EpisparhSynthya WylderI am SO never going on an expedition again!
Haha, I was keeping note of your location... I would be bored in the first week... But then this was the time I needed to go to Semotus Beacon and get back to the bubble. Your best option back is Sag A* and hope for FC departuring soon to bubble or Colonia (you can use suicidewinder express from Colonia)
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't the suicidewinder trick simply place me back at the last landing pad I used, be that either a station, post or carrier? Doing that, I'd also lose any carto & Codex rewards.
I'd also like to avoid having to transport 4-5 ships with a total value of >1.6 bil credits, not counting a few stored modules, all the way back to whatever base I call home, currently (it looks like) >28K lightyears. I forgot the rough transport calculated cost guesstimate... I don't think it would be cheap, regardless.
Hitching a ride back on a carrier wouldn't be a solution either, for the aforementioned reasons.
My other option would be finding another game to play until the Alpha Odyssey is available in (supposedly) 11 days & making do with that on my primary (this) character. Sappho will simply have to go into stasis.
Any way I look at it, it was a bad decision, a huge mistake in fact... but this has been my 1st expedition, so I suppose I can be forgiven for not knowing. Now, I do. If anyone asks me in the future, it's not something I recommend.
"Fool me 1nce, shame on you. Fool me 2wice, shame on me."
I won't go into details in public as to why I've come to this viewpoint, but happy to do it via private.
Last edit: 18 Mar 2021, 1:58pm