Elite: Game talk

22 Mar 2021, 12:07pm
AjCalrissianMorning everyone - i wanted to canvass opinion on a ship change.

I'm currently in a Cutter ( but ive been in Large ships for quite a while now). The thing is, ive done all the engineering i need , its a shield tank combat cutter fitted out with all gimballs. In the HR, or CZ etc against NPCs its great. I can swat anything away, and so many shields i don't need to avoid anything . But i'm starting to feel the need for a new challenge. And i think i'd like to go down the route of a Fixed Weapon ship that has speed and agility that requires making the effort to not be hit, whilst hitting hard when the opportunity arises.

So what i'd be grateful for is a steer on what ship to get to learn how to do that, and when would be the best Fixed to learn with? Ive seen posts where people say the FDL with PA and Rails is the end game ship for this fixed style of fighting. But im not sure if i can just jump on that end game ship and find it works , maybe there is something before that which would be better to learn with? Ive seen a few of you use fixed weapons and smaller mid size fighter ships so i thought i'd ask. Any responses are appreciated . Thanks o7

Some excellent suggestions there. For me it would have to be the Chieftain. Superb agility, speed and plenty scope to play with fixed weapons. Although I have never tried them, Frag cannons should work very well in the 2 large slots. Only issue I have with the Chief is the slight twitchness when aiming (I use kb&m). Also very good value for money. Good luck.
22 Mar 2021, 12:19pm
Sir Sprockett... Though I take on the MRP and the extra cargo (again more for bounty baiting - hence the KWS) and I will probably go with the Bi Weave shields.

Using cargo to bait pirates in a vulture is ill advised. The last thing you want in a small ship is to give up first strike option and/or risk the possibility of adds all while simultaneously reducing your crafts survivability. If you're looking for a challenge then by all means go for the meme build, but, if you want to get the most out of what is already an inherently limited craft then I suggest you replace the cargo and collector slots with RPs of some type or another.

To add to Ep's salient point: kinetic only weapons are only going to teach you how to waste your time blowing your ammo on shields and jumping away empty handed. Enjoy your lessons either way CMDR o7
22 Mar 2021, 12:26pm
SakashiroI really want to experiment with engineered PAs but I just can't be arsed to do yet another mining session to unlock the engineer. Why does a combat-related engineer require a mining run anyway? What does mining have to do with combat?

I can't remember, what is the mining requirement (for which engineer)?
22 Mar 2021, 12:29pm
Bill Turner wants bromelite... and the Colonia's creep occupied escape pods.

I do not remember mining bromelite

...probably I did mined it as FCs were not around back then.
22 Mar 2021, 12:35pm
EpisparhI do not remember mining bromelite

I don't remember my mining runs either, probably because I spent them in a state of coma...
22 Mar 2021, 12:39pm

I don't remember my mining runs either, probably because I spent them in a state of coma...

Haha! How much you will pay per ton? I may spend an hour with Titan in some random pristine icy ring.
22 Mar 2021, 12:46pm
SakashiroI really want to experiment with engineered PAs but I just can't be arsed to do yet another mining session to unlock the engineer. Why does a combat-related engineer require a mining run anyway? What does mining have to do with combat?

i bought the Bromellite from an FC that I found selling its ware here on INARA

i paid 5mill for the honor - but it took me 20 mins to sort not the 2 hrs i would have actually mined for (as I  am not a miner)

...and same with the painite though that did take 3 different carriers for one to have some. again paid 3mill for the honor.

