Elite: Game talk

25 Mar 2021, 11:43am
Tengri UmaiFailing missions are not effective. It has some effect on BGS, but minor. Killing system cops was nerfed and not so good anymore too. Best way is to turn in bounty vouchers. Easy and fast, very effective. Problem is you need to have at least one system under your control with CNB/haz res site where you can farm this vouchers. Also the more levers of BGS you will push the better, but don't forget about influence cap per tick.

I'm not sure how this suggestion works. I want to decrease one factions influence, specifically. Bounty vouchers will only improve things for the controlling faction, which is who im trying to tank. Far as i can tell this is backwards, i dont want to help them i want to tank them and take control

BH vouchers will improve things for faction from which this vouchers are. So vouchers from your faction will boost you. Doesn't matter who is in control of system/station overall. But to get this vouchers you need system with CNB or haz res site under control of your faction. That's why such systems are very important in BGS. You basically farming vouchers in one place and then donating it in systems where your faction need a boost.

Last edit: 25 Mar 2021, 11:54am
25 Mar 2021, 12:10pm
Rat CatcherThere is plenty of good advice on BGS manipulation already mentioned.
The system you are trying to retreat and take control by default, providing there is no support for the faction, should be fairly easy using the levers suggested.

Any opposition at all will make it considerably harder to achieve.

I chose my squadrons home system and faction pledge with extreme care. We are on the very edge of Federation space, trying to control systems that had 0 player presence before we showed up. On the edge of the 30ly we bump into other player controlled systems, but we don't push in those systems at all, only focusing on systems with only default factions present. Haven't had any kind of resistance yet. We dont want any drama. If another group wants a system they can have it. We'll take the ones nobody wants

You should be vigilant not only about other PMF or adopted NPC factions, but also about poweplay. Each PP leader benefits from different government types. So you may end in conflict with BGS PP wings if your government type is bad for them. Most of the time diplomacy is works tho.
25 Mar 2021, 12:54pm
Yeah, Winters is the most local power but looking at CC i don't think she'll expand over any time soon. Even then, the NPC faction we support is fed and we would likely assist in a Winters takeover
25 Mar 2021, 1:08pm
o7 Greetings Commanders

So you need Prismatic Shields to protect your combat ship? Here is a quick and easy grind to achieve that goal.
After you have been aligned with Aisling Duval for a minimum of 4 weeks....
On a Wednesday I flew my longest-ranged ship to Wababa System, Roelofs Station. I had my Type 9 with 752 Tons of Cargo space ( around $2 M Cr from where it was at) delivered to Roelofs. When it arrives go to the Power Contact and buy 750 T of Media Materials. It is an expensive grind. You can only buy the Materials in 10 T lots, each costing $100,000, and it takes time. Buy 10 hit okay, select buy, buy 10 and repeat, 75 times at $100,000 per revolution equals $7,500,000 Cr.
Then fly to HIP 1572, about 18.54 Ly. Proceed to Cannon Station, about 88 Ls. (both stations have large pads so there are no issues there). Go to the Power Contact and sell/donate the 750 T of Media Materials. Then return to Roelofs Station. I picked up 752 T of leather, so I wouldn't be deadheading (Trader at heart) and made around $400 K Cr for my trouble.
I parked for the night. When you log back in the following day (Thursday after 0700 Game time,) you will find that you have been promoted to Rating 3 which unlocks the Prismatic Shield.
Go to outfitting, trade one of your 8E cargo racks for an 8A prismatic shield, your balance will be another $237,782, 735 lighter, but you will be good to go.
I hope this will help.
25 Mar 2021, 1:26pm
Why you waited 4 weeks before doing the merits? You should obtain 750 merits prior 4th week tick. By doing what you suggest you will be able to buy the stuff on the 5th week.

... and getting merits from combat is soo much more fun and do not require mindless clicking around to skip the wait time for CR.
25 Mar 2021, 1:47pm
OtohaYeah, Winters is the most local power but looking at CC i don't think she'll expand over any time soon. Even then, the NPC faction we support is fed and we would likely assist in a Winters takeover

Ethos is not important to Powerplay but Government type is. So if you're near Winters and the MF you support is Corporate then all is well. If it is not Communist, Cooperative, Feudal or Patronage then things might also work out.
25 Mar 2021, 3:08pm
Risca YinI've been running missions back and forth between stations and every now and then in SOLO mode I get refused landing, so after 1 or many tried they let me land, why does this happen?

a) presence and vacancy of landing pads of needed size (solo or not, if they don't have L-pads for big ships, or it's an outpost with one S-pad and NPC pilot is using it - they'll refuse);
b) overall non-hostile attitude.

Thanks. I mean I guess that makes sense, I just wish that the game would instead of saying denied would say please wait while the landing pad becomes available. You know like please circle the station and we will let you know when you can land. Then I just need to sit back and listen to elevator music and will be given a spot when available instead of pounding the may I land button 1 to X times, it seems like a bad design.

How does it work for Carriers, I see one buying XYZ but I can't land in solo mode, does one need to switch to general mode to use a carrier? Or is it something else?
25 Mar 2021, 3:12pm
Ryan Murdoc
OtohaYeah, Winters is the most local power but looking at CC i don't think she'll expand over any time soon. Even then, the NPC faction we support is fed and we would likely assist in a Winters takeover

Ethos is not important to Powerplay but Government type is. So if you're near Winters and the MF you support is Corporate then all is well. If it is not Communist, Cooperative, Feudal or Patronage then things might also work out.

We should be good
25 Mar 2021, 3:34pm
Risca Yin
How does it work for Carriers, I see one buying XYZ but I can't land in solo mode, does one need to switch to general mode to use a carrier? Or is it something else?

If you select the carrier in your nav (left) panel, it'll tell you whether or not you are authorized to land. If you're in solo, the NPC pilots never come in enough numbers to steal all the landing pads.
25 Mar 2021, 7:16pm
At the Valkyrie Crash site now. I just accessed the ship data log - fascinating stuff!
25 Mar 2021, 7:24pm
Thanatos au GrimmusAt the Valkyrie Crash site now. I just accessed the ship data log - fascinating stuff!

How did you manage to find it so fast? Been thinking of taking a random route from Mudhrid to any of the Marlinist Colonies Systems.
Any hint of where the Crash site is?
25 Mar 2021, 7:25pm
I can't take credit for discovering it, but it is in a system that has "Trianguli Sector" in it.
25 Mar 2021, 7:44pm
The system is:
Trianguli Sector GW-W B1-0
25 Mar 2021, 8:49pm
Wow! The Starport looks great!
25 Mar 2021, 9:39pm
My expectations were blown out of the water. I haven't pre-ordered anything in a long long time but I bought Odyssey just now. I do QA work and I feel this is a worthy project to donate some time to if it helps them release it bug free, so I'm gonna do that. I want it to succeed badly.

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