Elite: Game talk

07 Dec 2015, 5:56pm
AI now broken with 1.4 patch. Its promised to fix it with 1.5, as I remember..
07 Dec 2015, 8:05pm
Sidenti Taalo

Also, is it me or have the AI ships regressed a bit? I remember they were given an intelligence boost in 1.3, and I don't think I've suddenly become so good at combat as to force ships to all-stop and spin in place in confusion over my mad murderin' skillz.

You know, at this point, I am getting dizzy trying to understand the AI, especially in RESs. Sometimes there are so many of them you could walk across them to spit on your target's cockpit. Smart or dumb, I try to stay out of their way, hit my targets and make it home for Happy Hour.
08 Dec 2015, 2:51am
Question for those with Horizons beta access - you can land on any airless planet, correct? Or do things like excessive heat or an airless water world come into play?
08 Dec 2015, 3:58am
Sidenti TaaloQuestion for those with Horizons beta access - you can land on any airless planet, correct? Or do things like excessive heat or an airless water world come into play?

I think it is just rocky, no atmosphere, worlds. Water worlds are a no right now for sure. Not sure about excessive heat. I haven't come across anything like that yet. I haven't seen that anyone else has either. You can land on Mercury in Sol. The biggest "issue" is on high gravity planets. Obsidian Ant has a video on YouTube showing how it may not be possible to land large ships on high gravity planets... at least in beta, maybe it is something they will tweak or maybe it will be like outposts, but even with small ships it is very difficult to land without crashing.
08 Dec 2015, 2:11pm
Kotto Okiah
I think it is just rocky, no atmosphere, worlds. Water worlds are a no right now for sure. Not sure about excessive heat. I haven't come across anything like that yet. I haven't seen that anyone else has either. You can land on Mercury in Sol. The biggest "issue" is on high gravity planets. Obsidian Ant has a video on YouTube showing how it may not be possible to land large ships on high gravity planets... at least in beta, maybe it is something they will tweak or maybe it will be like outposts, but even with small ships it is very difficult to land without crashing.

And here I was hoping to splash down into an endless ocean, searching for Kevin Costner. Ah well. Thanks for the clarification!
08 Dec 2015, 5:24pm
Just updated the graphics from HD 7750 to GTX 960. Noticeable framerate improvement, able to use Ultra settings fully now - but antialiasing still poor. Any tips for how to smooth the edges a bit better? I've seen some really nice screenshots posted here, but I've also seen a lot of shots that look like they have the same AA issues I'm having. :p
08 Dec 2015, 5:31pm
Sidenti TaaloJust updated the graphics from HD 7750 to GTX 960. Noticeable framerate improvement, able to use Ultra settings fully now - but antialiasing still poor. Any tips for how to smooth the edges a bit better? I've seen some really nice screenshots posted here, but I've also seen a lot of shots that look like they have the same AA issues I'm having. :p

I have the same problem, AA completely destroys my frame rate.

I just use FXAA, reduces a lot of rough edges, not completely smooth like the higher options but keeps me content while I get 60+ fps.
08 Dec 2015, 5:43pm

I have the same problem, AA completely destroys my frame rate.

I just use FXAA, reduces a lot of rough edges, not completely smooth like the higher options but keeps me content while I get 60+ fps.

Thanks! Will give FXAA a go then.
08 Dec 2015, 7:56pm
Sidenti TaaloAny tips for how to smooth the edges a bit better?

I play with a Rift DK2 and had same AA issues because of the high framerate required.
I turned on Dynamic Super Resolution (DSR) in nVidiaSettings which gave me some oversized screen resolutions, i then picked one of these in E:d. and turned off AA completely.

Worked out sweet for me
09 Dec 2015, 2:14am
I'm new. yay! to me...
I was wondering why Kaushpoos is the most visited system with 6% visiting it.
09 Dec 2015, 2:24am
09 Dec 2015, 3:10am
Heeeeeeeeeeeeey not to shamelessly promote my shitty content but i was wonder if anyone here could check out my logbooks ^__^;;;

I'm trying to get back at writing stories and i figured the Logbooks would be a good place to practice, sorta looking for feedback. Also its all done In character
09 Dec 2015, 7:24am
Seeker89I'm new. yay! to me...
I was wondering why Kaushpoos is the most visited system with 6% visiting it.

It was involved in a CG a couple of weeks back so I guess that would be it.

09 Dec 2015, 6:11pm
A location with 1 popular or several coincident CGs pulls a large population to it for awhile.
The most obvious causation is the pain in moving if you have more than 1 ship.
If you attempt to do multi CGs, you end up bringing a fighter for the Combat and another (Trader/Miner/Explorer) for the other CG. I did this at Kaushpous.
It forces most people to hang around waiting to find another CG or other goal to make moving worth the effort. My homebase was close so I relocated.
09 Dec 2015, 10:12pm
Curious if others see any benefit to targeting modules of NPCs? I'm BH in an A-rated DBS and it does not appear to me that there is much difference in targeting specific modules vs beam and spray with MCs. Against a Python, for example, I've targeted different systems and then just attacked against the ship in general. From a timing aspect, I am not seeing much of a difference. I consider myself a good pilot and I think that has more to do with time-to-kill than targeting or not targeting a specific module. I'd like to hear your opinion, thanks.

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