1st time in game that the FC concept has been useful for me!
22 Mar 2021, 12:51pm
Sir Sprockettextra cargo (again more for bounty baiting

If you're looking for that kind of experience, try wing massacre missions. They'll drop you into threat level 4 instances with 8 or more ships which are hostile by default. No need to bait them. I've done a few of those recently, and now hazRES feels kinda boring in comparison.
22 Mar 2021, 1:05pm
Sir Sprockettextra cargo (again more for bounty baiting

If you're looking for that kind of experience, try wing massacre missions. They'll drop you into threat level 4 instances with 8 or more ships which are hostile by default. No need to bait them. I've done a few of those recently, and now hazRES feels kinda boring in comparison.

indeed - this is why I am building a cheap ship for combat. The courier is good but not a dedicated fighter - i am not a good fighter pilot - even with NPC so need to learn.

Sir Sprockett... Though I take on the MRP and the extra cargo (again more for bounty baiting - hence the KWS) and I will probably go with the Bi Weave shields.

Using cargo to bait pirates in a vulture is ill advised. The last thing you want in a small ship is to give up first strike option and/or risk the possibility of adds all while simultaneously reducing your crafts survivability. If you're looking for a challenge then by all means go for the meme build, but, if you want to get the most out of what is already an inherently limited craft then I suggest you replace the cargo and collector slots with RPs of some type or another.

To add to Ep's salient point: kinetic only weapons are only going to teach you how to waste your time blowing your ammo on shields and jumping away empty handed. Enjoy your lessons either way CMDR o7

i have taken on board a lot of you said, and maybe have found a use for the Mahon Retribution beams - also I am using the 3a sg as this is the CG give away...

I have made a few changes


22 Mar 2021, 1:24pm
Sir SprockettI have made a few changes



I personally am not a fan of the Retributor lasers. The heat generation is more a nuissance effect that is almost worthless against larger ships, and not worth the decrease in dps. Also, I'm not sure NPC's are affected by heat damage.
22 Mar 2021, 1:24pm
Sir Sprockett

Yes, few things I want to point:
Why you pick the most expensive armor when you do not optimize its thermal resistance? Why you still lightweight armor and HRP? The only viable mod for armor is heavy duty/deep plating, same goes for HRP unless you have reflective armor in which case you use your smallest HRP as thermal resistant/ deep plating.

Weapon choice is again odd ... the thermal damage is too weak. Are you sure you didn't meant to put cytoscrambler?

Why shield booster is D? The lightest one is E and the strongest A.

Why the thrusters are still drive distributor - changing them to drag drives will give you +10m/s speed and better acceleration.

Not sure why you have A rated life support - you can go safely with D , plus you can always synth life support if needed.

Long range A sensors gives 11+ km range, you better go D long range which will give you 8.5km acquisition range.
22 Mar 2021, 1:26pm
EpisparhBill Turner wants bromelite... and the Colonia's creep occupied escape pods.

I do not remember mining bromelite

...probably I did mined it as FCs were not around back then.

Do you actually need to refine the Bromelite in a refinery, or can you just buy it from FC I wonder?
22 Mar 2021, 1:33pm
Do you actually need to refine the Bromelite in a refinery, or can you just buy it from FC I wonder?

No the guy just want bromelite. You can buy it from FC or let some pro miner get it for you and abandon it so your limpets can collect it.
22 Mar 2021, 1:33pm
For Selene Jean the requirement is to mine and refine, not for Bill Turner - you can just turn up with it from anywhere.

edit: Ninja'd o7 Episparh.
22 Mar 2021, 1:45pm
Sir Sprockett

The only viable mod for armor is heavy duty/deep plating

For armour this statement is debatable.  I too like HD/DP armour, but for the viper it does come at the cost of at least 6m/s just for the armour alone. (edit: to be clear, for HRPs HD/DP is best almost always).

As for choosing Reactive armour and not mitigating the thermal penalty:  for MGC the net resistance is -60%.  For RSC the net is +5%.  You claim HD/DP is only viable armour engineering but argue to do otherwise?  You can't have your cake and eat it too.  Yes, the thermal resistance for the armour set up is weak, but mitigated by thermal resistant shielding (his build says Kinetic but remember he'll be using the double engineered CG shields).

All other points are o-tay in my book.

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