the way.

The Background material for this Community Goal can be found on the Chindi-Malistso Overview

Last edit: 23 Nov 2015, 12:30pm
23 Nov 2015, 12:40pm
Rockin' The AntieIs there an automatic way or a program linked to E that can fill in the information in the Commanders Log screen, or is it all done manually by each member?. If manually it would seem like a full time job, leaving not much actual game playing time and i'm a pensioner. lol

Unfortunately not yet I tend to only update if I gain a rank or switch powers. If I were to micro manage everything, it would take forever

I was about to ask to ask you the same question for our Dark Circle site, but you have already answered it for me Bel
23 Nov 2015, 2:28pm
@Elyssia, All the info you need to our site is a short bio and a means for our members to enter their current location on our website roster page.
23 Nov 2015, 8:07pm
Today I learned that moving half a dozen ships to the edge of humanity takes a really, really long time.

And a lot of Adders.
23 Nov 2015, 8:12pm
Sidenti TaaloToday I learned that moving half a dozen ships to the edge of humanity takes a really, really long time.

And a lot of Adders.

How many ships did you have to move?
23 Nov 2015, 8:16pm
Daisy Kato
How many ships did you have to move?

23 Nov 2015, 8:22pm
Sidenti Taalo
Daisy Kato
How many ships did you have to move?


23 Nov 2015, 9:48pm
our system is Diaguandri. Pretty good location and 15% discount on ships and outfitting.
23 Nov 2015, 10:03pm
"... and Bel gets a 10% kickback from the station"

23 Nov 2015, 10:11pm
Hello Big Pappa, remember me?

Our faction gets a boost when players buy ships and modules from there. That's why Bel chose it. There is method in his madness:D

Hope he's still talking to me, I destroyed his Fer de Lance earlier today :o
23 Nov 2015, 10:20pm
Elyssia FieldsHello Big Pappa, remember me?

Well of course! ..

Elyssia FieldsHope he's still talking to me, I destroyed his Fer de Lance earlier today :o

I sure hope he wasn't in it at the time!!! LOL

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